Satisfaction waltzed with contentment, the two seamlessly entangled and farther out of her reach than ever before. On top of that, she had a third set of relationship woes to cart around for the rest of eternity. Remembering, hungering, comparing everything and everyone to the Astra, and finding them all lacking.

The Immortal had warmed her from the inside out—he still did. A low-grade fever continued to heat her from the inside. Her constant chill? Gone. But soon, the heat would fade and the chill would return. She couldn’t, wouldn’t, allow herself to seek more. She wasn’t his gravita; someone else was. The moment he met that someone, Ophelia would be tossed aside. Forgotten. No reason to try for something romantic.

The saddest part was she had known better than to do this. She wasn’t like other harpies. She couldn’t take a lover here and there without consequences. Arousal short-circuited her brain, reducing her to a ravenous state.

Her goals hadn’t changed. Although, now that she thought about it, she was recovering from the quote, unquote most powerful flood of pleasure she’d ever experienced much faster than she’d ever recovered from an everyday, average orgasm. She shouldn’t be coherent until morning. At least!

Another benefit of her transformation and death? The ability to snap out of the “nymph haze” and control any residual desires. That...didn’t suck. And really, the abstinence thing didn’t need to last forever now. No, Halo wasn’t her male. But someone else was. One day, she would find him and rediscover heat and passion and satisfaction.

Ophelia used the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. The sugar scrub, too. And the previous owner’s jasmine-scented oil. Basically, a spa treatment. Because what else was she going to do? Snuggle with Halo?

Tremors invaded her limbs. When the water chilled, Ophelia abandoned the stall and raided the spacious walk-in closet with rack after rack of clothing in an array of styles. Gorgeous gowns. Slinky man-bait bodysuits. T-shirt with slits for wings. Shorts. The jeans looked miles too long.

T-shirt and shorts it is. Going without underwear, Ophelia shimmied into the top, the material pulling taut over her plump breasts. The soft cotton abraded sensitive nipples. New aches bloomed.

Ignore. Shoes. She needed shoes.

“I’m a few minutes too late for the reverse strip show, I see.” The familiar voice came from behind her, every word laden with smugness.


Aggression rippled through her wings, and she whirled. He stood mere feet away, wearing his patented evil overlord smile and a black robe. His bulky frame consumed too much space.

He might not get to transform her into another beast for the rest of the week, but he could certainly cause trouble, as predicted by Halo. Though part of her demanded she alert the Astra, she stayed silent. This god was the golden ticket to victory. Halo’s task. Ophelia’s dream. She wasn’t taking herself out of the game.

“As the wheels turn in your mind, let me help your common sense win the debate,” Erebus said, amused. “No, you shouldn’t call for the Astra. He can’t sense me or hear us. I’ve soundproofed the room.” His craggy features brightened. “Or perhaps I’m wrong and you should invite him into the conversation. You can expound upon your adventures as the lioness and explain you’re soon to become a hydra.”

Ophelia readied her claws for attack. “Don’t think to call my bluff. You don’t want him to know what you do to me.” Otherwise, Erebus would’ve gotten his brag on long before now.

Or he merely bided his time...

Foreboding prickled her nape.

“Why didn’t you tell him?” he asked, thoughtful.

“I don’t need to share my reasons with you.”

“True.” His gaze slipped past her, looking somewhere she couldn’t see. The cold draft kicked up, infiltrating her bones. Her teeth chattered. Appearing a bit unhinged, he muttered, “I can see only the what, never the why. Move the pieces. Complete the puzzle.”

Pieces? Puzzle? “Um. Would you like a moment alone with your insanity?”

He blinked into focus and smiled. “Nice collar. It stops me from summoning you properly. But there are two inherent flaws with this form of personal protection. Today, I’ll demonstrate the first. In person, the disk can be forcibly lifted. I’ll have no trouble overseeing your transformation tonight.”

Whoa, whoa, whoa. She was to battle Halo tonight? Mere minutes after rolling around with him in bed? But...she didn’t want to battle him right now. There were too many feelings left to conquer.

“Aren’t you supposed to wait seven days between labors?” she demanded.

“Yes and no. Seven days from now is also today.” His smile widened, slightly maniacal. “Loopholes are fun, aren’t they? But don’t worry. You’re going to be a far better opponent this go-round. A hydra with the savagery of a lioness.”

“You can’t do this,” she grated. Halo wasn’t ready.

“On the contrary. I can do anything. But’d like to. You already feel the creature’s effects on you, do you not? Imagine the power at your fingertips when you are imbued with every beast.”