Sean stilled. Shrink-wrapped his brain around Max’s words. Definitely something he’d have to think hard on. Because one thing he already knew without question was that he loved, fucking loved, making Max happy. Still wasn’t sure why; Max was just some grumpy guy. But every time he smiled, or his green eyes glittered, or he let loose that sultry chuckle, Sean lit up bright from the inside out and immediately wanted to experience it again.

Sean gave a small nod. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Then he donned his flirty smile and leaned forward. “Although I’d still welcome any kind of help you’re willing to give to keep my lips occupied elsewhere.”

Another quiet chuckle. “Oh, believe me. I’ve got plenty of ways to keep your mouth occupied.”

Sean could feel Max staring. Staring hard at his lips. Sean grinned, his dick nudging readily at his fly. “Is that a threat or a promise? I can’t tell.”

“Both,” Max murmured. His tone had turned light. “Which is pretty much the gist of how I play.”

At that, he resumed, fingers focusing on Sean’s nipples. Stroking them. Rolling them. Pinching them. Plucking them. Sean bit back groans, his cock steeling harder. And then, out of nowhere, something small and wet gave a quick little flick to one nipple. Sean’s whole body thrummed. That was Max’s tongue. Then warm breath rushed over his nip’s peak. Sean could feel it bead tighter. Shit, it felt hard as rock. Seconds later, the same thing happened to his left. He tried to hold it back. Tried like hell not to moan. But the stupid thing busted free anyway.

“Hmm,” Max murmured. “Very pretty.”

“My nipples?”

“Your everything.”

Cue the preening.

“Wow. Thanks. My everything’s very flatter—Oh fuuuck…”

Max’s mouth. On his nipple. Sucking gently. Oh, God…

Max growled against Sean’s skin. “Hush. I’m trying to take notes.”

Sean could feel his brows crushing together in bliss. Could feel his cock pulsing to Max’s rhythm. To the tune of his draws, each one making it sing. Sean shifted in his restraints, fingers opening and closing.

But then Max gripped Sean’s nipple with his teeth. Sean tensed. Then tensed harder when Max started to bite. Slowly, gradually, tighter, tighter, until Sean’s nips started screaming bloody murder.

“Ah!” Sean cried out. “Fuck! Please, stop!”

Max pulled back and casually resumed exploring. “Bet your nipples don’t miss me now.”

“No,” Sean rasped. “At the moment, they do not. I think you hurt their feelings.”

Max’s next laugh was a tumbling roll of thunder. “They better get used to it. I’m rarely gentle.” He fingered Sean’s abs, then moved to his sides, tickling every sweet spot with prods and grazes.

Sean’s whole body twitched. “Goddamn. Can you—”


“But you’re—”


“But I’m—”

“Sean.” Max’s voice had turned stern.

Sean winced. “Um… Yes?”

“No more talking.”

Sean drew in a breath. Held it. Gave a nod.

Max’s hands palmed Sean’s boy shorts, right at his hips, pausing atop the buttons on each side. “There we go. Silence.” He unfastened the top ones.

Sean stilled.

Max moved lower, down to the next.

Aw, shit. There were only four buttons total and—

The leather fell away. All warm snugness vanished. Cool air kissed Sean’s cock. Licked his nuts. Sean exhaled hard. His heart pounded wildly. Though, why he was reacting that way, he didn’t know. Max had seen him naked before. Granted, he’d never been standing so close. And Sean hadn’t been totally restrained. But still. His heart was hammering like mad. Like he’d just freaking sprinted a race.

Max growled softly. Holy shit, that was hot. “Damn, caitín. Nice manscaping. And fuck. You’re so hard. Looks like you’re ready to come.”

Yes. Yes, he was. And Max hadn’t even touched him yet. Sean could feel the heat climbing into his cheeks. No talking—No talking—No talking—Ohhh shhhhiiit…

Max had just stroked the underside of Sean’s cock. Had run his finger up its length, from base to tip.

Sean’s abs bunched tight. His dick bobbed eagerly.

Max’s hmm sounded amused. “This reminds me. During a scene, Sean? No coming without permission.”

Sean stilled. “I need permission?”

Max lightly rubbed the bottom of his sac. “Uh-huh. Unless you want to be punished.”

Sean’s lips fell open. Ah, fuck, that felt good. “Okay, boss… No coming… Understood…”

Max slid his touch further, down Sean’s perineum toward his hole, Sean’s spread thighs unable to stop him. Max reached his mark. Sean exhaled a shuddering breath, then clenched his cheeks tight around Max’s finger. But Max didn’t retreat. He merely paused.

“So tense,” he mused. “I promised I wouldn’t penetrate. And you, Sean, promised to trust me.”

Sean squirmed, face heating, cheeks gripping Max’s finger. “I know. Shit. Sorry. Natural response.”

“Hmm.” Max waited. Waited some more. Finally, he chuckled. “You plan on letting my finger go anytime soon?”

Sean swallowed. Laughed sheepishly. “Oh… Yeah… Sorry… Right.”

Stilling his body, he concentrated on relaxing, focusing first on his arms and legs. It wasn’t easy, though. Not at all. He had no clue he was so phobic. At least where his ass was concerned. But then, he’d never really engaged in this kind of play. When he told Max earlier that he’d tried it when he was younger, he’d been talking about his experiences with Rick. Which weren’t exactly playing in this regard. And weren’t exactly pleasant, either.