Page 24 of Punishing Tabitha

Tabitha wished he had gagged her as well so that she could have stopped herself from asking embarrassing questions. But since he hadn’t, she heard her voice asking, “So you were tempted…even before the love knots?”

He nodded. “Mm-hmm. More than you know. Although I have to admit, they highlight your assets beautifully.” He ran one large hand down her naked body and Tabitha gasped as the cords tightened at his touch. Her nipples felt as if they were on fire with desire and her clit was thrumming with the need to come.

“Please,” she whispered. “Please, just get them off me.”

“I will,” he promised, looking into her eyes.

Tabitha gathered her courage in both hands to ask the next question. “How…how are you going to do it?”

He frowned and looked over her naked body speculatively, as though she was a problem he needed to solve. “I’ll try licking first. The idea is to dissolve the love honey. It’s bonded to the cords and until every last trace of it on and around the cord is gone, the knots won’t come off.” He cleared his throat. “We’ll save…other measures for a last resort.”

“You mean you won’t fuck me unless you have to.” Once again Tabitha’s mouth got away from her and she reflected that it seemed to do that a lot around her tall, grim captain. But instead of getting angry, he just nodded gravely.

“I don’t know about fucking you but I may have to come on you or possibly in you to make this work, Tabitha. But I won’t if I can help it. I want you to know that.”

She wasn’t sure what to say. “Thanks…I guess,” she whispered at last.

“You’re welcome.” He got on the bed with her and she felt even more naked since he was still fully clothed. Still, she guessed she ought to be grateful for that. If he had to take off his clothes, it probably meant that “last resort” measures were called for.

“I’m going to start at the top and work down,” Keer told her. “You don’t have to watch if you feel embarrassed.”

“Okay.” Tabitha could barely get the word past her numb lips. He was so big he made her feel tiny—as if she wasn’t already feeling vulnerable enough. She squeezed her eyes closed as he lowered himself toward her. The heat of his big body warmed her shivering, naked form and his warm, masculine musk that always seemed to make her dizzy filled her senses. And then she felt his tongue.

Warm and wet, he lapped gently over the part of the cord that snaked over her shoulder. She bit her lip as she felt him bathe the tender area where her neck met her shoulder, sending chills down her spine. It felt so good and his closeness meant the knots around her nipples and clit were working overtime. Tabitha wished she could come and get some relief and at the same time, she hoped she wouldn’t. It would be so horribly embarrassing to have Captain Keer see her lose control when all he was doing was licking her shoulder.

“Look.” His deep voice interrupted her thoughts and she opened her eyes to see a warm expression in his eyes. “It’s working,” he explained, pointing to the shoulder he’d been licking.

Craning her neck, Tabitha saw that the silver cord had come loose from her right shoulder and was now hanging down along the outside of her breast like a dead snake. The sight affected her deeply.

“Oh my God, you did it—you really did it!” Tears sprang into her eyes and she blinked them back with some difficulty. After almost a week in the hateful Drusinian love knots she had almost resigned herself to living in sexual bondage the rest of her life. But Keer had just proven that she didn’t have to—that this nightmare might actually come to an end.

“It’s a start, anyway,” he murmured, reaching up to brush the tears from her cheeks.

“It’s wonderful,” Tabitha whispered, smiling at him for the first time since she’d entered his quarters. “Please—don’t stop.”

“I won’t.” He was already hard at work on the other shoulder, licking carefully along the edge of the cord where it adhered to her flesh. To Tabitha’s delight, she felt that one come loose in no time as well. Incredible, she thought. This is actually going to be easy. It might be a little embarrassing when he reaches my—

Her thoughts were cut off by the feel of his hot tongue lapping softly around the curve of her right breast. Tabitha moaned as he reached her nipple and began to lick his way around the cord that encircled it. She waited for the liberating feeling of the love knots coming free from her skin but it didn’t happen no matter how hard or thoroughly he licked. Finally he looked up.