Max tugged Sean by his leash to the side of the bed. “Lay on your back with your arms by your sides. Leave a couple feet between you and the headboard.”

Sean chewed on his lip and obediently climbed on. “Definitely an upgrade from the cage.”

“Shh. No talking.”

Sean zipped it and settled in. Max kneeled down beside him and got to work. His first task: retrieving a sleek black rope secured to the mattress’s bottom left corner. Tugging it free from beneath the fitted sheet, he hooked its O-clip to Sean’s wrist cuff, then tightened the lead. He did the same to Sean’s other wrist, using rope from the right corner next. Sean tugged on the bindings, arms trapped at his sides.

Max grinned. “That’s right. All nice and secure.” He stood up. “Gotta grab some more stuff. Be right back.”

Sean watched as he returned to his chest of drawers, unable to peel his eyes off the man’s back. Couldn’t help it. Wanted desperately to see what Max was getting. After all, every time the guy visited his stash, he always returned with sordid surprises. Maybe Sean could steal a glimpse. A tiny heads up to what was coming.

Max shifted his stance, blocking Sean’s view. Shit. There goes that hope. Then again, Max definitely enjoyed the element of surprise, no doubt loved all Sean’s looks of alarm. When that jolt of erotic shock jostled Sean’s focus, jarring his raw, driving lust. Truth be told, Sean loved that shit, too. It made his cock go fucking ballistic.

Blood pumping hotter, he watched Max load his basket. One item, two items, three items, four… Damn, he was still frickin’ going. And curiously, now his posture looked a little bit cheerier, like a kid in a freaking toy store.

Nearly ten articles later, Max finally turned around. Green gaze glittering, he slid Sean a wicked look.

Sean stilled—Oh, God—then started fidgeting, his nervous excitement rocketing through the roof.

Something Max definitely picked up on.

Growling, he squeezed his crotch and headed back, joining Sean on the mattress when he arrived. “Alright, caitín. Spread those legs. Your Dom wants some room to sit down.”

More goosebumps erupted. Sean tingled from head to toe. Fuck, here we go. He eased up his knees, then moved his feet apart and opened his thighs.

Max scooted between them and sat on his heels. Sean’s heart pumped faster. His whole body thrummed. Max set his basket down and ran his hands up Sean’s sides, eliciting a shuddery breath from Sean’s lungs. A reaction, as it were, Max really seemed to like.

Grinning, he palmed Sean’s pecs and thumbed his nipples. “Ready to get raunchy?”

Good fucking question.

Sean shook his head no. “Yup.”

Max lifted a brow.

Sean tamped a laugh and nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Mmhmm. I knew you were.” Max’s dark eyes hooded. “My little slut’s always ready for my madness.”

Sean’s dick bucked in agreement. He shifted his hips. “Can’t help it, Sir. You’ve turned me into a Mad-Max junkie.”

“Hm. Kinda like the sound of that.” Lips quirking, Max gripped Sean’s tail and gave a tug.

Sean’s ass lit up. He sucked in a breath. Bit his lip to quell a full-fledged moan.

“Shit, yeah,” Max purred. “You like your little tail.”

Actually, Sean fucking loved it. At first he’d thought it bizarre. Then later, charmingly kinky. Now he found it straight-up crazy fun. An innocent kind of dirty. It was hard to explain. But it made him smile both inside and out. And not just in his ass and along his lips. But burrowed into every single cell.

Max reached into his basket and grabbed a set of restraints. Smaller than the ones on Sean’s ankles and wrists, but still made of buckles and black leather. Sean studied them closer. What on earth were those for?

Max held the pair up. “Scrotum cuff and cock ring.”

Riiight. Should’ve known. Sean eyed them curiously. “And what exactly is their purpose?”

Max slid one down the length of Sean’s dick. “This one slows blood flow.” He tightened it at the base. “Helps keeps a guy stiff for ages.”

Next, he pulled Sean’s sac down and cuffed it at the top. Sean winced. So snug. No way his nuts could sneak back up.

Max tightened the buckle, then caressed Sean’s nuts, the smooth skin stretched taut around each ball. “This cuff, however, does all kinds of things. By holding the sac away from the body, it pulls the skin down at the base of the dick, which exposes another inch of hidden cock. Talk about making a dick look sweet.”

Get out. For real? Sean lifted his head and looked. Sure enough, his rock-hard boner looked longer. “Holy effing shit. No way.”

“Mmhmm. Nice perk for me.” Max leisurely stroked Sean’s shaft. “Cuffs also prevent the sac from rising up to the base of the cock, a position they generally need to be in in order to come. And since soon I’ll be too busy to keep track of what they’re doing, that aspect will definitely come in handy.”