With her face in profile, she smiled as if they were playing a game, all feminine power and seduction. “Do you like what you see, Halo?”

Perhaps they did play a game. “I do.” He couldn’t deny her beauty, and he didn’t want to. “Do you like me looking, Ophelia?”

Her smile widened, pure confidence. Maddening. “I might. I might like a hands-on inspection, too. Best to be thorough, don’t you think?”

“Thorough,” he echoed. To maintain strength, nymphs required regular orgasms. The reason many of the species worshipped pleasure. Did this one?

When I get her into bed, I won’t stop until she collapses from exhaustion.

The thought jolted him. When? Not if?

Halo swallowed. As he’d proven time and time again, he failed at nothing, because he stopped at nothing. Though making a female climax had never mattered before, something inside him demanded he please this harpy better than anyone ever had. But he had to wonder. Which path did Erebus hope Halo traversed? Resistance to Ophelia’s charms or utter indulgence?

And if Halo did indulge? Claiming the harpymph during a blessing task, making her come and come and come? What then?

Would he only want more? Consider nothing else? Would his tension ease, granting him greater focus? Or would he lose his edge?

“I’m waiting for that inspection,” she goaded, the words as luscious as the rest of her.

“You want my hands on you, Ophelia?” Halo flashed directly behind her. “Then let’s get my hands on you.”

“Yes. Let’s.”

He shook as he glided his fingertips down the ridges of her spine. Goose bumps spread over her skin, as if to greet him.

She is sensitive. Responsive.

“Mmm. Your skin is so hot,” she breathed, inching closer to him. “You make me hot.”

A hint of satisfaction stirred within him, fierce and wild, promising more. He remembered what she had admitted. She hated being cold.

Confidence grew in him. He could pleasure her. And he would.

Halo cupped her backside and squeezed. Soft. Giving. Perfect.

She moaned, and his control frayed. Yesterday, he’d fought a monster. Right now he felt like one, aggression agitating the alevala. Images changed places, jumping to different parts of his body.

The lioness had already made a place for herself over his heart. A spot usually reserved for a warlord’s most guilt-inspiring act. A spot that had remained bare on Halo, no matter the number of atrocious acts he had committed. Why the exalted placement now, for a mindless beast? And why had he vomited after the battle? Why had he battled protective urges against an opponent? Simply because he’d smelled Ophelia?

He suspected he was missing an obvious answer.

“Hey, Halo?” she said with a little pout. “I have a front too, you know?”

“Oh, I know.” More resistance crumbled. He wrapped both arms around her and tentatively clasped her breasts. The feel of her! The mounds overflowed in his grip.

She moaned her approval as he kneaded. When the distended crests tightened beneath his palms, he sucked air between his teeth. Had anything ever felt this good?

“Oh, by the way,” she said, panting when he nuzzled her cheek with his own. “I should probably mention I’m currently running a sample sale. The first examination is free. The second will cost you dearly.”

“And you as well. But which of us will pay more, hmm?”

“You, Astra. Definitely you.” She tipped back, resting her head on his shoulder, exposing the elegant line of her throat. Sinking one set of claws into his scalp and the other in his thigh, she rasped, “But please, do continue.”

Continue. Yes. Need battered him with increasing fervor. “I think you are enjoying this, Elia.” The shortened nickname flowed from his lips without thought. “I think you are enjoying it greatly.”

“Whatever you gotta tell yourself, Hay-low.” A full-body shiver led to slow undulations. “Just don’t stop.”

Drawing on centuries of iron control, he merely kneaded her breasts with a firmer grip. “I think you love this. I think you need this.”

“Wrong. I need nothing.” She rubbed her backside against his shaft and gave a soft little chuckle. “Mmm. Excuse me while I correct myself. I might need more of that.”

Desire choked him, dulling his thoughts. The pressure was good and only getting better.

What is she doing to me?

Halo nipped her earlobe and pinched her nipples. “Will you let me do anything I desire to you, harpy?”

“I’ll let... I’ll...” Her broken cry filled the room. “Give me more.” The pulse at the base of her neck raced. “Don’t flip, don’t flip, don’t flip,” she chanted beneath her breath. Then, at a louder volume, she commanded, “Give me more.”

Flip? Can’t think. Her scent was changing again, becoming richer. Every ragged inhalation fogged in his head. Muscles flexed, and tendons stretched.

“Are you wet for me, nymph?” He glided his knuckles down her belly, and she moaned his name. The sounds she made. The silkiness of her skin. The soft cascade of her hair. “Tell me, I’m wet for you, Halo. Then I’ll give you more.”