Max glanced toward his desk, where Sean’s payment sat waiting. Their little endeavor together had reached its end. Which kind of bummed Max out. But nothing lasted forever, he knew that shit all too well. Before long, Sean would be nothing but a memory.

Albeit, a fond one.

A very fond one.

Chest tight, Max rubbed his jaw and frowned. “Guess I should probably go settle up my tab.”

Sean looked up at him. “Okay.” For once, he wasn’t smiling.

Max held his gaze. He was going to miss those eyes. Then he exhaled and forced his feet to move. “Get dressed,” he muttered, heading for his desk. “I need to start cleaning up.”

“I could help you.” The soft slap of bare feet across the floor.

Max grabbed the check and turned around. “Thanks, but I’m good.”

His eyes locked on Sean. He was tugging up his jeans. Fuck. Now Max couldn’t look away. Not if the whole fucking world depended on it. Sean caught him watching. Max didn’t even care. He seriously doubted Sean would do his photo shoot half naked, so this was the last chance he’d get.

Not that Sean seemed to mind. In fact, he looked to be reveling in it.

“You sure?” he asked, slowly zipping up his fly. “I honest to God don’t mind.”

Max bit his tongue. Lord knew if he didn’t, he’d end up saying something really stupid. Like, “Sure, why not. Then once we’re done, I’ll bend you over my desk and fuck your brains out.”

“Yeah. I’m sure.”

He watched Sean pull his shirt over his head. Goddamn. Those pecs. And those sweet fucking abs. Max bit back a growl and stalked over.

“Here,” he muttered as Sean’s head reemerged, all but shoving Sean’s check in his face.

“Thanks.” Sean slid the thing into his pocket. But then he just stood there… and fidgeted.

Max frowned. Why wasn’t Sean grabbing his socks? That was the next logical step in getting dressed. He eyed Sean broodingly. “Is something wrong?”

“No.” Sean shook his head. “I just… wanted to ask you something.”

Great. More questions from Mr. Need to Know It All. Max crossed his arms again. Spread his stance. “One question. Go.”

Sean’s lips twitched as he shifted his weight. “Okay. So. Um. I was kind of wondering…” He dragged a hand through his golden mane.

Max lifted a brow impatiently.

Sean flashed a boyish smile. Cleared his throat. “I was wondering if you’d show me where you work.”

Max’s brow dropped back down. “Where I work.”

Nod. “Yeah.”

Max frowned. Sean had already seen two of his three workplaces.

“You want to see my dungeon.”

Sean stilled. “You call it a dungeon?”

Max’s lips curved. “Uh huh. And for good reason.”

Sean swallowed. Then shrugged. “Um, okay, then yeah. Your dungeon.”

Max had to admit, Sean surprised him yet again. Honestly couldn’t believe he’d just asked that. And of course Max’s first instinct was to tell him hell no, but for some messed up reason he couldn’t. Probably because a really huge part of him would love nothing more than to see Sean in his playroom. Max would probably get a boner the minute they got down there. Hell, he was getting a boner right now from just thinking about it. Sean, scanning Max’s den, all innocent and naive, his blue eyes both curious and wary. And yet that right there was why Max probably shouldn’t. Innocent and dungeon didn’t mesh.

He scratched his cheek. “Yeah, I dunno. It’s a completely different mindset down there.”

“I know. I don’t care. I just really want to see it.”

Max eyed him. “Yeah? And why is that?”

Sean pocketed his hands. Chewed on his lip. “I dunno.” He shrugged. “I guess I’m just curious. I’ve never seen a dungeon before.”

Max smirked. “Most haven’t. You’re in the majority.”

“Please?” Sean doled out a playful smile. “I cross-my-heart promise to behave.”

Max sighed. How the hell was he supposed to say no with Sean peering up at him like that? Fuck it. What harm could one trip downstairs do? And besides, he liked showing off his place. Was proud of his palace, his domain. Would Sean like it, too? Or would he run out screaming? Striking some fear into the kid might be fun. If nothing else, it’d definitely be arousing.

“Alright,” Max conceded, heading for the door. “But only because you cross-your-heart promised.”


Sean’s pulse pounded wildly as he followed Max out. He couldn’t believe the guy actually agreed. Hell, Sean couldn’t believe he’d asked to see it to begin with. All week he’d been tossing around the idea. It was bold. It was crazy. Adventurous. Irrational. Even as he’d scaled the steps to Max’s house tonight, he still hadn’t quite made up his mind. Had resolved while smoking his cigarette just to play it by ear. Let the state of the moment dictate his decision.

He’d almost chickened out, too. Had put it off to the last minute. But as he stood there getting dressed, he realized he might never get another chance. And that’s what ultimately propelled him into action, regardless of possible consequences. Because if he didn’t, he knew he’d regret it forever. And that prospect was worse, was way fucking scarier than anything Max could possibly have in his dungeon.