He uncrossed his arms and walked to her. With tenderness she hadn’t expected, he brushed a curl behind her ear. “Asia.”

It was one of the rare times he used her name instead of calling her a cat, and the way he said it made her go still.

A knock sounded on the door, early for visitors. She glanced at Sean with a frown. Worry reflected in his eyes as he went to the door and opened it. Juan leaned in the frame, dressed in a blue T-shirt and white Bermuda shorts. One of his bodyguards stood a short distance away. The guard had exchanged the black suit for a white golf shirt and khaki shorts, but he still carried a pistol in a holster on his hip.

Her throat went dry.

Sean blocked the door with his body and said in a tight voice, “Mr. Hernandez. What can I do for you?”

Juan peered around Sean to offer Asia a smile. “Ah, there’s the object of my affection.”

She cleared her throat. “How can I be of assistance, Mr. Hernandez?”

Juan’s eyebrows knitted together. “You’re going to call me Juan, like I told you to, and I’ll call you Marina.”

What? Was this a joke? She looked at the guard, hoping to find her cue in his countenance, but he remained impassive.

“I’m going on a fishing excursion,” Juan continued, “and when I get back, there’s a private matter I’d like to discuss with you. Shall we say eleven, in my suite?”

She swallowed, aware of Sean’s furious gaze burning on Juan’s face. The last thing they needed was a fight. Sean’s fists stood no chance against a pistol.

“I have appointments scheduled all day,” she said. “All my time slots are full.”

“I’ll tell Leona to clear them from eleven.” Juan turned to Sean. “Miss Sommer assured me there are no feelings between the two of you. I gather from your actions that you’re something like a big brother to her. While I admire your protective instincts, I won’t tolerate interference.” He patted Sean on the shoulder and said without waiting for a reply, “Good. It’s settled then. I look forward to tonight’s show.” With a nod at Asia, he turned and left with his bodyguard.

The minute they were gone, Sean slammed the door. He hastily pulled on a T-shirt and sneakers before grabbing her bag. “Is this it, or do you have more to pack?”

“That’s it.” She had no intention of waiting around to find out what private matter Juan wanted to discuss.

“Let’s go.”

Taking her elbow, Sean led her to the jetty where the boat that had delivered the daily supplies was still anchored.

The skipper was overseeing the cleaning when they walked up to the vessel.

“Hey,” the man said when he noticed them. “What’s up?”

“She’s going back to the mainland,” Sean said. “Can you give her a lift?”

The bulky man looked Asia up and down and then his gaze widened as he fixed it on a spot behind her.

“That won’t be necessary,” a female voice said.

Asia would recognize that husky voice anywhere. Turning slowly, she faced Jeanne, and then she understood the reason for the skipper’s expression. Jeanne was pointing a gun at them.

Chapter 5

Though Jeanne was dressed immaculately in a white summer dress and strappy heels, she looked haggard. Her make-up didn’t hide her puffy, bloodshot eyes and the dark circles underneath.

“Easy, Jeanne.” Sean lifted his hands in a calming gesture. “After the amount you drank last night, you must still be intoxicated. Give me the gun and we’ll blame it on the alcohol. Nobody needs to know.”

Not acknowledging his words, Jeanne turned the weapon on the skipper. “Howdy, sailor. I suggest you drive your big boat out of here now.”

Gaping, the man stood rooted to the spot.

“Shut your mouth, honey.”

“We’re not ready,” he mumbled.

Jeanne lowered the barrel, aiming at his crotch. “I say you are.”

Asia’s hope that the skipper wouldn’t leave them stranded flew out the window when he untied the rope from the jetty.

Jeanne swung the gun between Asia and Sean. “Walk.”

Sean didn’t budge. The earlier reasonable tone of his voice turned hard. “What do you want?”

“You’ll know soon enough. Walk or do you want me to shoot her in the foot?”

Sean nodded at Asia. Despite his encouraging expression, concern burned in his blue gaze. On Jeanne’s instruction, they followed the path to the guest quarters. All was quiet except for one unit from which music blared where Jeanne directed them.

“Go in,” she said with a smirk. “You don’t want to keep your guests waiting.”

“What do you want from us?” Asia asked, unable to keep her voice steady.

Sean hesitated on the step, placing himself between Jeanne and Asia.

“I’ll shoot her, Sean,” Jeanne said. “You know I will. Open the door.”

His shoulders turned rigid. Before Asia could argue—not that there was much arguing she could do with a woman holding a gun—Sean reached around her, turned the knob, and did as Jeanne had ordered.