Sean’s dick roused in his pants. He cleared his throat. “Okay.”

Max’s emerald eyes glittered. “Okay.”

Behind them, a student shoved through the door.

Sean slid off his backpack and grabbed out some papers. “Here. For your class. Forms to sign granting me permission to take their pictures… and possibly use them for school-related publications.”

Max nodded and took them.

Sean gestured with his thumb. “Okay. Gonna go get set up.”

The rest of the students filed in a minute later, some giving Sean amicable smiles. Mostly the girls, but a couple guys did as well. All while Max passed out Sean’s forms.

“Alright, class. Remember how Sean came through for us a few weeks back? Sat his naked butt in our classroom for three long hours? Well, now if you want you can return the gesture by doing a solid for him today, too.”

Luckily, everyone seemed down with that, and soon Sean had all sixteen signatures safely tucked away in his backpack. As Max and his class got busy doing their thing, Sean got busy doing his thing as well; adjusting the lighting via ceiling fixtures and window blinds, removing unaesthetic objects from view. Then came the fun part. Capturing every aspect of every component he’d need to complete his endgame assignment. Shouldn’t be difficult, or take very long. But since Sean had an entire hour to work with, he decided to go slow and take his time. After all, this particular project held special meaning to him, so he wanted to do the best job he could.

For the next sixty minutes, as everyone dutifully ignored him—and Sean tried desperately not to think about Max’s punishment—he snapped pictures of virtually everything and anything. Every student in their element. Every sculpture from every angle. To his delight, they were still working diligently on his sculpture. Evidently, on Wednesday, they’d visited a foundry where molten bronze was poured into their molds. Molds of ceramic that, for the duration of this class period, the students chiseled meticulously away. Sean could actually see glimpses of rich dark brown bronze as it emerged from its thick white-clay casing. Man, he really hoped Max would let him see the end products.

Speaking of which…

Sean trained his lens inconspicuously on Hot for Teacher. A couple soft clicks later and he’d captured some really great ones. Now he couldn’t wait to hit his dark room.

“Alright, people.” Max gave a single clap. “That’s a wrap. Time to clean this mess up.”

Sean clutched his camera tight. Class was over. Which meant soon he’d be at Max’s mercy. Sean chewed on his lip, eyeing the man, as students meandered every which way. What could Max possibly have in mind? Unless he kept a flogger in his desk drawer, he didn’t even have toys at his disposal. Sean carefully slid his camera back into its case, then slid the case into his backpack.

A few minutes later, the room was empty. Smugly, Max headed his way. “You get what you needed?”

Sean smiled. “I did.”

“Nice. So you’re ready then?”

Sean’s stomach leaped. “Yup.”

“Good. Let’s go.”

Wait, what? Let’s go? Sean followed him out the door. Waited briefly as Max locked things up. “So… where’re we going again?”

“To my truck.”

So they were leaving. As in, leaving the building. Suddenly, the possibilities for what Max had planned exploded through the freaking roof.

Sean accompanied him down the hallway, then took a left toward the parking lot. And even though not many words were spoken, Sean still found himself enjoying their little stroll. He’d never just walked somewhere with Max before. The furthest they’d ever traveled together was from Max’s front door down to his basement. And even then, Sean always sort of walked behind him. So this felt nice, despite Sean’s antsy nerves. He stole a quick glance at Max and smiled.

Soon they were outside and trekking across the asphalt. A few minutes later, they were at Max’s 4x4. Sean lifted a brow. Max’s ride was sweet. And so freaking different from what Sean drove. Not huge, though. It was one of the smaller-sized pickups. But its big, custom tires definitely made it look tough. Badass even. And sexy as fuck.

A good fit for Max. Certainly exuded the same traits.

“Wow, Teach. Nice truck. Love the dark gray.”

“Hm.” Max opened Sean’s door. “Get in.”

Sean looked at him. Laughed. “Damn. Yes, Sir.” Which earned him a sharp look from his Dom. Max climbed in on the driver’s side and tugged on his seatbelt. Sean secured his, too. “Well, we’ve reached your truck. Where’re we going now?”

“Off campus.” Max cranked the ignition and peered over his shoulder, hand by Sean’s shoulder as he backed up.

Sean nodded. “So forthcoming. I love that about you.”

Max chuckled softly and shoved it into drive. And suddenly they were on their way. To where exactly, Sean had no fucking clue. But going by the status of his growing dick, he was pretty fucking excited regardless.