Sean’s whole body quaked, his muffled moans continuous, his fingers fumbling restlessly by Max’s leg.

“That’s right, caitín. Take what I give you and be grateful.”

Sean’s chest heaved faster, brows pinching in desperation. “Peesh, Shir! Peesh!—Cah aw cuh?!—Cah aw cuh?!”

Max grunted out a laugh. “No, you can’t fucking come.”

Sean’s head craned back. “Ungh!—Gaw!—uck!”

Max’s next laugh came on a growl, his own dick reeling. “Okay, beautiful boy. I’ll compromise.” He released their cocks and reached for Sean’s scrotum cuff. “How ‘bout I take this puppy off so you can practice holding back your orgasm.”

Sean nodded eagerly, panting around his gag.

Max removed the restraint with trembling fingers. He needed to come fiercely himself. His muscles were tense, his breathing was shallow, and his brain was fucking spinning in his skull. He unfastened the second cuff. Sean groaned in palpable relief. His ass cheeks, however, stayed tightly clenched. Max smiled and caressed Sean’s junk, then gave that Naughty Boy some taps.

Sean bucked, a strained noise shooting past his gag.

Max gave the toy a wiggle. “Suck your dick.”

Sean moaned, feverishly obeying as every inch of him trembled, his cock leaking precum nonstop.

Max watched it drip, watched it land on Sean’s neck. “Nice,” he rumbled. “My Naughty Boy’s milking you.” Sean loosed more anxious sounds. Max swiped some up and tasted. “Mmm, yeah. You gotta fucking try this.”

Sean’s eyes flared wider as Max reached for his gag. Sean shook his head no. Max nodded his head yes. Seconds later, that little dick attachment was gone. Max swiped two fingers through Sean’s puddle of yum. Sean quickly turned his head to the side. Which, naturally, shot Max’s arousal sky high.

He gripped Sean’s jaw and turned him back. “You safe wording on me?”

Sean winced. “Yoh, Shir.”

“You gonna submit?”

Sean nodded.

“Good. That’s my boy.” Max released Sean’s jaw, then shoved his glossy fingers through the gag ring.

Nothing but precum and warm, wet tongue.

Sean coughed, face pinching.

“S’good, huh?” Max smiled.

Sean groaned and rocked his hips. “Undahshided.”

“Hmm. Undecided.” Max clutched Sean’s cock, thumbed its sensitive crown, pressed on that toy.

Sean shook anew. “Ungh, uck!—Ungh, shik!—Cah aw cuh?!”

Max eased up. Cupped Sean’s balls. “Try to hold it.”

More urgent sounds. Sean fisted the sheet. But ultimately he was able to stave it off.

“Very nice,” Max murmured. “Your efforts please me. Maybe I’ll let you come after all.” Sean’s face lit up in excited relief. Max chuckled and dug back into his basket. “One more thing left. The grand finale of sorts.” He pulled out gag attachment number two.

Sean’s eyes went wide the second he spotted it. Again, he shook his head. “Yoh, yoh, yoh.”

“Oh, come on. This part’s the best. Cream of the crop, so to speak.” Max snickered softly, unable to tamp it, and locked a small funnel into Sean’s gag ring. Glossy and clear, its super-slick plastic was designed to channel even the stickiest adhesives. “Fuck, yeah. There we go.” He smiled and patted Sean’s cheek. “Now my slut’s ready to come.”

Hips still twitching, Sean laughed through a groan, shaking his head, clearly torn.

Max waited to continue. “Last chance, Sean. Safe word?”

Finally, the moment of truth. Could Sean accept what Max brought? Embrace his kink? And not just endure it, but like it?

Ass squirming, eyes flashing, Sean searched Max’s face, conflict plain as day in his gaze.

Max held his breath. His heart pounded harder. Don’t cave, Sean. Don’t. You can do this.

A second later, Sean drew in a lungful, then smiled around his gag and shook his head. “Nuh, Shir. Nuh shafe wahr. Peesh. Aye ee cuh.”

Max’s insides did a backflip, understanding him perfectly. No, Sir. No safe word. Please. Make me come. He couldn’t freaking believe it. Holy motherfucking shit. Shocked and thrilled, he grinned super wide. “Fuck yeah, caitín. Goddamn. You rock. Let’s get you seeing some fucking stars.”

Clutching Sean’s dick, along with his own, Max jacked their shafts in sensual synchronicity. Stoking their fevers higher. Hotter. Stronger.

Sean shuddered and shook, falling quickly back to pleading. “Peesh, Shir! Peesh!—Cah aw cuh?!—Cah aw cuh?!”

“Hold it,” Max rasped, nearly on the brink himself.

Sean’s hips bucked. “Ungh! Aw cah, Shir! Aw cah! Peesh! Ungh—Uck! Cah aw cah?!”

“Yes,” Max growled, aiming Sean’s cock toward that funnel. “Come, little a stór, for your Dom.”

And just like that, Sean belted a shout, muscles locking tight as he orgasmed. Max watched his taint contracting again and again, watched Sean’s dick pump out shitloads of cum. Cum that pelted that clear little funnel, then vanished down its slippery-smooth spout. Sean’s eyes rolled back, his throat muscles working, even as his cock kept unloading.

Goddamn… So gorgeous… So impossibly hot…

The sight alone was going to kick Max over the edge. He clenched his jaw. Snarled a few oaths. Eased up on his own dick till Sean finished. Which turned out to be just a few seconds longer. Time to put the icing on the cake.