Then he’s grabbing me and practically throwing me down so that I’m on the floor too, on my back, and he’s looming over me.

Like a God. Like a fucking God.

He grins at me, a cocky twist of his lips, a quirk of his brow, and I should have known he would have such a beautifully arrogant face under his masks.

He rips off his shirt.

Then his pants.

Until he’s only wearing the gauntlets.

For the first time I see him completely naked and…

And I am speechless.

His body is magnificent, seven feet of pure muscle mass on perfectly smooth skin. I already knew that his shoulders were broad, that his waist tapered, but seeing it in the flesh is something else. His chest is sculpted and wide, his abs a washboard eight-pack, with those perfect V muscles carving a path south over his hips. His arms and forearms are massive, rippling with untold strength. Then there are his muscled thighs, full of definition. Do thick thighs save lives when you’re talking about Death?

And accenting his warrior body, the glowing pewter lines are everywhere, except for his face and his dick.

Speaking of his dick, it’s perfect. I knew it would be considering how he’s been using it on me, but yes, it’s the cock of a God. Thick, long and straight-up, his balls hefty enough to provide some counterbalance.

I can’t stop staring. I might even be drooling.

“I don’t blame you for taking your time,” Death muses with another wry smile, his eyes dancing in both levity and lust. “I often look at myself in the mirror that way.”

“What do the lines mean?” I ask when I find my voice.

He drops to his knees, his dick bobbing. “They represent everyone who has died. They pulse when a new soul leaves. They pulse all the time, and they have for most of my life. Death never, ever stops. These runes remind me of my role in this world and all the others.”

He grabs my thighs with his gloves and spreads my legs wide.

“Does it hurt?” I whisper, letting him handle me anyway he wants.

“It did,” he says, clearing his throat. “But you get used to things.” He grins at me salaciously. “This view, however, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.”

He positions himself between my thighs, slowly stroking his cock with his gloved fist, holding back. I bite my lip, watching him, wanting him. The sight of him like this, on the precipice of giving in, is something to savor.

His brows furrow, a deep crease between them, his lips curling slightly, jaw tight, and I can tell he wants to push up inside me and go nuts, that it’s taking a lot of restraint for him to control himself. For once. Usually he just lets himself loose but now, with his mask off, both of us facing each other like this, naked, it feels different.




His nostrils flare and his breath hitches as he guides his cock between my legs, rubbing the thick head against me, already slick with precum.

I let out a gasp. My nerves respond with shivers down my spine, my legs spreading further, craving him inside me. My hips buck up, fueled by an intense type of desperation.

The corner of his lips quirk up in a smile as his gaze skims over my body, leaving little licks of flame in its wake, a look of awe in his eyes. He shakes his head, letting out a trembling breath. “You are mine, little bird,” he whispers gruffly. “No one else’s but mine. You’ve seen what happens to those that try to take you? Try to touch you? They get touched by me.”

He reaches out with his hand, a gloved fingertip brushing over my lower lip, my mouth parting for him. “Anyone who harms you will be no more, that is my promise to you.”

He leans forward, capturing my mouth with his lips, and I’m kissing him back, lost to the ruthless tide as he starts to shove his cock inside me.


I’m already so wet and ravenous for him, yet there’s a pinch of pain as he pushes himself inside, until it slowly melts away into pleasure. I’m so damn tight when he’s crammed inside me like this that I feel like a virgin all over again and it’s getting hard to breathe.

“Oh,” I cry out through a ragged breath, trying to inhale, but the feelings are too much and I’m drowning in them.

Death responds in kind. He lets out a raw moan against my mouth before pulling back and sucking in a deep, shaking breath. “Fairy girl, your cunt is so tight, I think you might be trying to kill me.”

He gazes down at me with unpolished intensity and in his carnal gray eyes, I see the Death I’ve always wanted to see. No mask separating us here, nothing but skin on skin and our bodies that fit together like puzzle pieces. The way he pushes his cock in, slowly, inch by agonizing inch, makes my head loll on the floor, my mouth falling open in a breathy moan.