As if sensing her at the exact same moment, every harphantom pivoted, facing her. Ultra-creepy. Her harpy took it as a threat. Ophelia bowed up, ready to defend. The beasts roared in their cages.

When the females continued to stand in place, Ophelia settled.

“If you’ll excuse me. I’m late, I’m late, I’m late for a very important date.” Head lifted high, she marched forward, weaving through them.

No one responded, but no one halted her either. She exited the masses, breathing easier, and soared past Dove. What Ophelia would do when she reached Halo, she didn’t know.

She hit the top of the steps and crossed through the empty foyer to enter the throne room, where she paused. Uh... Nine Astra filled the space, and her heart drummed faster. A buffet of colors, muscles, and sex appeal was spread before her. Hair and skin tones ranged from the blackest jet to pearl white. Most topped seven feet. All wore shirts and leather pants, the team uniform. Some were beautiful, even mesmerizing, while others were wonderfully rough.

They stood silent, clearly engaging in a telepathic debate. No one was too distracted to miss her presence, however. Different reactions registered. Everything from curiosity to admiration to rage. Big surprise, the most intense rage came from Halo.

He stood in the center of the group, his arms crossed. Big Trouble.

Trouble. Her wings fluttered. Living only half a life. That was her trouble. As Vivi had said at the start of the task: the overachiever versus the self-destructor. For too long, Ophelia had rolled with the punches rather than fight for better.

How hard would she fight for Halo now?

Pre-Astra, she had let go of the two “loves” of her life without hesitation. They had let her go, too—but she’d never given them any reason to hang on.

As much as she had craved commitment, she had feared it too. Losing herself without ever proving herself. Losing everything, lost to a needing.

Even now, she risked everything. She had no guarantees with Halo. He could find his real gravita and ditch Ophelia in a nanosecond.

You are not my gravita.

That one still hurt. He might only see her as an obstacle from now on. Remember the hind...

But. Why not take the risk? Only yesterday, Halo had considered Ophelia Falconcrest his personal property. The male who struggled to interact with others had relaxed with her. He loved when she touched him. How could she not hope to keep him around?

So. Yes. She would fight for him—for them—with everything she had.

New goal, new game. Outwit, outplay, outlast. I’m done hiding from my desires.

“Ophelia,” he stated in that flat tone she hated.

She blinked into focus. Their gazes clashed, and there was no looking away. His draw was too powerful. “I’m sorry, okay,” she blurted out. “I should have told you the truth from the start but I got greedy for power.”

A pause. Then, “Yes. You should have.” He glared, fury, hurt and longing flashing over his expression. That was good, right? A win for her? She could deal with anything but his coldness. “Come here, harpy.”

“May I have permission to seduce you with my eyes first, Astra?” Did he even know how sexy he was right now in his tight T-shirt and scuffed leathers, issuing orders? Muscles bulging with aggression.

Mmm. Look at the gift waiting for me behind that zipper. It’s growing right before my very eyes...

“Ophelia! No seducing.” He pushed the refusal through clenched teeth. “Come. Here.”

The sizzling command in his voice whipped her to attention. Right.

Sauntering over, she didn’t even try to mask her leer. Though his posture was as stiff as a board, he pulled at the crew neck of his shirt, as if affected.

“I missed you on my walk.” She stepped straight into him, winding her body around his, disregarding the audience. This was war; she didn’t mind appearing silly to others.

He stiffened but didn’t push her away. Breathing in his heady scent, she petted his chest and basked in his heat, nuzzling closer. He stiffened further, keeping his arms at his sides, but she didn’t lose heart. Not much, anyway—not when she detected the swift beat of his.

“Stop this, Ophelia.”

“Sure thing. As soon as I hear the safe word you don’t have.”

Blink-blink. “This part of our relationship is over.”

“Set me aside then.” She ran the lobe of his ear between her teeth. “Go on. Do it.”

Moments passed as he silently fumed, but he didn’t set her aside.

He wants me! She tilted her face to his and traced her fingertips along his jawline. “I know you don’t trust me right now, and that’s fine. I get it. You’ll be more understanding when you realize you made horrible mistakes too. And don’t worry. You’ll get there, darling, I promise. You’re just a little slower than me. But until then, let’s enjoy each other physically. You did agree to be my concubine.”