Dying wasn’t exactly the worst thing in the world, she supposed. She—No! She absolutely could not travel down that road, even for a dream. Endure more deaths? What if she failed to revive at some point? A boatload of newfound power couldn’t help a corpse. Better to avoid the next battle altogether.

Did Halo know he’d annihilated her or not? Did he comprehend how ruthlessly he’d stripped her of her defenses before that?

They needed to discuss it. But should she wait for their official meet and greet or track him down?

Why not wait? Give herself a chance to burn off some of this newfound energy. Because wowzer! She kicked her legs over the side of the bed, stood and bounced for a minute. “Give me ten, and we’ll head to the gym. I want in a boxing ring with anyone willing to take me on. But they better not whine when I mop the floor with their faces.”

“I gotta say. I’m really digging your can-do attitude today,” Vivi remarked.

“Thanks.” Dying twice and mystically resurrecting with a new superpower could change a girl.

How much to tell her friend? Or should she keep quiet? Yeah, definitely keep quiet for now. At least until she figured out a rock-solid plan of action. Tales of gods and Astra and resurrections would only spread. Not because Vivi blabbed—she wouldn’t—but because the walls had ears.

Ophelia power-walked to the bathroom, where she cleaned her face and brushed her teeth while jogging in place. Dude. Had Nissa felt this unstoppable all the time?

A new thought stirred, refusing to die down. What if Ophelia had nixed the dying thing too quickly? More strength for the taking...

And what if she could help Halo win his blessing task? To become the opponent he fought over and over, ensuring he won the match, she had only to transform and willingly die. Something she could endure once more. Even twice more. As long as she avoided the twelfth battle—which she could absolutely do, if she were strong enough—she could come out of this blessing task with a new life and a stellar resume.

–good soldier

–died repeatedly for a cause

–helped defeat Erebus

–almost solely responsible for the salvation of Harpina, harpykind and the Astra

Think about it. The fate of the Astra and harpies were forever tied. What happened to one happened to the other. General Taliyah might not be Ophelia’s biggest fan, but she could be, with the right incentive. And Ophelia might not be the Commander’s cheerleader, but she wasn’t willing to condemn her sisters to five hundred years of defeat simply to strike at the male.

Forget her infusion of strength. Forget the glory. Couldn’t she withstand the torment of a few more deaths for the sake of her sisters?

Well then. What more was there to dissect? The decision was made. Ophelia would beast out and power up. She grinned—until she frowned. Halo was going to protest.

Although, he couldn’t protest what he didn’t know. Had he realized the truth about the lioness or not?

“Something’s happening in the hallway,” Vivi called from the room. “Girls are going wild. Imma pop out to check out—” Glass shattered.

Threat! Still in flannels, Ophelia rushed from the bathroom—she drew up short. Her friend crouched on the dresser, her fangs bared. The photos that once decorated the surface lay in pieces on the floor.

Halo stood in the center of Ophelia’s cramped quarters, wearing the same T-shirt and leathers as before. He peered at her with chilling eyes—and still managed to heat her blood.

So annoying. “Vivi, meet Halo. He’s the Astra we haven’t discussed yet.” Not today, anyway. “Halo, meet Vivian Eagleshield, my best friend.”

“Leave us,” he commanded the harpire, never shifting his attention from Ophelia.

Does he know, does he know? Or at least suspect?

Vivi smirked at him. “Sorry, warlord, but I’m not leaving until the babe you’re eyeing like the last sliver of meat at a free buffet tells me to beat feet. Fifi?” With only a nickname, she asked a hundred different questions.

“I’ll be fine,” Ophelia promised. “He isn’t going to harm me.” Yet.

Waggling her brows, Vivi said, “Here to do some wet work then, Astra?”

“There will be no wet work,” Ophelia said in a rush. An assurance for her friend as much as herself. The blueprint for more strength did not involve a sexual distraction. No matter how tasty he looked, standing in her home. Seriously. Halo was a total thirst trap right now, pulsing with raw intensity.

Her knees trembled. I might be in a spot of trouble.

At last, he deigned to glance in her friend’s direction, slowly craning his head. It was a deliberate power move. Intimidating and as sexy as it was terrifying.

The harpire went sheepish, holding up her hands in a gesture of innocence. “No, no,” Vivi told him with a wink, vaulting to the floor. “There’s no need to toss me out of my best friend’s bunk, where I’m always welcome. I’ll see myself out. You two obviously have big things to discuss. Huge. I’ll mosey on out now and get all the details later.” She exited through the bathroom, shutting the door behind her with a soft snick and louder snicker.