“Don’t ever call me that again.”

Sean laughed, but Jonah kept his eyes glued to the catalog.

“I think I’m gonna get contacts.” He shoved his glasses up his nose. “And was thinking, why not go all out, ya know? Get colored ones and shit. Get myself looking good.”

“Jonah.” Sean chuckled. “You already look good. You don’t need colored fucking contacts.”

Jonah shot him a look that said, you’re so full of shit, because unfortunately, he was low on the self-esteem. “Yeah well, right now you’re the only one who thinks so, so I’m thinking I should probably try something different.”

Sean made a face. “I’m not the only one. No way. You’re frickin’ adorable.”

Jonah stiffened. Pursed his lips. “I don’t want to be adorable. Goddamn, Sean. I wanna be hot.”

Sean coughed out another laugh. “Alright. Spill it. What’s going on? You got the hots for someone?”

Jonah scowled down at the catalog. “Maybe. I dunno. Shit, dude. I just wanna get laid.”

“With anyone in particular?”

“I’m undecided.”

“Hm.” Sean glanced at the spread Jonah was studying. Two pages of every color iris. He shook his head. “Don’t get the colored ones. Seriously, man. Your own eyes are amazing.”

Jonah looked at him and frowned. “You honestly think that? Don’t bullshit me, Sean. I’ll make you pay.”

Sean grinned super wide. So damn endearing. “Yes. I love ‘em. Especially when they change.”

Jonah lifted a brow. “Change?”

“Yeah. You never noticed? How sometimes they’re this kind of oregano green and other times they’re this really great light brown?”

Jonah shoved his glasses up a second time. Then he smiled his adorable smile. “No. I never noticed that. Huh. Kinda cool.”

“Very cool, Jonah. Don’t mess with the eyes.”

Jonah shrugged and looked back down. “Okay. Fine. But I’m still getting the contacts.”

“You sure? I really love your glasses, too.”

Jonah slid him a droll glare.

Sean laughed. “I do.”

“Then take a fucking picture.”

“Fine. I’ll do that.” Sean grinned and stood up.

Jonah immediately sprawled out across the couch. “So, speaking of getting laid, how’s it going with that teacher?”

Sean headed for the kitchen. “Okay. One more session.”

“Ah, shit, bro. You’re cutting it close.”

Sean laughed and pulled open the refrigerator door. “I told you, he’s out of my league.”

“What? For real? You’re not trying to get with him?”

Sean grabbed a bottled water. “Eh. I dunno. We’re not really very compatible.”

“Oh, my God. You’re such a jackbutt. How compatible do you need to be to suck a dick?”

Sean chuckled and strode back out. “Excellent point. I’d totally blow that man if he let me.”

Jonah rolled his eyes nearly back into his head, then reached under the table and grabbed his book. “Whatever, dude. Like he wouldn’t fucking let you.”

Maybe he would. Maybe he wouldn’t. But that’s as far as they’d ever get, anyway. Sean wouldn’t bottom for anyone, no matter how hot they were. And Max was no exception.

“We’ll see.” He shrugged, suddenly feeling kind of bummed. Because a part of him would love to “get with the guy.” There were just too many things piled up against them. Exhaling, he shook it off and meandered toward the hall. “Oh, by the way.” He flashed a smile. “That shade of pink looks amazing on you, Joe. Way better than the last one, for sure.”

Jonah’s whole body went rigid. Sean ducked toward his room. “Shit! Are you serious?” he heard Jonah shout. “Goddamn it! I wore this to class!”


Max watched Sean pull up from his bedroom room window as he finished towel-drying his hair. He’d already donned a clean pair of jeans and a shirt, the jeans faded black, the tee shirt burgundy. Just needed a few seconds with a comb and his fingers and he’d be ready for his second appointment. His first clients hadn’t left that long ago, the two guys Sean had evidently caught a glimpse of.

This pair, however, weren’t Max’s subs. And Max definitely wasn’t their Dom. These men he just taught, by demonstration, but also by comprehensive instruction. The psychological aspects, affecting the head and the heart, and not just mere physical play. The couple, Randy and Connor, had been in a relationship for a while, with Connor just recently confessing his need to be dominated. Not just in the sense of letting Randy wear the pants, but by literally and physically being dominated. Apparently, he’d been struggling with his submissive nature for years, but was afraid that Randy would think him bat-shit crazy. Max didn’t know the specifics of how it went down, but somewhere along the way, all came out, and Randy had been totally cool. Not just in accepting his boyfriend’s true nature, but in wanting to actually fulfill his needs. Problem was, Randy didn’t know how to dominate. Didn’t know how to treat a sub, to be a Dom.

Which was where Max came in.

Because he taught more than sculpting.

Max watched Sean shove his convertible into park. Then he watched the kid peer up at the house. Not that he could see Max. His bedroom wasn’t lit. But Max could see him just fine. Sean climbed out a second later, but instead of heading to the door, lit up a cigarette and took a drag. Max frowned, his gaze narrowing ever so slightly. If Sean were his sub, he’d never smoke that shit again. Would be punished if Max ever caught him doing so. Because that shit was poison and Doms looked after their subs. Tough love and all that fucking jazz.