Sean’s nuts wrenched tight. His abs jumped wildly. His thighs jerked and twitched against their stirrups. Sean could feel his brows pinching, pinching tight in brutal bliss. It was coming. There was no fucking stopping it now. An out-of-control freight train with no brakes.

Sean’s ass cheeks clenched tight. His eyes shot to Max’s. “Please, sir!” he strained out. “Please, Sir, can I come?”

Max slowed things a little and held his restless stare. “I want you to try holding it. Just a little.”

Sean tried. He did. Clenched that stick even tighter. But shit, that fist moving up and down his rock-hard shaft, and that toy rubbing insistently at his G... Nope. Hell no. He didn’t stand a chance.

Sean craned his head back. “I can’t, Sir! I can’t! Please,” he gasped. “Please! Can I come?”

Max’s dark, heady growl filled the room, draping Sean’s body in velvet. “Yes, little slut,” he rumbled. “You may come.”

Just in fucking time, too.


Sean pulled against his restraints, his biceps bulging, as hot cum rifled from his cock. Pelting his abs, his chest, his chin. Leveling the fuck out of his brain. Good God, he’d never felt anything so intense. His hips thrusted mindlessly. His lungs sawed for breath. And still, his dick kept on firing. Forcing out moans and curses and grunts, his orgasm’s strength inconceivable.

More low thrumming rose from his Dom. Like a huge lion’s purr, down deep in his chest. Like a rough little stroke to Sean’s soul.

The maelstrom finally relented. Max eased to a stop.

Sean struggled to catch his breath. “Holy shit.”

He peeled his eyes open. Max was watching him. Smiling. A little glint of smugness in his gaze.

“Welcome back,” he murmured.

Sean smiled. Then groaned. “Did I die? I think I died.”

“Out of body experience?”

Sean nodded weakly. “Surreal.”

“Good. Now tell your Dom thank you.”

Another breathless laugh. “Thank you, Sir.”

Max gently removed his toy. “You’re welcome.”

But as he tossed it in his basket and grabbed a small towel, Sean couldn’t stop from staring at the guy. Now that his mind had come back online, the gravity of what just happened nearly staggered him. Max just helped him overcome his one true fear. The stumbling block he’d been struggling with for so long.

Sean gazed at Max’s face as he wiped off Sean’s body. At the man who’d just rocked his fucking world. Because not only had Max helped him over that hurdle, but blew Sean’s frickin’ mind in the process. Good God, that man was skilled. Which Sean had already suspected. But he hadn’t a freaking clue just how skilled. Hell, Sean didn’t even know that level of expertise existed. At least not where sex was concerned. What happened just moments ago, to Sean’s whole fucking being, was by far the most exquisite moment of his life.

His chest welled euphorically. Max had given him this gift. This incredible, life-altering experience. Sean’s heart thumped happily, suddenly wishing he wasn’t restrained, so he could pull Max close and hug him really tight. There was no one, truly no one, on this planet like his Dom. And Sean couldn’t be more grateful to be his sub.

Max’s sub. Sean’s Dom.

Man, that felt so weird to say.

Max moved to Sean’s side with towel in hand but paused at the last drop of cum. On Sean’s collarbone by his neck. Sean could feel the stuff cooling. But instead of wiping it up like he had the rest, Max dipped down and slowly licked it off.

Sean stilled. Holy wow. He had not seen that coming. Another soft rumble, then Max stood back up and casually got to work freeing Sean’s hands.

Sean drew in his scent while he had the chance. “You do that often?” Damn, he sounded sated.

Max moved to his other side. “Not really.”

Sean lowered his arms, unable to keep from smiling. Because, seriously, how cool was that answer.

Max stepped to the head of the table and gripped Sean’s shoulders. Bent down and brushed Sean’s ear with his mouth. “I like to give myself rewards sometimes, too.”

Sean stilled yet again. His stomach flip-flopped. Even his dick fucking stirred.

Max gave a couple squeezes, getting the blood flow back on track, then walked back around to Sean’s knees. Sean watched him free his legs, watched him ease each one down. Sean smiled again. Max was good to his subs.

Max lifted his gaze and met Sean’s eyes. Offered his hand. Sean took it. And then, like Sean, Max smiled also, as he easily pulled Sean up. Which of course made Sean instantly want to sigh. Dreamily. Max’s smile was the best.

Max lifted a brow and eyed Sean’s hand. “Nice grip, kid. Gymnastics?”

“Yeah. A byproduct.” Sean gingerly stood up. His knees wobbled.

“Easy.” Max’s eyes flashed pure male satisfaction. He gripped Sean’s arm. “Come on. Time to chill with me for a while.”

Warm happy tingles emerged from Max’s touch. Sean grinned. He’d chill with that man all night long.