“My plans,” Sean murmured, “have yet to be determined. Would you like to be part of them?” he tacked on.

Max’s hands paused briefly but quickly resumed. “No, Sean. I wouldn’t. I’m your Dom, not your friend.”

Sean grinned. “But friends are fun, Sir. You should give it a—oh fuuuck.”

Max’s thumb had just slid down Sean’s crack past his hole, and now the guy was clutching his nuts.

“Would your friends do this, Sean? Because if they wouldn’t, I’m not interested in being one.”

Sean moaned, eyes closing as Max gently rolled his balls. “Shit, Sir… Well then maybe… you could be my… special friend.”

Max chuckled again and gave a frisky squeeze. “You’ve got enough friends. Don’t be greedy. Now get up.”

Sean groaned. “Do I have to? This position’s surprisingly comfortable.”

“Yes.” Max was grinning again. So palpable in his voice. “Unless you’d like another spanking.”

“As tempting as that sounds, I think I’d rather pass.” But as Sean rose to his knees, a wild hair hit him, emboldening him to do something reckless. Not thinking, just acting, he straddled Max’s lap and sank his fingers deep in Max’s hair.

Max froze completely.

Sean met his stare. Then rolled his hardening cock into Max’s belly. Which was totally stupid. Sean was playing with fire. He knew he was, but just couldn’t help it. He wanted Max so bad. Had for a while. And this was all just so different from the dungeon.

Spontaneous. Unscripted. Egging him on to go for it. It was who Sean was. It was what he did. He always went after what he wanted.

Max’s green eyes blazed. His hands clutched Sean’s ass. “Sean,” he ground out. “What are you doing?”

Shit. He was pissed. Was about to throw Sean off.

Sean scrambled for a response, but to his utter shock, Max growled and crushed Sean closer.

“Fuck yeah,” Sean moaned, latching his mouth to Max’s neck.

Which apparently was a bad idea.

Abruptly, Max fisted his hair and yanked him back, ripping Sean’s lips from his skin. “Do. Not. Do. That.”

“Why not? I earned it. My ass is on fire.”

“Because you’re making me need to fuck.”

Again, Sean rocked his hips. “Yeah? Then let’s fuck. I’m horny.”

“No,” Max bit out. But instead of stopping, he ground Sean against him even harder.

White-hot tingles roared through Sean’s body. “But you want it. I know you do. And I want it, too.”

“You’re practically a virgin. I’d hurt you.”

“No, you wouldn’t.”

“It’s inappropriate. I’m your Dom.”

“So bend the rules.”

Max stilled Sean’s hips. “No.”





Sean groaned against Max’s chest.

Max wrapped him in his arms.

“Save it for a scene, kid.”

“But that’s so far away.”

“Four days. You’ll manage.”

Sean sighed and nuzzled closer.

“Oh… and Sean?”

Sean stilled. Frowned. “Yeah?”

“You ever pull that shit again, and I will kick your ass to the curb.”


“No, my beautiful boy. Here. Like this…”

Max watched attentively as his clients did their thing, nearly lost in the serenity of their exchange. Which sounded like an oxymoron. Even to him. Serenity and BDSM weren’t typically compatible. At least, not during the heart of a scene. But with this couple it made sense. With them, it could be no other way.

Max draped his leg over the sofa’s armrest, dutifully supervising the show. But he wasn’t on his playroom sofa because he wasn’t in his playroom. Tonight they’d decided to do things differently. Tonight Max was staying out of sight. Aka in the observation area of the demonstration room just off to the side of his dungeon. Where private sessions took place that weren’t really private. Just sort of gave the illusion of such, while voyeurs watched from behind a two-way mirror. Not that the couple getting it on didn’t know. Because they did. In fact, in order to even have an audience, a couple had to specifically request it. Because just like every other aspect of BDSM, it was all about consent.

Max gazed at the two men behind the glass, inwardly smiling at their progress. He’d been mentoring them for months now, but they’d quickly become two of his all-time favorite students. Not because the Dom was some natural phenomenon, or his sub was the epitome of obedience. Because they weren’t. In all honesty, both had started off pretty inept. Now, however, they were, well, not polished, but they’d definitely fashioned their own unique mold. Even now it still amazed Max just how different they were from the norm.

He looked at Trey, the ripped, bald Dom, covered in thick fur and ink. With his intense, steely gaze, and all that leather, he came across as one intimidating motherfucker. But nothing could be further from the truth. Not in the fun-loving, teddy bear sense, though. Lots of leather daddies were like that. No, in Max’s eyes, Trey was far more than loveable. Trey was dominant love personified. It was hard to explain. Hard to put into words. Hell, that side of Trey wasn’t even apparent outside a scene. Nor had it manifested overnight. When he and his sub first came to Max, the two had been utterly clueless. And yet, they were unmistakably a perfect match. How Max had known, he wasn’t exactly sure. But he did, because they exuded it, this yin-yang of auras. The flawless compliment of dominant and submissive. They just had no clue what to do with it. But they’d known they had to do something. They’d been nearly combusting. Desperate to act, to somehow sate their needs.