“Uh huh. Wanna try it?”

Sean’s heart skipped a beat. He could feel his cheeks heating. “Um, no.” He shook his head. “No, thanks.”

Max chuckled. “Relax. I was kidding. I knew you wouldn’t.”

Sean glanced back over at him. Max’s smirk had returned. And that look in his eyes was darker. Like he was wordlessly daring Sean to take a chance. To dip his toe into the unknown. A chill tore up Sean’s spine. Could he? Should he? What would Max do? Hurt him? Tease him? A little of both? Sean had a feeling Max was a completely different guy in this domain. And not necessarily in a bad way. The prospect made Sean curious. Made his cock start to thicken. He’d come this far. What was one more step forward?


He couldn’t.

Yeah, he could.

No, he couldn’t.

Sean looked away and drew in a breath. Maybe. He’d decide that shit later.

He ambled past what looked like an exam table, then on to, wow, a cage. He blinked at the thing, imagining it in use. Why would Max hold people captive like that? But more to the point, why would they want him to? Clearly, it had to be a consensual thing. But why—

“They like feeling subjugated,” Max murmured in his ear.

Sean jumped with a start. Then laughed. “Fuck. Don’t do that.”

Max moved to stand beside him. “Damn. So jumpy. You nervous or something, cat?”

Again, Sean flushed. “Maybe. Kind of.” He gestured to the cage. “People like being in there?”

Max shrugged. “Some do, yeah.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Most don’t, though, and that’s why I use it.”

Sean looked at him.

Max shrugged again. “Disobedience warrants punishment, and punishment shouldn’t be enjoyable.”

“Ah. I see.” Sean eyed it again. “Use it much?”

“It gets its fair share of use.”

Sean glanced back up at him.

Max’s smirk turned playful. “The spanking bench is way more fun.”

Sean coughed out a laugh. “For you, at least. Not so sure your uh… subs would agree.”

“You’d be surprised,” Max muttered softly. Then he gestured with his chin to their right. “Since I’m sure you’re gonna ask me what that one is next… St. Andrew’s cross. And one of my favorites.”

Sean’s gaze slid over to the giant wooden X. Then to each of its four restraints. His heart sped faster. His mouth went dry. “Why is that one of your favorites?”

Max stared at it, too, and rubbed his jaw. “Shit. For lots of reasons. It keeps my subs incredibly immobile. I love that. But it also provides fantastically unrestricted access to one whole side of their body.” He made a soft growl. “I really love that also. Makes working them over so much easier.”


The things Max was saying, they just sounded so outlandish. So fantasy-like. Not real. Yet, clearly, real people truly engaged in this stuff. And for some reason, Sean wanted to as well. At least on some level. And with Max.

A heady image slammed into his brain, of him secured to that cross, like Max’s subs. And Max stood before him, with those stubborn, sexy lips, all curved into that sexy little grin. But that’s as far as Sean’s fantasy went, because what Max did next, what he did to his subs, Sean didn’t have a fucking clue.

But he wanted to know. Badly. Right now.

His dick firmed harder. His palms turned clammy. His heart pounded anxiously in his chest. Because he was going to do it. Take that next step. After all, it’d be his last where Max was concerned. And one step at a time he could handle. He knew he could. He lived for the challenge. What had driven him so hard in gymnastics. It was also what gave him the best satisfaction when he came out on the other side still standing.

But shit. How to say it. How to ask…

Once again, he found himself turning to Max. The guy was still thoughtfully eyeing his cross, as if lost in his own potent musings. Sean took a deep breath. Opened his mouth. Worked his lips. But nothing came out.

Finally, Max looked at him. Lifted a brow. “Need to get something off your chest?”

Sean laughed. Then nodded. “Yeah. I guess I do.”

Max waited patiently.

Sean glanced at the X. Tucked some hair behind his ear. Looked back at Max and gave a little shrug. “The shit you just said. About your subs. And that cross. It made me kind of want… kind of want…”

“A demonstration?”

Sean exhaled with a smile. “Yes. One of those.”

Max’s lips curved. “Really? With you as the sub?”

“Uh… Yeah, I guess.” Sean shifted his feet. “But like, not a hardcore one or anything.”

“Mm. I see. So you want to be restrained.”

Sean’s heart hammered. “Yeah.”

“That it?”

“Um…” Good question. Sean bit his lip. “I don’t know.”

Max’s eyes glittered sensuously. “Would you like a tiny taste?”

“A taste?”

“Of what I do. While you’re strapped in good.”