She gives me a patient look. “Don’t tell me you thought you’d find your father waltzing around collecting magic? Shamans come here with a goal in mind. They either achieve it or they don’t, but their intention is always to return back to the Land of the Living. I don’t know if your father ever found what he was looking for, but I do know that Death found him first. He is being kept at Shadow’s End as a prisoner.”

I put my hands over my mouth in horror. “Oh my god.”

“Yes. And you’re lucky that the God of Death is so mercurial. It is only by chance and perhaps boredom that your father is still alive.” She pauses as she studies me closely. “You are most peculiar for a mortal, do you know that? I can sense a power inside you that I rarely see outside of a God.”

I’m having a hard time believing that. “What kind of power?”

“I don’t know,” she says after a moment. “It appears inconsistent, like it is just waking up. But it does seem to be fueled by love. Which is why I think you might have a shot at saving your father, so as long as you’re willing to sacrifice all that you have and all that you are. Including your life.”

“I’ll do anything,” I whisper, my mouth going dry.

Her thin blue brow raises. “You say that. But you won’t know the truth of it until the time comes.”

Suddenly Rasmus lets out a loud moan and both Vellamo and I look over to him. He’s still in the water and his hands are fisted into the hair of a mermaid as her head bobs beneath the surface.

“Oh my god,” I exclaim. “Is he…getting a blow job from a mermaid?”

“Mermaids are fascinated with mortals,” Vellamo explains dryly as she looks back to me. “As are most Gods. If you ever can, I would use that to your advantage.”

My cheeks go hot and I look away. I have to admit, there’s something thrilling about the voyeuristic aspect of it all, not to mention the whole mermaid thing, which would fit nicely in the monster erotica I read when I need a helping hand, but seeing Rasmus at any stage of sexual activity is just plain gross.

“If you’re finished, we must be on our way,” Vellamo says curtly to him.

He gives us a sheepish look and then zips up his pants before sloshing back onto shore, the mermaid swimming away. “Sorry. That one always likes me for some reason.”

“Now you’re all wet,” I tell him. “I hardly think that was worth it.”

Vellamo just shakes her head and holds her hands out, gesturing for me to put my hands in them. Her palms are covered in shimmery designs, like henna but in fish scales and pearls.

“Wait, what’s happening?” I ask.

“You’re to continue your journey on foot,” she says, gesturing again. “As I told Rasmus, you’ll never get a chance to dry and warm up if you stay on the boat, and I can’t offer you protection on the river. Just stay on the banks but don’t stray far into the forest either. The Hiisi control it.” She nods at the sword at my feet. “And bring your sword in case you run into any Stragglers. With it you should be able to handle them with ease. If you can’t, Rasmus can always call on Tapio, God of the Forest. Like me, he doesn’t mind doing mortals a few favors, but he may want something in return.”

I try to suck up each bit of information she gives me but it just goes over my head, and I look over at Rasmus who has stopped at the highest point of the snowy river bank. Beyond him I just see mist, no forest, nothing.

“Don’t forget the sword,” Vellamo says, her voice getting impatient.

I nod and pick it up. I throw it and the sword goes sailing through the air like a silver bird, stabbing the snow perfectly. Then I place my hands in Vellamo’s, her touch cold and almost electrical, and she lifts me up out of the boat, placing me on the pebbled shore.

“I will return the boat to Loviatar,” Vellamo says, gracefully climbing into the vessel. “I owe her a favor.”

Then the mermaids surface around the iron ship and push it off the shore until it’s floating freely. They turn it around and the ship starts to move across the sea. Vellamo raises her hand in a subtle wave and then turns her attention to the bow as they get further and further away, disappearing into the mist.

Then I turn around to face Rasmus. “What the hell is your problem?” I ask.


“Getting your dick sucked by a mermaid,” I sneer at him, stomping through the snow to my sword. “Right in front of me, I might add.”