Tentatively, he let go of Max’s finger.

And still Max didn’t retreat. “Good boy,” he murmured, stroking Sean’s ring. Back and forth. All slow and gentle.

Sean exhaled another choppy breath, fighting like hell not to re-clench. Because even though it actually felt good, he couldn’t seem to let down his guard. Like any frickin’ second the pain would come searing, and his brain needed his body to be ready.

Max gripped Sean’s hip with his other hand, keeping Sean steady as he played.

Sean’s lashes fluttered. “Shit…”

“Shh. No talking,”

Sean bit his lip.

Fuck, he could feel his hole twitching against Max’s finger. Could feel his cock starting to leak. He groaned, eyes closing behind that blindfold.

Max growled and eased off. “Such a sweet little slut.”

Sean exhaled. Then smiled. He’d pleased Max. Could tell. Could hear it in the tone of his voice. In the way he’d turned “slut” into a compliment. A compliment Sean still fucking liked. No one had ever called him that before. It felt dirty. And sexy. Scandalous and hot. Sean liked being Max’s slut. Liked it a lot.

Max moved his hands to the tops of Sean’s thighs, right where they connected to his groin. “Still no questions?” he asked, testing the area, skimming his fingers along each side’s sensitive crease.

Sean’s legs jerked. His dick bucked. Holy fucking shit. Max was making him so horny, he was going to come. Sean quickly cleared his throat. Rasped, “No… I don’t think so.”

“Good. But now I have some for you.”

Max sank back to his haunches. Sean slumped in relief. Although, truth be told, a part of him wanted more. All those light teasing brushes had made him hungry. His cock jutted outward, seeking a repeat, but Max was busy elsewhere.

“How active are you, sexually?” Max traced Sean’s muscles, following each one down to his knees. “You fuck a lot? Use protection?”

God, Sean loved the feel of his fingers. Literally everywhere they touched felt amazing.

He tried to focus. To answer Max’s question. “Um…” He shrugged—as much as his stance would let him. “Not too much. Mostly just get blowjobs. But when I do fuck, I definitely use protection.”

Max paused. Sean could feel the guy eyeing him incredulously. “You look like you do, but you don’t fuck much?”

Again, Sean tried to shrug. “I don’t do repeats. And few guys interest me to begin with.”

“But you let them suck your dick.”


“You suck theirs also?”

“Sometimes. If I’m horny enough. Mostly I just receive.”

Again, Sean could feel Max regarding him curiously.

“And you say you only top.”

Sean nodded, then smiled. “Yup. And evidently, I’m pretty awesome.”

Max chuckled. “Oh, yeah? Is that what they’re saying?”

“It is.”

“Hmm.” Max paused to trace the scar on Sean’s knee. The one from that stupid effing car accident. He only lingered briefly, though, and before too long, had found another doozy flanking Sean’s kneecap.

Sean’s whole body jerked. “Fuck! I’m ticklish there, too?”

Max snickered and moved on. “How come you don’t have a boyfriend? You’re young... Good looking… A little bit smart.”

Sean coughed out a laugh. “Wow. Not sure if I should be flattered or offended by that.”

Yet another amused rumble. “Answer the question.”

Sean sighed and gave another cock-eyed shrug. “I dunno. Like I said, not many guys interest me. I need a challenge, and most are… too willing.”

Again, Max paused. His smirk was palpable. “Ah. You’re too pretty. Your blessing is your curse.”

“Yeah. I guess. Something like that anyway.”

Max stood a second later. “Alright. All done. Got your whole body pegged and plotted.”

Sean smiled, impressed. “Seems like a lot to remember. You must have one hell of a memory.”

“Yeah,” Max muttered. “My blessing and curse.”

Next thing Sean knew, his blindfold was gone. He blinked.

Max grinned.” You ready?”

Hell yes.

A rush of excitement tore through Sean’s body, causing every inch of him to hum. He nodded, then swayed, distracted from keeping his balance.

Max’s eyes flashed. “Good. I’ll be right back.” He turned on his heel and sauntered away, heading toward one huge-ass collection of whips. Like everything else, they were neatly arranged, hanging from one of Max’s many large, crimson wall displays. Sean watched him snag what looked like a cat-o'-nine, but crafted with leather strips instead of rope.

Max walked back over and showed Sean his choice. “This is a flogger. One of my favorite kinds of whip. So well-rounded, I can slap the thing gently, or crack it hard with all of my strength. Soft and teasing, to a holy-fucking-shit, and everything in between.”

He gave Sean’s abs a little demonstration. Then another light whap to his thighs. Sean jerked with each hit, but not because it hurt. In truth, it felt invigorating as hell. Like a physical clap, snapping his body to full attention.

“I’ll go easy on you today, Sean. Bring the burn on nice and slow. But that’s a leniency I give only once.”

Sean lifted a brow as he hung there, helpless. That sounded kind of ominous. “Duly noted.”