“The first wife died. His second wife, Adam’s mother, has relocated. She was last seen in Canada. Must have changed her identity. I don’t think she’s worth pursuing. He doesn’t seem to hold much affection for her. His only living blood relative is his oldest, Nicolas, who is supposedly a genius.”

Juan digested the information for a while. “Not much to work with, except for Nicolas.”

Garcia nodded. “According to my sources.”

“I’ve invested in his operations for years,” Juan said. “I want to meet him. In person.”

“I’ll ask.” Garcia scratched his head. “For obvious reasons, he’s a bit of a recluse these days.”

“As you said, he needs that app extension. Without my money, it’s not going to happen.” Juan cupped Asia’s knee. “He’ll see me.”

She barely contained her shiver.

“Marina, why don’t you get me a drink?”

Every time he called her by that name her insides shook. A look passed between Garcia and Tony. They had to be wondering if Juan was crazy, or maybe they already knew. She tried to smile and handed him her glass. He followed her movement with his gaze when she got up and sent her on her way with a swat on her backside.

Making her way across the deck, she was aware of people staring. Everybody knew Juan had shot Jeanne. Now they knew she’d taken Jeanne’s place. For all she knew, they thought she’d planted the idea in his head.

Eric stood to the side in a black tux with a tumbler in his hand. When she neared, he lowered his eyes, not offering her a greeting. She lifted her chin. Like she would grace him with a hello.

She was almost past him when he grabbed her wrist. She stopped, looking at where he clutched her arm.

Clearing his throat, he let her go. “Thanks for not asking him to shoot me. I guess a lot of people in your situation would have.”

“Thanks for helping me,” she said with a cutting tone.

He lifted his gaze to hers. “What could I do? She had a gun, for God’s sake.”

Her smile was cold. “Did you enjoy watching?”


“Don’t you dare say my name. It’s Ms. Sommer to you.” She lifted her chin. “Did it get you off?”

“No,” he said with a feeble shake of his head.

She uttered a bitter laugh. “Liar.”

“I’m sorry.” His shoulders sagged. “It made me sick.”

“That’s it? That’s your apology?”

“I’d like to come see you.” He gripped her shoulder and continued in an urgent tone, “Give me an hour. We’ll say it’s for a massage.”

She rolled her shoulder to shake off his touch. “Get your hands off me. I don’t know what you think I am, but I’m not that.”

Eric’s eyes flared as he looked at something behind her.

Juan appeared next to her. “Is there a problem?”

She put space between her and Eric. “I was just telling Eric that I don’t have any appointments available.”

Eric cleared his throat again and nodded at Juan. “Excuse me.” He lifted his glass. “I need a refill.”

When he was gone, Juan took her elbow and turned her to face him. “Did he bother you?”

“No, I just didn’t like his hands on me.”

He moved her to the side and released her. She leaned with her elbows on the rail, clasping her hands together and staring at the sea so she didn’t have to look at him.

Mimicking her stance, he said, “That’s what I like about you. Jeanne didn’t mind being shared. She welcomed it a bit too much for my liking. Marina wasn’t like that.”

Asia made the mistake of glancing at him. The intensity in his eyes was frightening.

“I won’t share you,” he said. “I saw him from over there,” he motioned at the couch, “and I didn’t like it.”

She swallowed. The last thing they needed was another murder. “He was just apologizing for this morning.”

“Was he now?” It didn’t sound like he believed her. “He’s a valuable asset to my business, but he’s young. He still has a lot to learn.”

What was he saying? That Eric was disposable?

Juan traced the arch of her neck. “As long as you remember who you belong to.” He trailed his fingertips over her collarbone. “Let’s get that drink.”

She followed him blindly, her heart in her throat. What if Juan couldn’t keep his promise? What if his self-control unraveled before she managed to escape?

At the bar, Juan kept his hand on her back. To his credit, Sean didn’t look at her while he poured Juan’s rum. Just as well, because Juan was watching Sean like a hawk.

For the rest of the evening, she didn’t dare glance at Sean or any other man. After Eric had intercepted her, Juan didn’t let her out of his sight. She’d have to find another opportunity to tell Sean what she’d heard about Godfrey.

The yacht anchored at the island after eleven. She was a ball of tension when the guards walked her and Juan back to the rooms. She didn’t know what to expect.