Max slid his strong, warm hands up Sean’s hamstrings, then glided them down the front of Sean’s thighs. Sean watched him intently, watched his fingers as they roamed. Over and up the underside of Sean’s cock before dropping down to fondle his nuts. But all that was brief, lasting only a few seconds. Then Max was back in his basket.

A heartbeat later, he pulled something out, something that looked a lot like a butt plug. But it was longer than the ones Sean had seen in the past, with its widest girth no thicker than a carrot’s. And it didn’t have the typical flat base, either. Instead, it had a large ring-type handle. Sean eyed the thing tentatively. Its purpose was clear.

Max grinned and shook his head. “Don’t worry. You got this.” Grabbing his lube, he drizzled the thing up, then positioned its tip against Sean’s door. “Same as before, Sean. Push when I do.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Sean couldn’t believe he was doing this. Max’s finger was one thing. This was entirely another. His heart pounded faster. His lungs sped up, too. Max must have sensed he’d started to stress, because he suddenly wrapped his free hand around Sean’s cock.

“Relax,” he murmured, stroking Sean slowly. “This’ll just loosen you up. You can handle it, believe me. Then we’ll get busy with your reward.”

“Reward?” Sean rasped. Max’s hand felt so good. “Well, shit… Why didn’t you… say so?”

Max’s lips quirked. “Just did.” He rubbed Sean’s hole with his plug, then gave it some steady pressure.

Sean moaned—Max jacking him was so distracting—but managed to give a push back. And just like that, Max was slowing sinking in. Ah, God. So foreign. Even more than Max’s finger, because it wasn’t skin-soft and warm. It was cold and… and getting larger. Sean groaned and shifted his ass. Max eased up on his dick, downshifting to a crawl before stopping. His other hand didn’t, though. That plug was still moving. Inching slowly deeper, spreading Sean wider.

“Fuck,” he breathed, that burn just on the horizon.

Max paused his forward motion. “You’re doing amazing. Just keep your ass nice and relaxed.”

Sean swallowed through shallow pants and tried to smile. “You always this patient—with your subs?”

“Only during training.” Max’s grin turned impish. “So enjoy the easy ride while it lasts.”

Sean coughed a small laugh. The man didn’t sugarcoat.

Max watched him intently, then started back in. Sean winced, anticipating that sting any second. That searing burn he knew all too well. But with Max’s slow progression and all that lube, it continued to stay just offshore. And yet, Sean could definitely still feel Max sinking deeper. Sinking that thing further into his body. To places that hadn’t been touched since Rick. But God, they felt nothing alike. His sphincter clenched tight, then relaxed, then clenched tight.

Max looked down and purred. “Ah, fuck. That’s my boy. That’s my hot little virgin.”

He smiled and gave Sean’s boner another pump. Just one, though. And that was probably for the best. This whole erotic endeavor had Sean so riled up, he could easily start coming any second.

Sean moaned, eyes closing, focusing on the sensation. Of Max’s plug in such uncharted territory. So strange… but oh so good… And it was new territory, just like he was kind of a virgin. At least that’s how Sean saw it. Because the stuff that happened between him and Rick wasn’t even remotely the same. A completely different ballgame. Not similar to this at all. This was amazing, and Rick was hell.

Max withdrew just a little, then leisurely pushed forward, till that plug felt like it slipped into place. “You did it.” His eyes gleamed. With heat? Satisfaction? “Now let your body get used to the feeling.”

Another slow dick stroke, then Max’s hands were everywhere. Roaming Sean’s legs. Caressing his torso. Gliding along his collection of clothespins. Sean shivered as he watched him. His mind felt high. This was all so bizarre, so unreal.

Max snagged two thin chords from his basket of things and threaded one through each threesome of clamps at Sean’s sides. Letting go of the one, he fisted both ends of the other and re-clutched Sean’s cock with his free hand.

“Alright, caitín. Gonna pull these off like a Band-Aid.”

Sean froze. Oh shit, this was going to hurt. He braced and nodded, wincing in anticipation.

Max grinned and pumped Sean’s cock. Raw pleasure reignited. Sean moaned, then yelped when Max gave the chord a yank, pulling all three clips off at once.

“Fuck,” Sean hissed.

Max rubbed the spot. “That’s nothing. Wait ‘til I pull ‘em off your nipples.”

Sean made a wary face.

Max merely grinned wider. “Your reward will definitely be well earned.”

He repeated the action to Sean’s other side next, pumping Sean swiftly as he tugged. Sean’s stifled his next curse, the shock not as bad. Nor was it when Max yanked them from his groin. In all fucking honesty, combined with the sensations in his dick, the pain and pleasure mix-up was exhilarating. Add the feeling of that thing in his ass and, seriously, talk about crazy. So much going on in so many places. So much happening all at once. It was overwhelming. It was incredible. It was downright addicting.