Meaning he didn’t need to use much force. Which was good for this scenario. Using a lot of arm motion could be intimidating. And he wasn’t trying to scare Sean. Just get him from A to B. A being comfortably bound and aroused, B on the brink of a breakdown. Unsure of whether to cry out “red!” or urgently beg for more.

Sean was at B. And barely hanging on. Max wasn’t doing much better.

“Yellow—” Sean gasped out. “Please—Sir—Yellow—”

Max stopped, body vibrating from head to toe, and strode to just inches of Sean’s body. Sean was trembling incessantly, every inch of him writhing. His chest, abs and thighs cherry red. And even though his dick was rock hard, his brows were pinched tight in desperation.

Equal parts pride and utter frustration coursed through Max’s adrenaline-flooded veins. His boy had done so good. So much better than Max expected. Right from the get-go, as each sharp sting rattled him. Then the subsequent way he embraced it. A beautiful thing, watching Sean’s mindset evolve. And in truth, an outcome Max should have anticipated. He was dealing with Sean, after all. ‘Nuf said.

“You need me to slow down?” His voice sounded guttural.

“Y-Yes, Sir—P-Please.”

“Don’t want me to stop?”

“N-No—Too s-soon—W-Want more.”

Max’s heart pounded wildly. He stroked Sean’s cock. “More flogging?”

“Ungh—Oh, fuck—I don’t know.”

Max looked Sean over, his own dick purring, just as it’d been from the start. From the moment he landed that first kiss of leather, right across the top of Sean’s thigh. Sean had sucked in sharply, as if surprised by the sting, eyes flaring wide, muscles tensing like cables. And that right there had been all that Max needed. That gasp. Sean’s expression. The perfect blend of stimuli. A bong-hit of sight and sound to Max’s brain. Searing hot and potent. And yet, that had only been the starting gun.

The true driving force had been their ensuing exchange. A decadent dance between eager souls, feeding off each other like vampires. Each reaction Sean exhibited like a stroke to Max’s cock. Each growl Max responded with making Sean harder. Max could see it in Sean’s eyes as his skin grew red. The pain, as real as it was, had ceased to matter. Because Sean’s full attention was anchored to something else—Max’s body. Or more specifically, his body language. The way Max returned every wince or moan Sean made with as sentiment twice as heated of his own. Grabbing his straining crotch, snarling in appreciation, rumbling out slews of heated praise. It all got Sean reeling, which in turn drove Max wild. Their own little case of cause and effect. Every action creating an equally powerful reaction. An exquisite cycle of pure carnal beauty. Max’s pleasure fueled Sean’s fire, and Sean’s fire fueled Max’s pleasure. Sexual symbiosis, raw and primal. And utterly impossible to resist.

Especially when neither party wanted to.

Sean held Max’s gaze with anxious eyes, squirming as he struggled for breath. Max’s chest constricted, compelled to act. To ease his sub’s disquiet. To ground him. Problem was, he’d already been trying to do that, stroking Sean’s cock to distract him. A tried-and-true tactic to redirect one’s focus, like he’d done periodically during the flogging. But for some reason, it didn’t seem to be working now.

Sean needed something different. His eyes were pleading for it. And suddenly Max knew exactly what would work.

Driven to act, he moved without thinking and pressed his lips to Sean’s. “Shhh,” he soothed, kissing Sean gently. Sean’s whole body quieted. He groaned and kissed Max back. “Ah. There’s my boy…” Max grinned and stroked Sean’s cock.

Sean shivered, then smiled against Max’s lips. “Fuck, Sir… Thank you… I needed that.”

“You’re welcome,” Max murmured. “Ready for more?”

“Shit,” Sean laughed. “I don’t know.”

Not surprising.

Max ran his hands up the length of Sean’s arms, then roamed them down his sides to his thighs. “Maybe something different.” He rubbed Sean’s raw skin.

Sean hissed. Nodded quickly. “Yeah. Okay.”

“Different doesn’t mean easier, Sean. You know this.”

Sean exhaled and nodded a second time, tiny little tremors still racking him.

Max’s every muscle thrummed. Sean had passed another test. Enduring a true, full-fledged flogging. His final test, however, would be wholly different. And Max wouldn’t be holding back. Because this would tell all. The defining moment. Where every and all doubts would be answered.

Max sank down and massaged Sean’s tender thighs, then unfastened his restraints and stood back up. But when he reached up high to free Sean’s wrist, Sean loosed a tiny growl licked his bicep.

Max froze. Dropped his arms. Stared at Sean incredulously. “Did I say you could lick me?”

Sean still looked half-dazed. “Fuck. Uh… Sorry, Sir. I… couldn’t resist.”

Max narrowed his eyes.

Sean fidgeted sheepishly. “It’s just… Your skin… all damp and sweaty… Just looked so fucking yummy.”

Max crossed his arms and eyed Sean drolly. “Self-control. Ever tried it? It’s what separates us from animals.” Sean winced. Max stared at him, then donned a devious smirk. “I think you’re taking this cat thing too seriously.”