He scrutinized her in the dark. “Juan.”

She swallowed. “What about him?” The man gave her the creeps, but she only had to endure—and avoid—him for a week.

“He’s a man who doesn’t take no for an answer, kitten.”

The way in which he said it made her pause. “Are you implying that he’ll force himself on me?”

“I think he wants you,” he said with a scowl, “and now that you’ve said no, he’s going to want you more.”

“Me?” She uttered a laugh. “Why would he be interested in me?”

“Why wouldn’t he be?”

She narrowed her eyes as a suspicion took root in her mind. “Are you trying to scare me away so that you can keep the bar?”

Scrubbing a hand over his face, he said, “If only it were as simple as that.”

“If this is a tactic to get me to leave, it’s screwed-up.”

He gave her a level look. “I’d never turn something this serious into a game.”

“What are you saying?” She frowned. “That I’m in danger?”

“I’m not saying he’s going to kill you, but he will make it his business to seduce you, and his wife isn’t going to like it.”

She lifted her chin. “Thanks for your concern about my virtue. I can guarantee you if he does try to seduce me, he won’t succeed. As for Jeanne, from what I’ve seen, she can’t expect exclusivity from him, not with the way she’s carrying on with the other men. There’s a lot of sharing going on around here.”

“You don’t want to be the recipient of Jeanne’s scorn. There’s no scorn uglier than scorn born from jealousy. He’s got a thing for you, and it’s more than simple lust.”

She gave a disbelieving laugh. “Why do you say that?”

He got up and sat down next to her. “If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t have taken tonight’s rejection so well. The fact that he didn’t act, speaks volumes.”

“How did you expect him to react?” She laughed again. “By punching you in the face?”

“Actually, yes. He let you get away with that rejection too easily. A man like Juan never takes rejection gracefully.”

Sean was overreacting. Besides, she still wasn’t sure that his protective act was real. It could very well be just a ploy to get rid of her. Teasingly, she asked, “What would you have done if he’d punched you?”

“Fought back, of course.”

Grinning, she raised a brow. “You would’ve fought for me?”

“This isn’t funny. You should be more worried about running while you can than being flattered that I would’ve taken a few knocks for the sake of your chastity.”

She gaped at him. “You’re serious.”

“In this kind of world, there’s no room for joking.”

Surely, Juan wouldn’t make himself guilty of rape? She’d made it clear she wasn’t interested, and he’d backed off. Sean was over-reacting. She needed this money. Matt needed it. The spa would bring in enough to keep him enlisted in the expensive university and to cover his art material. This was her only shot. There weren’t any other locales available in the busy city center.

“I’m not giving up,” she said. “I know how to take care of myself.”

His eyes flashed in the dark. “You’re willing to risk your safety for money?”

“Are you?” she deadpanned. “Besides, it’s about more than the money.”

Anger infused his tone. “You may as well forget about that damn spa. It’s not going to happen. Not on Jerry’s plot.”

Pulling her back straight, she said, “You can come to any assumption you want, but the race isn’t decided until we’ve reached the finish line.”

He grunted. “No more arguments from you, lass. When the supply boat leaves tomorrow morning, you’ll be on it, even if I have to carry you there over my shoulder.”

The audacity. If he thought he could turn all caveman on her, he was in for a surprise. She pursed her lips. Let him think what he wanted. He’d soon learn she didn’t roll over on command.

Kneading his shoulder with a palm, he said, “Good. I’m glad you agree.”

Ha. Tomorrow, he’d swallow those words, and she’d take perverse joy from rubbing his nose in the dirt.

Instead of correcting him, she kicked off the sheet and got onto her knees. He was going to be the loser in the end, so she might as well give him a little comfort while she could. Fluffing out her pillow, she pointed at the bed. “Lie down.”

“Why?” he asked, giving her a cautious look.

She blew out a sigh. “I’m not going to attack you or touch you indecently. Trust me.”

At the last part, his lips quirked. “Why should I trust a pretty woman who orders me flat on my back in her bed?”

“On your stomach, and you should trust me because I’m a professional.”

He trailed a gaze over her. “Professional?”

She made a face. “Cut it out. I’m not coming onto you. Your muscles are so tense they’re about to snap. I just want to say thank you for standing up for me earlier. What you did was chivalrous.”