Asia was getting dressed when the bedroom door opened. Jumping, she pressed the tunic to her chest. Juan stood in the door with a red garment in his hand. Wearing a white silk bra and matching panties, she felt exposed. She remained behind the bed, using it as a barrier between them.

He threw the red material at her. “You didn’t come down to the restaurant for breakfast.”

In a reflex movement, she caught the fabric. “I overslept.”

“In the future, set your alarm. I have breakfast at eight sharp.”

He crossed his arms and leaned against the frame. When she didn’t move, he nodded at the dress she held in her hand. “Aren’t you going to put it on?”

It was an order, not a request. Asia dropped the tunic on the bed and hastily pulled the dress over her head. It was tight around the bodice with thin straps over the shoulders. The skirt flared out from her waist to fall in pleats around her thighs. Unlike the black dress from last night, it was a perfect fit.

“Don’t fret,” he said. “It wasn’t Marina’s. I had it brought in from Cartagena this morning.”

She fiddled with the hem. “Thank you.”

He stood, waiting silently, but she didn’t know what else he expected her to say. After a beat, she offered, “It’s pretty.”

“I’m having coffee with Garcia in my unit. Come over. I’ll have breakfast sent up.” His eyes traveled over her. “Fix your hair and don’t wear shoes.”

He turned and left down the hallway, leaving her with his commands.

Asia brushed her hair but didn’t apply make-up. She didn’t want to look attractive for Juan. Obeying his request, she walked barefoot to his unit. The guard opened the door when she approached. Male voices came from the upstairs lounge when she walked through the entrance. She recognized Garcia and Tony’s voices.

The marble floor was cool under her feet. Swallowing, she tried not to think of the event of the day before as she mounted the stairs. At the top of the staircase, her courage almost failed. The only thing that kept her going was fear of the consequences of disobeying Juan.

His voice drifted to her as she reached the landing. “He’s agreed, then?”

She stopped in the open door. Juan and Garcia sat on the white sofa, the one that had been covered with Jeanne’s blood, while Tony and Stefan were seated on the one facing them.

When Juan noticed her, he waved her inside without interrupting the conversation.

“Next week,” Garcia said.

“Where?” Juan held out his hand for her while he kept his attention on Garcia.

“He’ll confirm the place.”

Asia stopped next to Juan and forced herself to take his hand. He gave her fingers a squeeze.

“I knew he’d accept,” Juan said. “We’ve got him by the balls.”

Tony moved to the edge of his seat. “I want to check out the venue. I need a day’s notice, at least.”

“It won’t work like that, and you know it,” Garcia said.

Juan glanced at Asia. “Go get some breakfast.” He motioned at the dining room table.

She flinched at the order, but walked to the table where a pot of coffee and a plate of croissants were set out.

“His conditions were you and two guards, Juan,” Garcia continued. “Unarmed.”

Juan leaned back in his seat. “He thinks I’m a fool.”

Asia put a croissant she had no intention of eating on a plate. Even if there were no traces of blood left in the unit, the faint smell of disinfectant hung in the air, making her nauseous. She poured a cup of coffee with shaking hands.

Juan turned to Tony. “Have you found out anything about Nicolas?”

“He was reunited with Godfrey after he escaped from the lab where Adam got shot. Nobody knows how he got away.”

“Good.” Juan looked over his shoulder at her. “Come here.” He patted his knee before turning his attention back to his friends. “Nicolas is a weakness, Godfrey’s only living relative, and the son of a wife he loved very much.” He looked fondly at Asia as she settled next to him. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her closer. “I want to know everything about Nicolas. I want to know where he lives and what he eats. I want to know at what time of the day he shits.”

“Juan,” Garcia said in a soft voice, “information like that isn’t easy to come by. Godfrey protects him with his life.”

“Exactly.” Juan smiled. “The son is worth more than currency.”

Garcia brushed back his hair with his fingers. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“When will we know where and when this meeting is supposed to take place?”

“He’ll contact us in a couple of days,” Garcia said.

Juan nodded. “We’ll be ready.”

In the silence that fell over the conversation, Juan dragged his hand up her thigh under the hem of her dress. The cup rattled on the saucer as she clenched her knees together. He leaned over, aiming straight for her lips. Reflexively, she turned her head. Instead of kissing her mouth, his lips brushed over her cheek. She tensed, expecting retribution, but Juan only pulled away.