“Now then,” he said with a calm, businesslike tone. “We will be discussing what happened between us—and what will happen between us in the future. You will not run from me.”

Whoa, whoa, whoa. “Discuss it? Out loud?” Before she’d figured out her own feelings on the matter? “You let me go this instance, Halo. I mean it.”

“We climax, we cuddle, we talk. That is your life now. Best make your peace with the notion, harpy.”

“Astra! I mean it. There will be no discussion about anything.” She beat her fists against his shoulders. “You are so lucky I don’t dislike you enough to hate you right now.”

“You feel some affection for me. Admit it.”

He just had to dive straight into the deep end, didn’t he? “I admit nothing.”

“Then you owe me another kiss.” Without a pause, he said, “I want to keep you. Do you want to keep me?”

“I. Admit. Nothing.”

“Another kiss.” He didn’t loosen his grip, but he didn’t tense up, either.

“Just...give me time to think, okay?”

“That, I can do. As long as you are in my arms.”

They lapsed into silence, leaving her to ruminate, cuddle, and stew.

Affection. For Halo. The overprotective warlord with no heart now clinging to her as if she were a lifeline. Well, maybe he owned a tiny sliver of a heart. It wasn’t like he was awful all the time. There were moments he was downright adorable.

Oh...crap. She did feel affection for him, and a lot of it—she felt it without the promise of stardust.

A kernel of fear settled deep in her chest. Guilt wasn’t far behind. She was falling for the domineering male, while also setting herself up for a terrible splat. Every moment she retained her secrets, she created more of a no-win situation for herself.

But nothing had changed. If she caved and told him the truth about the beasts, he would fight to bench her. Might think she was working with Erebus, then deem her an enemy, unnecessarily dividing his focus. But if she kept her secret until the end, he might not forgive her. On the other hand, she might not require his forgiveness. Couples broke up all the time. Or he might not be upset at all. For all she knew, he would thank her for helping him win. And she would help him. The deep-seated assurance of victory had only grown stronger.

Halo wasn’t the type to back down, though. No, he was more likely to double down. There was no male more stubborn. A fact that answered a burning question for her.

No, Ophelia Falconcrest could not have it all.


Deserve this. I really do.

The little temptress certainly loved to keep Halo in agony after they exchanged pleasures. He ground his teeth as he redirected her slight weight and flashed her to his bedroom.

She wore her pensive face, the world forgotten as she debated something inside her head. Halo had watched her do this a thousand times the past week. The outcome usually never skewed in his favor.

He laid her on the bed and stripped out of his wet leathers, then settled in beside her and gathered her close, luxuriating in the utter rightness. Having never met a woman like Ophelia—having never even entertained the notion of such feminine perfection—he hadn’t understood why other males wasted time with cuddling. Now? He understood the appeal all too well.

Beyond my wildest imaginations. She was teaching him to crave every carnal indulgence. I will win her. Nothing will stop me.

During their briefings with the Commander and the General, Halo had gathered much information about Ophelia. She was defensive but vulnerable. Secretive, and always in survival mode. Soft and hard. Eager to laugh or argue, and sometimes both at the same time. Playful. Impish. Relentless.

The conclusion? He coveted both her mind and her body—and he would have them.

Every complaint she’d voiced had revolved around the task. She wished to participate and “pad her résumé.” Though it was clear her sights were no longer set on becoming General, she sought more power. Despite the dangers to her life, he thought he could get on board with the quest—after the completion of the task. To keep her, he would have to. He was wise enough to reason out that much. But then, he would be taking extreme measures to ensure her safety.

Erebus and his phantoms would not be taking the harpymph from Halo. Guard what’s yours or lose it.

She didn’t seem to understand that he wished to partake in her joy, not leach it from her.

As he recalled her hoarse bellows and screams, he grinned up at the ceiling. He loved the way her scent fused with his, becoming theirs. Loved how her breaths fanned his sensitive skin. Loved so many things about their time together.

Why hadn’t he produced stardust?

“I’m not taking a nap with you, so don’t even think about it,” she muttered, reminding him of warm honey slowly poured over a hot cake as she roused from her musings and melted into him. “But, to thank you for services rendered, I’m willing to stay for a short chat about nothing. Your heat is my kryptonite.” A grumble.