“Home?” She gave him a hopeful smile.

“This is home now, isn’t it?” He looked around the club to let the meaning of his words sink in.

Now that Asia had her dream, they might as well settle down. He needed to find roots. He’d been on the run for too long.

Alan handed the glasses around. Asia accepted hers, still tense in his arms.

“Relax, lass,” he whispered in her ear. “It’s perfect. You did well.”

She cleared her throat. “I have another surprise—”

Before she could get further, the doors opened and a small crowd of people filtered inside. The glass almost dropped from Sean’s hand as he stared at the faces of the women and men.

“We heard there’s a party,” Cain Jones said.

Sean looked at Asia, but she was as stunned as he was, which could only mean she hadn’t invited them.

“Happy birthday, Sean,” the choir of people said.

It wouldn’t have been so damn strange if more than half of them weren’t paranormals.

Cain smiled. “I hope we’re not gate crashing.”

“Er, Dad, this is Cain Jones and his team.”

Alan shook Cain’s hand. “I know who they are. Welcome. The more the merrier.”

Sean looked between Joss and Cain, trying to figure out what the hell they were doing here. “I’ll let you introduce yourselves.” Just in case, he remained vigilant.

Clelia, Lann, Kat, Maya, Tim, and Bono stood on the outskirts. While Alan and Jerry greeted everyone, Asia got more glasses from behind the counter. Noticing her strained expression, Sean went over to help.

“Everything all right, kitten?” he asked softly, watching the paranormals from the corner of his eye. He didn’t like their presence either.

“Why are they here?” she asked under her breath, handing him a bottle of champagne from the bar fridge.

“I don’t know, but don’t worry. I’m keeping an eye on them.”

Sean poured the champagne while Asia served the drinks. When everyone had a glass, Sean addressed Cain. “You didn’t come here to celebrate my birthday. Why don’t you tell us what you’re really doing here?”

The corner of Cain’s mouth lifted. “I’m here to take your oath, and the team members are here as witnesses.”

Sean frowned. “My oath?”

Alan coughed. “That’ll be my birthday surprise to you, Son.”

Sean faced his father. “You arranged this behind my back, without my consent?”

Alan shrugged and said in an apologetic voice, “You’ve always needed a shove in the right direction.”

Sean studied his dad’s face as he considered that. Was this the right direction? Suddenly, he knew it without a doubt. Everything inside him fell into place. A new, easy rhythm settled in his chest. His organs heated with a familiar feeling of power. He looked at Asia. In her eyes, he glimpsed acceptance.

“If this isn’t what you want, kitten…”

Her smile was brilliant. “I think you’ve had your answer since the day you tattooed those formulas on your body.”

Yes, he had. Folding his arms around her, he pulled her against his chest. “It’ll mean some traveling.”

“Lots of traveling,” Cain interjected, “but I won’t expect you to relocate to New York.”

“It’s time to be true to yourself, Sean.” Asia kissed him before turning to Cain. “Before you steal all the glory with your oath, I still have to give Sean his surprise.”

“This wasn’t it?” Maya asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“No.” Asia placed a palm on her neck where her skin had turned red. “I guess I’m just going to have to do this with a bigger audience than planned.” She took a deep breath and fetched a gift bag with a silver bow from behind the counter. “Happy birthday, Sean.”

He handed his glass to Alan and accepted the gift with a broad smile. “Thank you.”

Despite what he always said, he was a sucker for surprises. He removed the tissue paper and lifted out a square, white box. He opened the lid. Inside, on a bed of blue velvet, rested a platinum ring with a yellow-gold interior. It was stunning in its simplicity, exactly what he would’ve chosen for himself.

She wrapped her fingers around his. “Sean Rivers, you know how much I love you. Will you please marry me?”

The earth stopped turning. She did it again—reversed every law and turned everything he thought he knew upside down.

He stared into her green eyes, a color he could never get enough of as a slow smile curved his lips. “Rushing me again, lass?”

She flushed as red as a ruby.

“Aye, Asia Sommer. I would be honored to become your husband.”

Applause erupted and congratulations were called out, but he was deaf and blind to it all. The center of his universe was in his arms.