The testimonials under References were very enlightening. For the most part, Sean liked reading them. They were positive. Reassuring. Some were even funny. Just regular people living life to the fullest. And all of them clearly loved Max. Sean smiled again. In a roundabout way, he could understand why. Especially if they’d been lucky enough to see his smile.

Client Forms was next, which consisted of a questionnaire and “List of Limits,” and needed to be filled out in advance. Which was going to take some time because both were insanely extensive. No joke. The questionnaire—made up of inquiries relating to anything from personal fantasies, to allergies, to latex, to past traumas that might cause emotional distress during a scene (child abuse, sexual assault, etc.)—was over a page long. The List of Limits was worse, though. Had over a hundred BDSM activities mentioned that Sean was to express his level of willingness to engage in; H’s next to anything he considered a “hard limit,” or in other words, something he’d never ever do. Naturally, ball torture got a big fat H, as did quite a few others. S’s went next to anything Sean wasn’t quite sure of. His “soft limits,” things that he’d presently like to avoid, but might be interested in later down the road. Max’s list got quite a lot of those letters, too. The stuff Sean was okay with, though, which pathetically weren’t many, he just left unmarked for green lights go.

Sean exhaled when he finished, feeling somewhat mentally drained. Funny how he also felt more confident. More in control of the situation. Just like others had claimed in the reference section—and what Max explained about power exchanges as well—subs had a remarkable amount of say in what happened. In what was ultimately allowed to be done to them. Which was awesome, because honestly, the majority of this shit was way over the top for Sean—Not that he thought that the stuff was dangerous. Max’s extensive section on “Safe, Sane and Consensual,” pretty much snuffed fears of that—and incidentally, shed a whole new light on Max.

The things that he engaged in… It mystified and fascinated Sean all at once. Maximus was one intricate fellow.

Sean hovered his cursor over the last page’s icon. The Gallery. His heart pounded. Should he? Did he really want to see? For some reason, the thought of Max getting sexual with others didn’t sit very well in his stomach. But how ridiculous was that. He and Max weren’t romantically involved. Hell, at times he wasn’t even sure if Max liked him. Like the last time Sean saw the guy, after he’d nearly made Sean come. He’d gone from scorching hot to arctic cold in the blink of an eye. And Sean was pretty sure he hadn’t done anything wrong.

He stared at the button. Whether he wanted to or not, he needed to look. Max had specifically instructed him to do so. Besides, he was just a little bit curious…


Sean’s eyebrows flew up his forehead fast.

Whoa. Holy shit.

He tilted his head

Was that guy…? Was that his…?

Sean reared back.

Oh, damn.

He scrolled to the next picture. Grimaced. Kept going. Stopped at another. Lifted a brow.

Now that right there didn’t look half bad. In fact, it looked downright delicious.

He adjusted his junk. Mouthed a big wow. Scrolled through a few more colorful images. Some made him cringe. Some made him gawk. And quite a few made him bite his lip.

But then he came to another shot. Max standing just a few inches from another man. Their mouths were so close. Their gazes were locked. An undeniable communion was happening. Sean paused. Slowly frowned. Felt his stomach churn thickly. Max wasn’t smiling. But he didn’t look unhappy, either. Just stood there staring at the flushed sub before him, like the guy was all that he knew.

In fairness, the two of them looked kind of beautiful. Sean couldn’t and wouldn’t deny that. And as he sat there looking at that bound man and Max, Sean realized he wanted that, too. To experience whatever it was they were experiencing.

“Sean?” Jonah gave a quick rap on the door, then ambled into the room. His glasses were gone again, and he was wearing his great smile. As well as a shirt that wasn’t pink.

Sean smiled. “What’s up?”

Jonah plopped down beside him. “Not much. Was just thinking that maybe we should go hit a—Whoa! What the fudge rocket?! What kind of site are you on?”

Sean laughed and pointed to Max on his screen. “That guy right there? That’s Hot For Teacher.”

Jonah’s mouth dropped open. “Are you fucking shitting me?”

“No,” Sean laughed again, shaking his head. “He’s a professional Dom. Can you believe it?”

“No… I… No. I literally can’t.” Jonah blinked at the screen. Looked at Sean. Looked back at the screen. Looked back at Sean. His brows scrunched together. He shook his head no. “You’re not gonna… you know… do that shit.”