Releasing Sean’s shaft, Max lurched up and straddled Sean’s hips, then bent his knees and furiously stroked his cock. Their gazes locked. Raw pleasure mounted. Max’s nuts wrenched up tight, then flat-out detonated. He barked a curse and pulled out Sean’s vibe. A second later, his dick was at Sean’s door. Right at his entrance, punching cum into his hole. A hole that was gloriously still open. Max panted and twitched, filling Sean to the brim, watching as some tried to spill out. He thumbed it back in, though. Didn’t let it escape. He wanted every drop to stay inside.

But as his orgasm eased, his gaze turned rapt, glued to Sean’s ass drinking him down. Fuck, the way each hungry clench eased his cum deeper until it disappeared entirely into his body. Beautiful. Max had never seen anything so beautiful. And God, the feels inside his chest. So possessive and primal, as if he’d mentally just claimed him. Claimed his beautiful sub, his a stór.

Sean moaned around his gag, aftershocks still racking him. A string of shudders rolled through Max, too. Their eyes met again. Sean’s were fucking beaming. Like sunlight glinting off the big blue ocean. Max grinned, still catching his breath, and slowly stepped back, his legs, his whole body, a freaking noodle.

He couldn’t believe it. Sean had done it.

Max held him with newfound respect. The kid was a natural. The kid was amazing. The kid was fucking perfect. For Max…

Abruptly, Max’s brain hit the brakes and cut a left, as if not willing to go any further with that thought. As if knowing that if it did, and Max assessed their dynamic deeper, he’d feel threatened by their connection and slam the door.

Which he would. Absolutely. Absolutely, without a doubt.

Instead, Max’s satiated, punch-drunk mind set Sean up on a pillar of new distinction; Max’s perfect match, aka his perfect sub, not to be mistaken for anything more.

But a sub, nevertheless, that he had no intention of losing.

Meaning all the stupid crap bumping around in his head needed to hurry up and take a fucking hike. Or if nothing else, get a frickin’ grip. Who cared if he was exceptionally attracted to Sean. Who cared if Sean got under his skin. Nothing wrong with some genuine sexual attraction. Because that’s all it was and all it’d ever be. Carnal allure and nothing more, between two men whose appetites clicked perfectly. Sean had passed Max’s tests with flying colors, which meant he didn’t just get Max’s kink, but actually fucking likedit. On a level Max had never known existed.

Such a truly rare connection between Dom and sub. Why should he look a gift horse in the mouth? Especially considering what a stingy whore life was. He’d probably never find this fit again.

Max’s spirit lifted. His insides felt lighter. Like a tiny little part of him was happy. Like he’d won some secret jackpot, discovered some priceless gem. His diamond amidst the shit storm. His a stór.

Max smiled, still breathless, and inwardly nodded. End of the drama. That was it. He was done. He’d enjoy Sean to the fullest. Why shouldn’t he? He deserved it. And truthfully, so did Sean after tonight. They’d have fun. Do some reveling in their seamless Dom/sub match, now that they understood what fueled their chemistry. Hell, in hindsight, it made total sense why Max had sensed something between them from the start. Because Sean was always meant to be his sub. And he was always meant to be Sean’s Dom.

So that was it. They were what they were. A top-notch pairing. A partnership of like minds. One that would keep them both freaking humming till the time came for his cat to say goodbye. In other words, when Sean graduated and boarded that plane, headed to Australia for the summer. A perfect time, really, to cut the ties. To wrap up their cool little chapter. After all, nothing good in this world lasted forever. And since the good stuff only came around once in forever, Max refused to let his paranoia ruin it. Because bottom line, there wasn’t anything to be paranoid about. No romance. No dating. No attachments whatsoever. Just a whole lot of fun amidst a whole lot of sex, between a frisky little sub and his Dom.


Sean sighed in sated bliss as Max led them to the couch. God, what a session. He couldn’t believe the shit they’d done. So much crazier than any fantasy he could have imagined. Seriously? Drinking his own cum? Was he nuts? But that was only the half of it, only the half of what had blown his mind. Yeah, that little adventure up in Max’s room had been hot. And yeah, that worship session had been incredible. Honestly, even the flogging and cage shit had been exhilarating, since Sean absolutely loved pushing his boundaries.