Damn. That was weird. And not the greatest timing. Images of Max when he was about to get his dick sucked? Eh. Whatever. If worse came to worse, he’d imagine it was Max doing the deed.

But as they navigated around another cluster of cushy armchairs, that feeling in Sean’s stomach only strengthened. Not like butterflies, though, or the sensation of anticipation. More like something telling him to turn around.

Sean looked to the entrance just a couple yards away, as two ladies came through the door. One must have just finished saying something funny, because her friend threw her head back and laughed out loud, sending her ponytail swinging. A ponytail of dark, rich auburn hair. Brown with hints of red, just like Max’s.

The sexy instructor reemerged in Sean’s mind, his face framed by said locks of thick hair. Emphasizing his features. Making his eyes pop. Sending goosebumps washing over Sean’s skin. He swallowed. Squeezed his pack of smokes. Cleared his throat. Then pushed through the doors into the night.

“Damn,” Ledger chuckled. “That lady was rolling. Did you see her? She almost walked into a wall.”

But his words just kind of drifted up and over Sean’s head. He was too busy grappling with Max’s image. Why was everything suddenly making him think of the guy? Sean’s gut churned thicker with every step that he took, with every foot they came closer to Ledger’s car.

“Sean? You still with me? Ground control to Major Tom.”

Sean snapped out of it, finally, as they reached their destination. “Uh, yeah, sorry. Damn. Was totally spacing out.”

Ledger waggled his brows and open the passenger door. “Fantasizing about my lips wrapped around your gorgeous cock?”

Sean grinned, but as Ledger gestured for him to climb on in, he just couldn’t make himself do it. Getting in that car was his official green light. His unspoken consent to proceed. Problem was, with as much as Sean thought that he wanted this, he suddenly wasn’t interested. At all.

What. The. Hell.

This was all Max’s fault. Sean was ninety percent sure of it.

He tried to scowl. To be mad at the guy. For fucking up his glorious blowjob. But instead, Sean found himself tamping back a smile. God, he was an idiot, passing this up. Ledger’s trademark tricks were commendable for a reason.

Shaking his head, Sean pulled out two cigarettes and slid them between his lips. Two zippo flicks later and he was handing one over, taking a drag as he leaned against Ledger’s car. “Actually, man.” He exhaled a plume. “I think I’m gonna sit this one out.”


“That’s perfect, Sean. Awesome. Now just close those eyes and relax.”

Sean exhaled slowly, Max’s voice like a caress over his body. One that was presently naked as a jaybird. Not that he cared much about the students getting an eyeful. The instructor, however, with his hot emerald eyes? Sean’s groin started to warm. Fuck. Really? Already?

Brussel sprouts…

Lima beans…

Sean refused to get a boner. He’d wracked his brain the entire night for a strategy that would keep his dick in check. Right after declining Ledger’s decadent offer. God, he still couldn’t believe he’d done that shit. But if Max could affect Sean so strongly when he wasn’t even around, by just the mere memory of his hotness, then man, that guy would be double fucking trouble when Sean was back in his presence. Naked.

Max and those eyes. A force to be reckoned with. Sean couldn’t help being impressed.

Unfortunately, the only plan he’d ultimately come up with was to fill his brain with lots of disgusting images. A totally cliché tactic, but it was the only one he could think of.

Fortunately, as Sean sat there without a single stitch of clothing, he couldn’t feel Max’s eyes on him at all. Couldn’t feel the potent weight of his stare. He could, however, still hear Max’s footsteps as he wandered around the room.

“Alright, people. Looks like everyone got the basics of Sean’s body finished last time. Your proportions all look really good. Today you’ll focus on tweaking all large curves. Then you’ll move on to individual body parts. Refining them, adjusting them, working from the largest to smallest. First torso, then thighs, and so on.”

Sean’s heart thumped steadily as he listened to Max talk. The guy had a really great voice. All smooth and low, and a little bit rough. Dark. And warm. And heady. Strange how it soothed Sean down to his bones, yet managed to stir him up as well. For real. He could listen to that man talk forever.

Those slow, steady footfalls pulled Sean out from his musings, giving away Max’s exact location. Behind Sean, making his leisurely rounds. Pausing at times, then resuming. Finally, they came to a stop to Sean’s left. Oh, God. Sean could feel his eyes now. Heavy as hell. And pretty hot, too. Sean shifted just slightly and drew in a breath. At least he knew for sure that, from where Max was standing, the guy couldn’t see Sean’s cock. Although truth be told, Sean kind of hoped Max got a clear shot of it eventually. Sean had manscaped that morning, figuring it’d be appreciated, and was pretty fucking proud of his job. At first, he was going to just trim shit super short, but ultimately he decided to use a razor. Never had his nut sac ever felt so soft and smooth.