“Great,” he heard Jonah mutter softly. “Because I’ve got so much of that.”

Sean pushed open his bedroom door. If that crush thing didn’t work out, he’d try setting Jonah up again. Because practice made perfect. Sean knew that one well. Lived by it all those years in gymnastics. And God knew he wiped out more times than he could count. But he never quit, and it always paid off.

Sean sat down on his bed and pulled his laptop from his sack. The last forty-eight hours had been busy as shit. School all day, come home, eat, do homework, then work till closing at the coffee house. But it was finally Friday, which meant no work tonight. Which, in turn, meant Sean could finally check out Max’s website. Not that he hadn’t been tempted to take quick peeks sooner, but he’d resisted, wanting to do it in one sitting. Unrushed. So he could take his time to really ingest what he was seeing. Because there’d be a lot to chew on. Max had made that very clear. But that didn’t deter Sean in the slightest. Shit, it just made him more curious.

What did this other exotic lifestyle entail?

What were its precepts?

What was Max’s role?

Was it something that Sean could embrace?

He knew he enjoyed that little taste Max had given him. Knew he enjoyed it a lot. But he also knew there was way more to it. And now he was about to see how much.

As his computer booted up, Sean got comfortable on his bed. Chances were he was going to be there a while. He typed in his password, strummed his fingers through more waiting, then clicked on the html bar. Time for Max’s card. Sean held it up, having retrieved it while getting situated, and eyed its little metallic letters.

Here we go.

He plugged in the address, doubled checked it, hit return, and waited for it to pull up Max’s page. No surprise that the backdrop emerging was black. Or that the letters popping up next were silver. Or maybe it was nickel. Some kind of metal-engraved font. Truth be told, it looked pretty sweet. Sean eyed the page’s all-caps heading. MAXIMUS. He smiled. Couldn’t not. It was just so Max. So bold and proud, yet hard and rigid like those letters.

Sean’s gaze dropped to the picture just below it; a close-up of what looked like a flogger’s folded tassels touching a set of male lips. But his profile was cropped, so all Sean could see was from his cheekbone down to his collar. That and a sexy, black choker around his throat, with a smooth onyx stone at its hollow. And yet, even though his identity was partially concealed, Sean knew for a fact that it was Max. He knew that chiseled jaw, knew that auburn stubble. Knew those earlobes with their tiny black gauges. But he especially knew those lips. Those full, stubborn lips, with that tantalizing little lip ring on the side.

Sean right-clicked on the image and saved it to his computer. His first ever picture of Max. Although, honestly, he couldn’t frickin’ wait for that photo shoot. His last time to get Max alone.

Sean checked out the menu options. Pretty standard shit. Well, the first few anyway. About Me, Blog, Contact Info. Then things got a bit more profession-specific. Services, Requirements and Expectations, References, Client Forms, and finally, the Gallery.

Sean clicked on the first and got busy reading, smiling to discover how much he already knew. Not a ton, but definitely enough to qualify him and Max as solid acquaintances.

The blog was cool, too. He liked reading Max’s mind. Liked seeing what Max deemed worthy to share. Tips and advice, new techniques he’d been playing with. Dates for local events at Dom District. Whatever the hell that was.

The Contact page was pretty much just Max’s email. Guess he frowned on phone calls.

Sean clicked on Services next. This should be interesting. A menu of sorts. Sean looked at the first. Bondage. A no-brainer. That is, until he read all the kinds. Yikes. Mummification?

Sean quickly moved on. Discipline. Which pretty much was self-explanatory, and what Sean assumed Max meant by “ramifications.”

The rest of the shit on Max’s services list? Not nearly as tame. Anal Play, Cock and Ball Torture, Nipple Torture, Body Worship, Humiliation. Sean cringed as he read them. Well, except for Body Worship. That one sounded hot. Moving on… Roleplay, Wax play, Medical Sessions, Fetish. Sensation play. Temperature play. Water sports. Sean’s eyebrows climbed higher and higher up his forehead—until he got to Puppy Training. Then he smiled. Sounded kind of cute. Maybe even fun.

And what do you know, he’d reached the end of the page. He clicked on Requirements and Expectations. Pretty straightforward. STD Testing. Conduct. Hygiene. Which also included the matter of grooming. Evidently, Max liked his subs shaved nice and smooth. Sean could definitely see the appeal.