Kevin’s exhale came out choppy, his eyes straight-up distressed. “I know I did. I know it.” He fisted Max’s shirt tighter. “It’s just… Fuck… I’m just so fucking scared.”

Max sighed and pulled Kevin into his arms. “You’ve been carrying this weight on your shoulders for too long. I know it’ll be hard, but once you finally tell them, you’ll feel so much lighter. So much freer.”

Kevin whimpered against Max’s shoulder. Max could feel him trembling. “I can’t. I don’t want to. I’ll carry the weight forever. Please. Just let me keep it a secret.”

Max stiffened and pulled back to look Kevin in the eye. “We’re not cowards, Kevin. We’re not. And we don’t fucking hide. God. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed about. We’re not doing anything wrong. We love each other. Big fucking deal.”

Kevin shook his head again and again, his face turning downright panicked. “I’m not like you, Max! I’m not brave and strong! I’m scared fucking shitless! I can’t!”

Max gripped his shoulders. “Yes, Kev, you can. You’re braver than you think.”

Kevin continued to shake his head.

“Yes, you are!” Max paused and shoved a hand into his front pocket. Pulling out his fist, he uncurled his fingers, revealing an intricate, whittled hawk. “I made this to remind you that you’re not a downed bird. That you’re awesome, and soon you’ll be free. Free and able to spread your wings. Able to fucking fly.”

Kevin gazed at Max’s masterpiece, his voice turning thick. “God, Max. It’s beautiful. I… I love it.” Shoulders slumping, he shuddered with a groan. “I wish I could believe that things’ll turn out okay. Believe that this’ll end well, like you do.”

Max took Kevin’s hand and gave him the hawk, its detailed wings filling his palm. “I do believe it, Kevin. I know you can do this. And I’m gonna be there every step of the way.”

Kevin lifted his gaze, his eyes beyond petrified. “I’m scared,” he whispered. “Of what’ll happen. I’m scared it’ll all go wrong.”

Max’s heart thumped in sympathy. God, the dread on Kevin’s face. “I know. It’s okay.” He kissed Kevin’s lips. “I’ll be strong for the both of us. You’ll see.”

Kevin snapped his arms around Max tight and let out an anguished sound. “Okay. Next weekend. For you. Only you.” Trembles still wracking him, he deepened their kiss, as if desperate for a distraction from what he’d agreed to. “Because I love you, Max,” he breathed. “Because you’re everything to me. Because I don’t wanna break my promise.”

Max sighed against Kevin’s mouth, so proud of him for being so brave. Facing his parents wasn’t going to be easy, and would require some serious guts. Kevin restlessly fisted his fingers in Max’s hair. Max palmed Kevin’s back and pulled him closer. He was everything Max wanted. Everything he needed. They were more than just a couple. So much more than just best friends. They were each other’s freaking worlds, each one orbiting around the other. They were the solid ground beneath each other’s feet.

Because Max loved Kevin. Loved him so damn much. And he knew Kevin felt the same.

Blood pumping faster, Max deepened their kiss, reveling in the taste of Kevin’s lips. In the way his tongue fumbled clumsily against Max’s the way it always did when he was drunk. Max pressed closer against him, until their bodies were flush. Until he could feel Kevin’s heart thumping, too.

For twenty straight minutes they made out against that tree, lost to the world around them. As well as to the party going on not far away, where their friends joked and fucked off around their huge bonfire. None of them knew yet, about Max and Kevin. Max was waiting on Kevin for that. But they’d know soon enough, and if they couldn’t deal with it, then they weren’t friends worth keeping anyway. Besides, Kevin and Max were heading off to college soon. Leaving their stomping grounds far behind them as they made new friends, a new life, at VCU.

Max couldn’t wait, truth be told. To be on his own. With Kevin. They’d managed to score a dorm room together as well as a couple of classes. They’d get part time jobs. Be responsible and shit. The support system for each other that both would need. And then when they graduated four years down the road, it’d be a brand new sparkling chapter in their lives together.

They’d do it all together. Just like they always had.

Max’s dick started to swell as they continued to kiss, Kevin’s warm body making him crazy. Damn, if Kev wasn’t so fucking drunk, Max would bend him over the closest log. Maybe it was time to go. It was their night to sleep at Max’s house anyway, and Max’s mom was working night shift at the hospital.

Apparently, Kevin had a similar thought. Beating Max to the punch, Kevin broke from their kiss just long enough to pant softly against Max’s mouth. “Max. Shit, Max. I need you so bad. Let’s bail from this party. I wanna fuck.”