He cursed.

He waited.

She didn’t look back.

Fury burned in his veins as he made his way to the boat and stepped onboard. The skipper regarded him curiously.

“Shopping list,” Sean bit out.

The skipper grinned. “No wonder it took so long. A woman and her shopping list would get my balls in a knot, too.”

Sean left him to grin through his misunderstanding. He went to the back to stew in his anger. A few miles into the sea, he removed the tablet from his backpack and switched it on. This time, there was a connection, but not via the secure satellite network. He sent a quick message to Cain.

S: We need to talk.

C: The line isn’t secure. What do you suggest?

S: Meeting.

C: Same place?

S: One hour.

Lann guarded the door of Jerry’s Pub when Sean arrived. Cain and Joss waited at the table in the back.

Suzie shot him an uncertain look when he entered. “They said they were waiting for you. I couldn’t reach you on your cell phone, and since Jerry never answers his damn phone—”

“Don’t worry.” He moved past her. “I called the meeting.”

“You could’ve called and let me know, asshole,” she called after him.

Informing Suzie of his meeting had been his last intention.

“You’re lucky we’re still in Cartagena,” Cain said when he reached them. “We were supposed to head out this morning.”

Sean dumped the tablet on the table. “This piece of shit doesn’t work.”

Cain lifted an eyebrow. “It works fine. We got the photos you uploaded.”

“It didn’t work when I needed it, for fuck’s sake.”

Joss crossed his arms. “A satellite glitch. Maya fixed it.”

“What’s wrong?” Cain asked.

Sean kept his mouth shut as Suzie came up to their table.

“Can I get you guys something to drink?” she asked.

“Espresso, please,” Cain said with a charming smile.

“Same for me,” Joss said.

“Sure.” She looked at Sean. “You?”

“Nothing,” he said with impatience, barely holding himself back from snapping at her.

Suzie ran her gaze up and down Joss. “I know you’re taken.” She turned her attention to Cain. “How about you, honey?”

Cain chuckled. “I’m flattered.”

Sean’s eyes burned from a lack of sleep. He’d been up for most of the night, worrying and scheming. He rubbed them with the heels of his palms. Could they just get down to fucking business? “He can read your mind, Suzie.”

She gave an uncertain laugh. “What?”

“Yeah.” Sean faced her squarely. “Every thought that’s going through your head right now, he can see.”

“Haha.” She slapped Sean on the arm. “Very funny.”

“I like the black satin sheets and the red underwear very much,” Cain said, “but the whip…” He rubbed a finger over his chin. “Never been my style.”

Suzie’s cheeks flushed ruby red. She shot Cain a startled look before rushing off without a backward glance.

“My apology for my crassness,” Cain said. “It was the quickest way to get rid of her.”

A grin tugged at the corner of Joss’s mouth. “Do you think we’re still getting our coffee?”

Sean didn’t give a damn about their coffee. “There’s been a complication.”

Cain leaned back in his chair. “What kind of complication?”

“Instead of reading Suzie’s mind, why don’t you delve into mine and figure it out for yourself?”

“It’s hard work.” Cain’s patient smile didn’t fool Sean. The commander was like a cobra, playing dead but ready to strike. “Besides, I live by a code of conduct, as you know. I only enter where I’m invited.”

Cain wasn’t exactly welcome in his thoughts. He’d meant the jibe as an insult. Lowering his voice, he said, “Juan took Asia.”

Joss and Cain stared at him passively.

“Did you hear the fuck what I said?”

Cain tilted his head. “And?”

“And?” Sean balled his hands into fists. “Fucking and? He put a perimeter collar on her.”

“Ah.” Cain glanced at Joss. “I think Sean has feelings for the girl.”

“It’s definitely gone physical,” Joss said.

Sean looked between the two men. “Are you done? You need to pull her off the island.” He pointed a finger at Cain. “You got her there, and you’ll bring her out. Unharmed.”

“You’re missing a crucial point,” Cain said.

“Yes. The crucial fucking point is that Juan is crazy and right now he can be…” Sean broke off. The mere thought choked him. “He could be doing anything to her.”

“She’s valuable to us close to him, more than you.”

He fumed. “She’s not a pawn in your game.”

Cain didn’t as much as blink.

Suddenly, the pieces snapped together. “You shameless piece of—”

“Easy with the insults,” Cain interjected.

“You played her.” Disbelief surged through Sean even as the truth settled like a block of concrete in his stomach. “You set her up.” His fury turned to hatred. “Where did you find a look-alike of Marina? How far did you search? How long did it take?”

“Everything happens quicker when you have resources.” Cain didn’t even bother to deny the accusation. “We found her three months ago in Denmark.”

“What?” Sean exclaimed. “How did you get her here?”