Sean waited on the jetty with the rest of the staff. The birthday guests were gathered separately under a white gazebo where a table was set with champagne and hors d’oeuvres. When the skipper walked up and told the caterers, cleaners, waiters, and the rest of the entertainers to step aboard the motorized boat that waited, a woman with long brown hair and a dimple at the corner of her mouth approached him.

She checked a file she held in her hands. “Sean Rivers?”

“That’s me.”

“I’m Leona. Welcome to Mr. Hernandez’s event.” She looked him up and down. “I’m glad you finally agreed. What made you change your mind?”

“Money,” he said honestly.

Her smile was impersonal. “Sounds like you and Mr. Hernandez will get on well. Follow me.”

She led him to the gazebo and handed him a white gift bag. “Your welcome gift. Please help yourself to refreshments. Our transport will arrive shortly. I’ll give you your schedule when we get to the island.”

Why had he been put with the guests instead of with the staff where he belonged? Sean took a glass of champagne and watched the people mingle. Everyone was dressed in white. Juan and his wife, Jeanne, stood in the center of the group, four bodyguards with earpieces not far behind.

It was strange to watch the kingpin in real life from close-up. From the newspaper photos Sean had seen, he’d expected a shorter and fatter man, but Juan was meaty, if not muscled, and tall. His dark hair was cut short and brushed back, revealing graying sideburns. He wore a rather simple linen suit and his only jewelry was a Rolex and a gold wedding band. He looked nothing like the chain-clad mafia boss Sean had expected.

Next to him, his wife stood out in a short, white cocktail dress and a golden tan. Her long legs were shapely. A pair of white heels accentuated the fine taper of her ankles. In contrast to her husband, she flashed jewelry on every exposed part of her body. A gold bracelet twisted into the shape of a cobra adorned her upper arm. Dangling gold earrings extended below her short bob. A gold band was visible on her thigh at the hem of her dress, like a metal garter, and a heavy anklet with a bell adorned the other leg. Her hair was as black as crow feathers. The straight line in which it was cut was hard, pulling the focus to her angular face. Her features were harsh but exotic in their beauty.

She leaned over, said something in her husband’s ear, and handed her clutch bag to one of the bodyguards before making her way with swaying hips through the guests. It took Sean a moment to realize she was aiming for him. Before he had time to recover from his surprise, she stopped short of him and kissed his cheek.

“Sean, the pleasure is all mine.”

He gave a tight nod. “Mrs. Hernandez.”

“Why so formal? Call me Jeanne. Everybody does.” She took the gift bag from his hand and pulled out the decorative tissue paper. “Let me.”

Sean watched passively as she removed a white box and lifted the lid. Inside, on a cushion of white silk, rested a Rolex Submariner.

She trailed her gaze over his body. “Let’s skip the part where I ask for your little finger and presume that I’m greedy. Give me your arm, darling.”

Sean regarded her with caution. What game was she playing? He reluctantly offered his wrist. When Jeanne slapped the expensive watch on him, it felt too much like a trap, like a handcuff instead of a piece of jewelry.

“Our gift for the male guests,” she purred. “The women get a tennis bracelet. I picked it myself. Do you like it?”

“I’m not a guest. I’m part of the entertainment.”

Her eyes flared at his words. Licking her lips, she said, “Are you, now?”

Shit. That had come out all wrong. “Why aren’t I on the staff boat?”

“Life is all about asking the right questions, my dear. What you should be asking is if you’d rather be on the staff or the guest boat.” She walked two fingers up his arm to the tattoo visible from under his sleeve. “What’s this?” She made a mocking sound. “A cocktail recipe?”

The boss himself saved Sean from an answer when he appeared next to his wife and extended a hand. “Nice to meet you, Sean Rivers. I believe we have quite a show to look forward to. Congratulations on the Liquid Oscar award.”

Sean swallowed his repulsion and shook the other man’s hand. “Happy birthday.”

Juan looked vital and healthy, not like the coke addict with red eyes, a sagging stomach, and yellow skin Sean had imagined.

“You’re a hard man to convince,” Juan said. “What made you change your mind?”

“We all have our price,” Sean said. His price was Starlight.