Max stilled and slid Sean an unpleased look. “Are you incapable of following instructions? I said be quiet.”

Sean stiffened. “What? No. I was just—”

Max glared harder.

Sean blinked. Then indignantly looked away. “Never mind,” he muttered.

What a crab.

Max snapped the papers tauter and got back to reading.

Sean quietly scanned his decadent surroundings. All too soon, though, his eyes locked on that cross. Memories of last Tuesday quickly surfaced. Max touching him. Teasing him. Paining him. Pleasuring him. Sean’s dick started to fill. That night had been amazing.

Max spoke up a second later. “Your answers on this questionnaire are pretty vague. But that’s okay. We can touch back on them individually as they apply.”

He swapped that paper for the one beneath it. The List of Limits. Sean’s stomach turned anxiously. Because he knew, he just knew, Max was about to ask some very specific questions.

Sure enough, Max paused with a frown and looked Sean’s way. “You did say you were gay, right?”

Fuck. It begins.

Sean nodded. “Uh. Yeah.”

“But penetration’s a hard limit?”

Sean shrugged. “I top.”

“Yeah, but a hard limit?”

Another shrug. “Yeah. I don’t really like it.”

Max studied him for a second, then turned back to the list.

Sean inwardly squirmed. The next one was just as bad.

Right on cue, Max stilled again. But this time he looked at Sean incredulously. “Anal play’s a hard limit, too?”

Sean fought not to wince. Wound a lock of hair around his finger. “Yeah. I just… I just don’t like it.”

Max eyed him oddly. “Not at all? That’s hard to believe.”

Shit. Sean had really hoped this wouldn’t happen. Max confronting him about his issue. Not that Sean was surprised. It was a legitimate inquiry about a relevant matter. He just didn’t want to go into it. It was embarrassing. And awkward. Made him feel like an idiot. Nevertheless, it was the way he felt. And he couldn’t change that.

Shifting atop the cushion, Sean shrugged a third time, trying like hell to look casual. “Yeah. Not at all. Played around with it when I was younger. Just couldn’t ever get into it.”

Max grunted softly. “Then you were doing it wrong.”

Sean chuckled and glanced down. “I dunno. Maybe.”

A pause in conversation.

“Did it hurt or something? I’m trying to understand.”

Fuck. Sean twisted that lock of hair tighter. “Yeah. It did. I didn’t like it.”

Max stared at him some more, then turned to face him fully, his one knee resting on the cushion. “How about we compromise on this one.”

“Compromise?” Sean wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that.

“Yeah. Make penetration a soft limit, off limits until further notice, but give the rest of anal playing a try.”

That sounded reasonable. Removed the element Sean didn’t like.

“Okay.” Sean nodded. “I’m cool with that.”

Max smiled. Truly smiled. One of his biggest of the night. And that made Sean smile, too. “There’s my brave kid. I knew you weren’t far away.”

Sean beamed. Couldn’t help it. Because not only had he made Max smile again—the fifth one of the night. Yes, he was counting—but he’d also straight up earned the guy’s approval. And as always, that felt fucking great.

As if to reward Sean for good behavior, Max gestured to Sean’s feet. “Bring those up here. I want ‘em in my lap.”

Sean’s brows jumped high. “You want my feet?”

“Yeah. Well, actually, it’s your toes I want. But your feet are a package deal.”

Sean’s smile spread wide. “You do like me toes.”

“I told you I did. And you said that I could borrow ‘em.”

Sean laughed. “Shit. I did, didn’t I.” But then he winced. “Thing is, I really am ticklish.”

Max rolled his eyes. “Yes. I know. I’ll be careful.”

You better. “Thanks.”

And up went Sean’s feet.

Max curled his warm hand around his right foot’s toes. Sean sighed. Reward indeed. Those fingers felt good.

Max smiled again briefly—that was six times now—before turning back to resume with the list. “Okay. So. What else we got...” He chuckled a second later. “A fuck ton more H’s and S’s, that’s what.”

Sean shifted sheepishly. Snagged another lock of hair. “Yeah, I was kinda overwhelmed.”

“Evidently.” Max smirked. “Looks like needle play and water sports aren’t your thing.”

Sean shuddered. “Yeah. No, thank you. And I won’t be compromising on those.”

Max’s lips twitched. “But getting punctured and pissed on is fun.”

“I’m sure to some it is,” Sean laughed. “You saying you like it, too?”

Max shrugged and looked back at the list. “Sometimes. Depends on my mood.”

Sean stared at him. Wow.

Max resumed reading, toying absently with Sean’s toes. Which, yes, tickled bigger than shit. Sean fidgeted and squirmed. Grimaced and held his breath. Had Max started with the torture without telling him?

Finally, Max looked at him. “Are you okay?”

Sean forced a smile and nodded.

Max cocked his head. Frowned. “Are you—Are you holding your breath?”

Sean exhaled in a rush. “Yes. You’re frickin’ killing me.” He motioned with his eyes to Max’s hand on his toes.