“Not necessarily. Sometimes taking something away is enough. My touch. My attention. My presence entirely.” Max ran his fingertips up Sean’s elevated arms, then dragged his blunt nails down their sensitive insides.

Sean laughed and tried to squirm away. Fuck. He was ticklish there, too. But his efforts just sent him swaying.

Max chuckled as he steadied him. Sean’s whole body thrummed. God, he loved Max’s laugh. It hit him like a contact buzz, then vibrated down to his cock.

“Just think of our scene as a kind of power exchange. Where you willingly hand over all control of your body, submitting to me wholly and completely.” Max paused. “For all intents and purposes, Sean, I own you for that hour. Your body isn’t yours. It’s mine.”

Fuuuck. That sentiment got Sean going. He could feel his dick hardening fast. To imagine Max owning him, doing as he pleased with Sean’s body? Shiiit. Total fantasy material right there. One he hadn’t even known he had. He sure as shit hadn’t listed it on that paper.

“Any questions so far?”

“No… I think I’m good.”

Max moved his splayed fingers to the top of Sean’s back, to his shoulder blades, and methodically began prodding. Some of it felt like a great little massage. Other times Sean would yelp in surprise. Who knew he had such sensitive nerve bundles hiding down the length of his spine.

Max rumbled softly, then started in with a series of light pinches. Slowly, systematically, up and down Sean’s sides. Sean shifted restlessly, feeling more helpless. Blindness was a powerful tactic.

“If you decide to see me regularly,” Max continued. “Be on time. Then go directly downstairs to wait for me. If you see that I’ve left you something to wear, like today, have it on by the time I join you.”

Sean heard Max sink to his haunches behind him, felt his hot breath on his hamstrings. Then his hands. Just like on Sean’s back, they moved with purpose, grazing and prodding, stroking and pinching. Sean exhaled, his cock completely hard. God, he loved this. Loved Max’s hands learning his body. Felt so fucking amazing.

“Wait for me on your knees in the middle of the room. Eyes down. Head clear. Body willing. I’ll show you specifically how to sit next time. If, that is, you decide to come back.” His nails grazed the crook of Sean’s knees. Sean jerked. Then his fingers roamed up the inside of Sean’s thighs.

Sean shivered, sucked in a breath. “Shit. You’ve made me so sensitive.”

Another amused sound. Max was smiling. Sean could feel it.

“Wait till I come around front.”

Sean bit his lip, then jerked again when Max suddenly curled his fingers around Sean’s heels. The length of chain above him jangled. “Awesome,” he laughed, trying to sound collected. “My nipples have totally missed you.”

“Have they now.”

“Yeah. They have.” Sean loved when Max did that, did that subtle little thing with his questions. No intonation, no emphasis in his voice at the end. Like he was commanding Sean to answer instead of asking. So innately domineering. Made Sean straight-up want to purr.

Max stroked the arch of Sean’s feet. His ankles. The underside of his sensitive toes.

Sean inhaled sharply, tried to flee Max’s touch, that damn blindfold intensifying everything. But Max held the bar by his foot rock steady, making it impossible to evade.

“Shit,” Sean laughed. “C’mon. Please. Stop.”

“Hmm.” Max released him and stood back up. “Looks like tickling would make an excellent punishment.”

Aw, crap.


Sadism had no bounds.

Max moved back around but didn’t say a word. Sean held his breath, feeling Max watching him. A sensation he’d grown all too familiar with. Max’s stare. So heavy. He could feel it roaming his body. Lingering on Sean’s face. And his cock.

Abruptly, warm fingertips touched Sean’s ears. He jerked, then moaned as they slid down his neck, the feather-light sensation inebriating.

“Don’t ever come for a session under the influence,” Max resumed. His voice sounded noticeably huskier. “I’ll turn you away every time, no exceptions.” Along Sean’s collarbone he roamed, to his armpits. “And for that matter, don’t ever come smelling like cigarettes.”

Breath rushed from Sean’s lungs. He was ticklish there, too. But Max’s comment had reminded him of a question he had. “Yeah. About that.” Sean twitched as Max explored. “Are you really gonna make me quit smoking?”

Max palmed Sean’s pecs. Thumb-stroked his nipples. Shit, that felt good.

“No. I was messing with you.” He stroked Sean some more. “Not that I don’t want to. Because I do. But as your part-time Dom, I can’t control you like that. Well... I guess I could. But I won’t.”

Sean exhaled in relief, his nipples purring. “Oh, thank God. I was so not looking forward to that.”

Max’s fingers stopped. His timbre dipped lower. “I won’t make you quit, Sean. But I promise you this: if you did quit, on your own, as a gift to me, it would please your Dom immensely. And when I’m pleased I’m also very generous.”