Triumph flared in his expression. “You’ll give me everything I want.” He cupped her cheeks. “Even without stardust. Forever.”

Forever? “One repeating day at a time, Astra.” And why bring up the stardust unless it weighed on his mind?

“Too much is uncertain right now. This shouldn’t be. I want this thing settled between us,” he said, stubborn. “I want forever.”

Frustration poked holes in her desire. “Well, I want assurances.” Won’t set myself up for failure.

You aren’t my gravita.

Ophelia shuddered. If she promised forever, and he later stardusted another female... Her harpy screeched. Her nymph whimpered. “Pleasure now, potential pledges later. That’s the best I can offer.”

“Forever,” he insisted. He forced her to walk backward until cool tile stopped her. “With or without stardust. Say it...or I’ll give you no orgasms for the rest of the day.”

Ohhh. Were they about to enter a heated negotiation? Bones going liquid, she told him, “Between the two of us, darling, I’m the only one with experience in orgasm denial. And let’s not forget I wield a sweet-scented tool in my arsenal.” The moment he failed to resist her—and he would, an Ophelia Falconcrest guarantee—she would prove her point. From the strongest to the weakest, feelings were fleeting and always subject to change. With the right provocation, anyone could change their mind about anything.

“I will never forget that pheromone.”

Heart thundering, she straddled one of his thighs and poured herself over him. A favorite pastime for them both. Not even trying to hide her breathlessness, she asked, “Can I interest you in watching me give myself an orgasm?”

“Yes,” he hissed, squeezing her hips. “I’m interested. And I will see you do this. One day very soon, I’ll insist upon it. But not today. You will do nothing to your body unless I demand it. In case I haven’t been clear, I won’t be demanding it until I get my vow.”

Why did that turn her on so desperately? “You think you can stop me from tending to myself?” You might be right. She began to undulate. To pant. Halo, in total control... Her breath caught.

“I won’t have to stop you. You’ll stop yourself. Because you want me to do this. Don’t you, Elia?” He cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples before resting a palm on the side of her face. “You know I own your pleasure.”

Dang him! She did know it. Still, she raised her chin and told him, “I won’t promise you forever, Halo. You were right. Too much is uncertain.”

His irises spun. “Understand you have brought this on yourself, nymph. Let the sexual standoff commence.”

* * *

Most. Frustrating. Evening. Ever.

For hours, Ophelia tempted Halo with heated glances, illicit touches and spoken fantasies. He resisted everything. He never kissed her. Never caressed her. No, he suffered alongside her, equaling the playing field, making the game even more irresistible to her.

Just how hard was he willing to fight for “forever”?

After the shower, Halo settled in bed with her. Under the covers, his big body enfolded hers from behind. Every flutter of her wings against his chest sent a new shiver down her spine.

“I don’t know how I feel about this,” she groaned. More. How she ached. “You shouldn’t get to enjoy the benefits of sex without putting out.”

“And yet I will be doing so.”

“Well, I’m not sleeping with you,” she huffed.

He kissed her nape. “You may have the privilege of watching me sleep.”

How could he be so calm with his hard-on wedged between her butt cheeks? “If I’m to be your guard, I should dress the part and lie here in armor.”

“Hardly. We sleep naked, sweetheart. Resign yourself.”

“Of course, we sleep naked,” she grumbled even as she burrowed deeper into his heat. “If you aren’t going to assuage my nymph—” She paused, giving him a chance to pipe up.

“I am not.”

“—then I need to discuss something with you. Something Erebus said.”

He stiffened behind her. “Why am I just now hearing about it?”

“Slow your roll. He confirmed your suspicions, that’s all. He hopes we’ll fall in love so that you’ll suffer whether you win or lose. He advised me to mention...five. Something you consider when you slay me. Your worst memory, I’m guessing.”

He went still, not even seeming to breathe. “You are correct.” With a soft sigh that fanned her hair, he rearranged his arms around her, putting her in a light chokehold.

“You don’t have to tell—” she began.

“No, I should.” He sighed. “At the Order, the children were known by numbers. I was Four. Five was my friend. Or as close to one as possible, considering the circumstances. He sometimes shared his books and food with me. His heart was too innocent for the school, and the headmaster knew it. My heart was...” He cleared his throat. “Headmaster commanded me to kill Five, and I did it without hesitation.”