
3 Months Later

I smile to myself, a bit smug, I’ll admit. As Ash collapses in a drunken heap against me on my couch.

Del’s off with the girls laughing and taking shots, but it weirdly enough looks like she’s taking shots of water. Who shoots vodka that fast?

I’m a bit drunk, so I just shake my head and watch Annie dance next to Del. She’s so pretty. God, how did I get so lucky?

After all the shit we’ve all been through.

Damn, we deserve a break, not that the mafia ever decides to do that. It’s like the minute the universe says, hey PS, things are going to start going great, it’s like JUST KIDDING!

Taking over has been a headache of a mission, but my dad has been by my side the entire time, though he golfs more now, even though Luca and Frank say he can’t hit a ball if they rolled it toward him.

A lot of the other bosses have started slowing down, saying, why not? The kids that are left slowly are going from middle school to high school, which means they have a lot more free time, which means more vacations and more dumping all the work into our laps.

I don’t care, though. I probably would have years ago, but now it shows that they believe in us—trust us and know we can handle it.

The rest of my friends, brothers, cousins are sprawled around after celebrating my birthday, and I smile.

Today I party.

Tomorrow I potentially kill.

Such a weird life.

Junior comes to my other side and yawns. “I’m too old for shots.”

“You’re in your twenties; you’ll make it,” Valerian says while Maksim slumps to the ground and nods like he agrees with both of them.

Ash makes some weird motion with his hands that looks like he wants more but can’t actually do it, then collapses into the chair. “How late is it?”

“Noon,” Maksim deadpans.

“The hell?” He jumps to his feet.

“That was fun.” Maksim and I pound fists. “It’s midnight, dipshit.”

“Hate everyone.” Ash groans. “How do I already have a headache?”

Valerian snickers while Junior groans again.

Tank’s the only one still able to hang as he shows Kartini funny TikToks. Then again, he’s probably just drunk off sex, I know I saw them sneak off earlier, and his tie is still missing, the bastard.

Del locks eyes with me across the room and then saunters over, looking sober as hell.

How? When I want a giant nap?

She shoves the guys away, crawls up onto my lap, and whispers in my ear, “Happy birthday…”

“Thanks, sweetheart…”

“Oh, I wasn’t finished.” She says, tugging at my shirt.

I’m ready to shove everyone out of my house when she leans in again, her teeth tugging at my ear. “It’s twins.”

I laugh her off. “Oh, these.” I drunkenly reach for her boobs only to have her bat my hands away and shake her hands, then pull out two of those blue cigar candies.

“Twins,” I repeat.

“Congratulations.” Her smile is perfection. “Dad.”