Which was five minutes ago, as he lay stretched taut with Max’s full weight straddling his waist. Decked out in leather—black pants, boots, and wrist cuffs—Max stayed fully dressed while his sub stayed fully naked. And that’s how Tommy liked it, as did the majority of Max’s subs. It made them feel vulnerable. Exposed. Disadvantaged. At the mercy of their caretaker, their Dominant. Max liked it that way, too. It added to his power play. Made him feel that much more in control.

With his back to his sub, Max sat facing Tommy’s feet, doling out more wicked torture. Pumping all lazily, barely gripping the guy at all, then fisting tight and fast, then back to loose. Tommy’s harsh hitching breaths intensified behind him. Strangled gasps as he fought to hold off. Max loved that sound. Loved those full-body shudders as his sub quaked non-stop beneath his ass. He’d like to make a particular blond do something similar.

Shifting to autopilot, Max gazed into space, his thoughts drifting yet again to someone else. Not another sub, though, or anyone Max had fucked. But to the young man he’d hired as his model. Sean. Beautiful Sean. Max thought about him a lot. At his workplace. In the shower. When he worked out. During scenes. Had since the first day they met. In the beginning, it’d been occasional. Maybe once every day or two. But with every time they came in contact, Max found himself doing it more and more. It’d been worse since Sean came to his house.

Max’s eyes hooded, recollecting their session on Tuesday. It’d been innocent. Casual. They’d both kept it cool. But there had definitely been sexual tension. Which Max supposed was only natural, two guys clearly attracted to each other. Thing was, Max found lots of guys attractive. Even some of his subs were pretty hot. But none of them ever kept his attention once they left. It was always out of sight, out of mind. Not so with Sean, though. And that made Max apprehensive. He liked being in control of what he thought about, and when. Yet somehow, Sean undermined that ability.

Which, truth be told, irritated Max. He didn’t like people messing with his head. Problem was, even though he found it aggravating, he also kind of found it enticing. Like a challenge of sorts to reclaim that control. A challenge aimed directly at Sean. The guy responsible for his brain’s upheaval. The guy Max couldn’t stop thinking about. That guy he couldn’t help looking forward to seeing again. Good fucking thing Sean would never be his sub, because man, did he make Max want dirty.

His lids hooded lower.

Shlick… shlick… shlick… shlick…

Playful Sean at his whim, at his mercy.


Max blinked from his reverie as Tommy bucked beneath him.

“Please!—Fuck, Please!—Please, Dominus!—Can I come?”

Max glanced at his watch. Oops. He’d gone a bit over. Smirking, he gripped the guy’s balls and stroked faster

“Alright, Tommy. You did really good. Come like a good slut for your Dom.”

* * * * *

Longest week of Sean’s entire life. Standing on Max’s doorstep, he shook his head. Seriously. How pathetic. He’d been literally counting the days, impatiently willing the week to go faster. At school. At work. While doing his fucking homework. All so he could finally see Max again. But Sean never did that shit. That’s what smitten people did. And he wasn’t smitten, he was…

Sean chuckled and scrubbed his face. “Ah, God. I’m totally smitten.”

Oh, well. Might as well enjoy the ride. Who knew when he’d feel this sensation again, all giddy and stupid over a person. It was kind of comical, really. This rash emotion. How goofy it made people behave. Screw it, though. It was fun. A rare little treat. Why not hop aboard and see where it took him. Who knew, maybe he’d get lucky. Maybe it’d drop him off in Max’s bed. For a quick little end-of-the-road romp. Because Max didn’t seem like the type to go for seconds. Seemed more like a one-night-stand guy. Which was fine by Sean. Chances were good that if he ever got to fuck Max, his little infatuation would—

Sean froze as something occurred to him. Something he couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of before. No way was Max a bottom. Without question, he was a top. But damn it, so was Sean. He’d always been. He’d tried bottoming and it just wasn’t his thing.

There goes that fantasy.

Sean exhaled in disappointment. Oh, well. That sucked. Although, a blowjob would still be pretty sweet. Until then, back to his original plan. Enjoy the ride, because it wouldn’t last long. Savor the eye candy and move on.

Tucking a lock of hair behind his ear, he gave Max’s door a couple knocks.

Max answered shortly after, wearing dark jeans and a tee, both hugging his body like a dream. His hair was all wet again, just like before, and as always, he smelled fucking great.