Sean grinned and wagged his brows.

Jonah balked. “Are you crazy? Are you out of your freaking mind?” He pointed at the screen. “Look. At. What. He’s. Doing! Sean! He’s a fucking sadist!”

Sean laughed. “I know! How cool is that?” He closed out of the website and shut his laptop.

Jonah stared at him. “Dude. I’m serious. That shit’s whack.”

Sean nodded, relenting. “I know. Joking aside, I agree, some of it’s crazy nuts. But I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry.”

Jonah stood and scrubbed his face, muttering grimly, “My roommate has totally lost it.”

Sean laughed. “Relax. I won’t do anything stupid. But come on. You know me. I’m a thrill seeker. Love extreme. And nothing’s made my heart pump like this since competition.”

Jonah’s brows shot high. “You’ve already tried it? With Hot For Teacher? Oh, my God. You’re such a whore.”

Sean laughed even more and climbed off his bed. “Yes, I am. But you love me anyway. Now let’s regress.” He swapped his light tee for a nice dark snug one. Shoved on some leather wrist cuffs, and grabbed his beanie. “You were saying when you first walked in here, Joe? That you wanted to go out? Have some fun?”

God knew, Sean could use the distraction. If he thought about the shit he’d just seen much longer, he’d convince himself not to go through with it. And he was going through with it. Max wouldn’t scare him off that easily.

Jonah pocketed his hands and nodded. “Yeah. I could use a drink. Or ten.” His adorable smile returned. “And I wanna show off my new glasses-free image.”

Sean chuckled and shook his head, draping his arm over Jonah’s shoulder. “Alright. Come on.” He steered them toward the door. “We can hit Granger’s first and go from there.”

“Grangers?” Jonah asked, a weird tone to his voice.

“Yeah. This musician I know is playing there tonight. He’s really good. You’ll like him.”

Jonah stiffened under Sean’s arm, his smile turning nervous. “Yeah… I’m sure I will.”


“Spank that ass! Yeah!”

“Move over, my turn.”

“Relax that throat, whore.”

“Fuck, yeah! Fuck that hole!”

“Shit, bitch. Watch the teeth.”

“Ungh, fuck! Fuck my cock!”

Max sighed, arms crossed where he stood against the wall, and glanced for the fourth time at his watch. Eleven forty-five. The night was still young. But fuck, it was so damn loud in there—people shouting, music thumping—he could barely hear himself think. Fortunately, this particular group scene—consisting of three subs, six Doms, and a shit ton of spectators—would be over in less than ten minutes. He glanced at Luke on the other side of the room. Like Max, he too was one of the night’s Dungeon Monitors posted to oversee the rowdier events. A safeguard Max wholeheartedly supported. Occasionally, some of the younger, more excitable Doms ended up skirting the edge of too far. Unlike the more seasoned Doms. They never lost sight of a sub’s safety. It was always at the forefront of their minds. But because mistakes were made, most unintentional, measures were rightfully put in place.

Hence, the reason Max was stationed at this post so late on a Friday night. It was the busiest night of the week for District Dungeon, and he hadn’t monitored in ages. All Doms agreed when joining the society to take monitoring shifts from time to time. Which none had a problem with. They all could do the math. With so many members, each Dom only needed to cover a couple of shifts a year.

“What do you say, boy?”

“Please, Sir!”

“Please, what?”

“Please give me more of your cock!”

“Yeah, that’s what I like.”


“What do you say?”

“Thank you, Sir! UH!! Thank you, Sir!”

Max watched the gangbang with indifferent eyes. Watched those three subs being brutally dominated. He knew they enjoyed it, despite the grimaces they made. Despite how hard they gagged on dick or cried for mercy. They had their safe words. They chose not to use them.

Max fought the urge to shake his head. Even though he understood it, knew the countless reasons why they did it, he still couldn’t fathom subjecting himself to that willingly. But different strokes for different folks, and that’s what made this trade awesome. So much variety. Never the same thing twice. Too bad Sean wasn’t cut off for the stuff. He’d make the workweek so much sweeter. But he wasn’t. Max was sure of it. Which was probably for the best. Sean’s kind of candy was trouble.

His cell phone vibrated in his leathers’ back pocket. Max pulled it out. Read the text.

Scott: Hey, man. Care if I use the playroom tonight?

Max smirked and thumbed his response.

Max: Yeah, bud. No problem. Hot date or some shit?

Scott: Haha No. Got some gym clients needing a favor.

Max lifted a brow.

Max: A favor? With plural clients?

Looked like Scott was having his own orgy tonight.

Scott: Nah. Think it’s an initiation thing. For a buddy at their frat party. Will probably use The Wall. ;)