Sean grinned but said nothing, just stood there and waited as Max pushed the door open and strode inside. Sean entered behind him and glanced around. The space wasn’t huge, but it wasn’t small either. Maybe fifteen feet by thirty, give or take. A pair of large windows sat straight ahead. Probably gave amazing light during the day. The walls were dark, a rich shade of plum. The floors were hardwood like the hallway. At the far end of the room was a large, black desk that was—surprise, surprise—super effing tidy.

The rest of the space was open and airy, with a variety of sculptures displayed on various stands. Sean scanned them curiously—because curious they were. Lots of male figures, some elegant, some distorted. All holding a bleak kind of air. Lots of abstract pieces were intermingled, too, as well as some statues of birds. Eagles maybe? No, those were definitely hawks. Interesting, but whatever. All in all, each work was amazing. Now more than ever, Sean not only felt excited, but privileged to be Max’s model.

He moved his attention to the studio’s countless contraptions. An easel and drafting table, a sculpting stand and pottery wheel. All stored in logical locations. Sean scanned the other smaller supplies. So meticulously contained and organized, as if the guy had OCD.

But what ultimately won Sean’s undivided attention was the set up in the center of the room. A small, modest work table paired with a stool, holding several blobs of clay on its surface. Well, not really blobs. More like sectioned pieces formed into various shapes.

Huh. Okay. Looked like Max did some prepping, too.

A sturdy-looking table sat in front of the work station, maybe four or five feet away. Sean presumed that to be his special little spot. Where he’d sit nearly naked for Max to stare at. Sean’s heart thumped in anticipation.

Max cleared his throat and turned to Sean. “Welcome to my happy place, and your new Tuesday night home.”

Growl. Sean liked the sound of that.

Nodding, he glanced around a second time. “Nice. I like it. Almost the same size as my rest-of-the-week home.”

“Student apartment?”

“More like student walk-in closet.”

“I remember those days. Feels like a lifetime ago.”

“I bet it does. Did they even have electricity back then?”

Max shot him a look, lifted an eyebrow. “You calling me old, kid?”

“No.” Sean laughed. “I’m calling you fucking ancient.”

Both eyebrows shot up as Max fought back a grin. “Guess that makes you an embryo.”

Sean quieted fast. All teasing aside, he wanted Max to think of him as an adult. Sean wondered if Max honestly thought of him as a “kid.” God, he better not. Sean was anything but. And he was more than willing to prove it. By demonstration. With Max assisting him. Right there on the floor.

“I assure you, a kid I most certainly am not.”

Max’s emerald gaze flashed. “Not yet sold.”

What? Was he serious? He thought Sean that young? Maybe Sean shouldn’t have shaved his balls.

Sean opened his mouth, but Max had already turned away, his attention now directed at their work area. “Okay. Enough chitchat. I’m not paying you to just stand there.” He scratched his head. “Actually, I guess I kind of am.”

“That’s right.” Sean grinned. He tossed his beanie onto a chair. “And don’t forget the part about looking pretty.”

Max glanced over his shoulder and gave Sean’s body a once over. Then he met Sean’s eyes and held them. Sean’s heart skipped a beat, but before he could react, Max was back to regarding the table.

“Your pose is going to be similar to the other in a way because I want this piece to compliment my students’.

Sean toed off his shoes, pulled his shirt over his head, enjoying Max’s voice as he spoke.

“I’m undecided on whether or not I want your eyes closed, though. I’ll play that by ear when you’re situated.”

“Alright.” Sean downed his fly. Shoved out of his jeans. Then finally he tugged off his socks. And still Max stayed facing away. Sean padded over to join him. “Okay, boss. How do you want me?”

Max turned and looked at him. His eyes made another lap. That was two times now. Sean was counting. Max absently thumbed the corner of his mouth. Damn, Sean loved when he did that.

“Get on the table.”

Sean’s whole body tightened at the sound of Max’s tone. It’d gone deeper. Almost gruff. And commanding. Which all translated to sexy as shit. So much so, that if it stayed that way, Sean was going to pop a boner.

He climbed aboard, appreciating the soft blanket spread over it, then turned around to face Max on all fours. It was a tantalizing pose, sure. Sean was well aware. But his situation gave him ample justification. Time to test out his feelers again. He smiled as Max stared at him, and subtly arched his spine. His ass tilted up. Max’s eyes flashed once more.