Max slid out his finger, then immediately re-sought entry. “Push, Sean.”

Sean did. Max sank back in, his finger feeling thicker. And longer. That phantom burn returned, but just like before, dissipated almost immediately. Max splayed his free hand atop Sean’s stomach, right between Sean’s cock and his navel. That finger in Sean’s ass promptly resumed playing. In and out, in and out, so unbelievably slick. Shit, yeah. Lube. Sean loved it before, but now he was head over heels.

He moaned again, couldn’t help it. It all felt so incredible. And dirty. And shit, just amazing. It was actually kind of thrilling. How close he was riding the line of pain, but never falling over because Max was holding him. Keeping him from harm. Keeping him in heaven. Pumping him full of nothing but pleasure.

Sean’s wrists twisted absently. Then Max changed his rhythm. Actually, he halted his rhythm altogether. Kind of felt like he was searching now. Feeling around inside of Sean’s ass. Sean eyed him oddly. Max’s lips curved salaciously.

“Wanna feel what you’ve been missing all these years?”

Sean breathed a little laugh. “Um… I don’t know.”

Max stroked a spot inside him.

Sean sucked in sharply. “Shit.”

Max chuckled, nodded, then stroked there some more.

Sean’s whole body tensed in shocking bliss. “Shit, Sir—What the fu—Ohhhhhh my God—”

Max’s grin spread wider. “You like that, don’t you.”

Sean’s eyes rolled closed. His head cranked back. “Yes,” he gasped. “Fuck, Sir. Don’t stop.”

And Max didn’t. Not at all. Hell, he did the opposite. Started fucking Sean slow and steady, tagging that sweet spot every time. The place Sean presumed was his all-mighty prostate. His G-spot. His P-spot. His who-the-fuck-cared spot. He had a portal to paradise in his freaking ass. Didn’t give a flying fuck what it was called.

A few moments later, something unexpected happened. Sean felt like he was going to orgasm. But Max wasn’t even touching his dick. His abs started quaking. Then his thighs did, too.

“Shit, Sir,” he rasped. “I think I’m gonna come.”

“Hmm.” Max lifted his other hand off Sean’s stomach and circled his thumb and index around Sean’s sac. Right at the top, curling his hand around Sean’s balls. Gently, he pulled them down, holding them away from Sean’s body, his other hand still steadily playing.

Sean shuddered atop the table, wondering what that was all about. It hadn’t stopped his orgasm from approaching. And Max’s hold on his nuts only made shit feel better.

Sean shifted restlessly. “Gonna come, Sir—Gonna come—”

Max shook his head. “No, I don’t think you are.”

“Yes!” Sean gasped. “I can feel it! So close!”

“And that’s where it’s going to fucking stay.”

Sean tugged at his wrist binds. “What—” His hips thrusted. “What do you mean?”

“I mean your orgasm won’t come any closer… As long as I don’t touch your dick.”

Oh, God. Sean stared at him, on the brink of climax. Was Max serious? No way. But sure enough, it maintained. That orgasm just a hair’s breadth out of reach.

Max’s lips curved. “See, watch.” He slipped free from Sean’s ass and gripped Sean’s dick with two fingers near the top. Ever so slowly, he moved his thumb, back and forth over the v of Sean’s crown. Sean’s eyes went wide as his junk went berserk. Could feel his nuts wrench tight in Max’s hand. Oh, yeah. Now he definitely, definitely was going to come.

“Uh! Uh, fuck!”

Max squeezed below Sean’s glans, for a good fifteen seconds this time. Sean’s orgasm immediately abated.

“Oh, God,” Sean panted. “I see what you mean. That shit was—Shit, that was close.”

Max smirked. “Mmhmm. Kinda cool, eh?”

Sean’s laugh was breathless. “Yeah. And intense.”

Max removed his touch and dug out more clothespins, attaching them above both of Sean’s hips. Three on the right, three on the left, in a nice straight vertical line. Strangely, Sean welcomed their little bites. They distracted him, like Max had said, turning from pinches to dull aches. Just the right amount to garner his attention. But then Max reached for Sean’s nipples again and gave each a slow, solid rub. Shards of pain streaked through Sean’s torso.

“Shit!” he shouted, spine once again arching. Max chuckled and repeated. “Sir! Fuck!”

“Mmm.” Max relented and straightened back up. “My little sub’s so sensitive. Do you need to use your safe word?”

Sean swallowed down some breaths and shook his head. “No, Sir. Not yet, at least. I really want to come.”

Max chuckled. Sean grinned. That shit hurt, but he was tougher. No way was he copping out early. He didn’t quit. And besides, Max had promised not to give him more than he could handle. And so far he hadn’t. Granted, he’d skirted the boundaries a couple times. With those nipple clamps. They were mean. The rest, however, had been powerful, but not painful. Shit, the rest had been effing fantastic. Sean had let himself be penetrated. And he’d fucking liked it. Huge-ass milestone right there.