“Brady Anderson!” Kevin nearly yanked the card from Max’s hand.

Max laughed and took Kevin’s card in exchange. “Only one more month of school left, Kev. Got any plans for summer?”

Kevin’s smile faded fast as he studied his new card. “I guess. Same as every year. Bible school and boy scout stuff.” He looked up at Max. “You?”

Max shrugged, disappointed by Kevin’s answer. Was hoping they’d have the whole summer to themselves. “Nothing really. Might go to the beach for a long weekend before my dad heads out.”

“Oh, that’s right. Your dad’s leaving again. Where’s he going this time?”

Max shrugged a second time, looking down at his cards. “I dunno. Since he’s military, he’s not really allowed to say. Somewhere overseas.”

Kevin frowned. “How long’s he gonna be gone?”

“Dunno. Hopefully not long.”

Kevin bumped Max’s shoulder. “You don’t like being man of the house?”

“Not really.” Max’s lips curved. “Too many extra chores.”

“Pfft,” Kevin grumbled. “Try living at my house. And not just for the million stupid jobs.”

“Yeah.” Max chuckled. “Your parents are pretty strict. Maybe you should try living at my house instead.”

Kevin sighed. “That’d be awesome. Your mom and dad are cool.”

Max nodded in agreement, then stilled and looked at Kevin. “Sleepovers,” he announced.

Kevin’s brows furrowed. “Huh?”

“This summer. New tradition. Lots and lots of sleepovers. That way, when we’re at my house, you can help me with all my chores. And when we’re at yours, I can help keep your parents at bay.”

Kevin’s face lit up. “I love that idea.”

Max beamed right back at him. “Me, too.”

Maybe summer would turn out pretty great after all. Insides feeling lighter, Max looked back down at his cards. But before he could pull out another worthy trade, Kevin threw his arms around him and sighed.

“You’re my best friend, Max. I’m so glad that we moved here.”

Max hugged him back instantly, pressing his face against Kevin’s shoulder. “You’re my best friend, too, Kev. Forever.


“God, Max. Feels so good to get away from that house.”

Max glanced at Kevin as they ambled along, each carrying a fishing pole and tackle box. “Your parents driving you crazy again?”

Kevin scoffed and shot him a look. “Again? When are they not?”

“Good point.” Max chuckled. “They’re pretty consistent.”

They veered off the sidewalk onto a small asphalt path, flanked on either side by tall grass. It’d lead them behind houses, then through a small stretch of trees, before finally spitting them out at their favorite spot. Their neighborhood’s best kept secret, a small man-made pond, put in just a few years back amidst a new batch of homes.

Kevin exhaled and tried to smile. “Yup. Which is why I plan to enjoy every second of these next two hours away from them.”

Max slid him a grin as they headed into tree cover. “I snagged some of my mom’s rum… if you feel like being bad.”

Kevin’s face brightened instantly. “Heck yeah, I do. Anything to counter all the youth ministry BS I’ve been subjected to for the past flippin’ month.”

Max laughed. “That bad?”

Kevin groaned dramatically. “I think it’s starting to liquefy my brain. Which is your official heads up, by the way.”

“My official heads up?” Max grinned, amused.

“Yeah.” Kevin chuckled. “So don’t freak out when stuff starts oozing out of my ears.”

“Oh, okay.” Max laughed again. “As long as your nose doesn’t leak, too.”

Kevin grinned as they exited from beneath the leafy canopy into another stretch of grass-walled trail. “I’m sure that’ll be next, but that’s okay. Your shirt will sop it up no problem.”

“Ha. You get brain juice anywhere near my shirt and my fist will be having words with your nose.”

Kevin flat-out laughed, the sound enthralling. Max stared at him, savoring the little joy, the one he always felt when making Kevin smile. When making Kevin happy. Because it made Max happy, too. Made his chest swirl with warmth. Made his heart beat faster. Made him yearn to wrap Kevin tight in his arms.

Kevin met his eyes and, right on cue, his lips did that lopsided thing. “You’d never hit me, Max,” he murmured, voice teasing. “You love me too much. Admit it.”

Max fought back the smile trying to span his whole face. Ignored his heart rate’s accelerating pace. “Sure, I like you. Like you a lot. But you just can’t compete with my favorite shirt.”

Kevin grinned again as they turned off the path and navigated toward their cozy, private glade. Nestled at the base of three tall, surrounding hills, the pond waited quietly for their approach. Max glanced up, where at the top of each lofty hill, residential backyards peeked through lines of evergreen trees. Clearly, they’d been planted there to provide homeowners privacy, but they also provided the same for others. Those who came to fish, like Max and Kevin, or those who just wanted to be alone. To enjoy the little slice of nature that the forests in the area just couldn’t provide. Tall grassy inclines and a small body of water, closing off the rest of the world. It was peaceful and quiet, minus the frogs and noisy bugs, and instantly put Max at ease. Kevin, too, which was damn near a miracle. The kid was almost always wound tight.