Pain like I’ve never known sweeps through me like a roaring fire, lighting up my blood in an attempt to singe my soul. I don’t know if I can breathe. I don’t know if I can do anything but stay in that position with Del behind me and Maksim in front, gripping my hand.

“Leave,” Del says in a harsh whisper. “Leave them.”

Nobody blinks; they simply get up and start walking out. Del is the last to go; she puts a hand on my shoulder and whispers. “I’ll be right outside.”

“Okay.” It’s all I can really get out.

The minute the door closes behind her in a soft click, Maksim is pulling me into his arms and holding me.

I lose everything.

I’ve lost everything.

I sob into his arms, and he holds me against his chest even though my tears don’t make anything better.

“Come on, Dad, I’m super strong, just like you!” I laughed and tossed the football into the air, then tackled him to the ground.

With a grunt, he shoved me off and glared. “Wanna fight fair?”

“Oh, please.” I laugh. “You’re an old man now.”

“Old man? Old man?” He looked ready to murder me; his eyes narrowed. “You’re only sixteen, you little shit, so come at me!”

I do.

Because I was sixteen and a little shit.

I ran full speed toward him, then tackled him to the ground, not realizing that he let me until he pinned me to the ground and pulled my arm around so I couldn’t reach him, his knee digging into my thigh. “Do you give?”

“Never!” I announced with a laugh.

He shoved me away. “Should I give you five seconds to make a run for it?”

“NO!” I yelled. “Last time, I nearly broke my arm!”

“You were fine; it was a flesh wound.” He ruffled my hair. “You’re getting too tall, too arrogant—”

“Too good looking?” I added in.

“Don’t push it.” He pulled me to my feet then shoved me, only to trip me. “Sorry, bad habit.”

“And I’m the little shit.”

“Language.” He pointed at me. “Just don’t tell your mom.”

“Our family.” We started walking. “And all our fun secrets.”

He suddenly grabbed my arm. “You have to accept that you will always be blanketed by them, but you’ll also be blanketed in love. If you learn nothing else, know that family is everything, blood is everything, no matter what happens.” He swallowed and then said, “Until it ends.”

“Come on.” I shoved him. “It won’t end. We have the great Tex Campisi as our leader, and he’s not afraid of shit.”

Dad looked away. He always made eye contact when we talked, so it was strange that he would look away. I remembered the moment I finally realized that he wasn’t invincible when he whispered, “Nobody lives forever.”

“You will,” I insisted. “Right?”

He put his arm around me and held me close as we walked toward the house. “I’ll try, son, I promise you one thing, I’ll try with everything I have—to live, for you, for Mom, for these Families. I’ll try to live.”

I nodded and, for some weird reason, added, “Until it ends.”

He stopped, turned me toward him, and repeated, “Until it ends.”

“How long?” I ask Maksim.

He hasn’t stopped holding me, his grip tight. “Nikolai is on the jet right now. We just need a miracle. We need him to wake up.”

I pull away. “Then we need to give him something to wake up to. To be proud of.”

Maksim stands and helps me to my feet. “What did you have in mind, brother?”

“I’m going to find out who tried to kill him—who wants to kill me—and I’m going to end everything. Rules state he’s no longer the Capo. I’m not going to be a stand-in. I’m officially taking over.”

Maksim’s eyes widen. “He’s still alive though—”

“It’s what Dad would want.” I lift my chin. “So, make the preparations. Tonight, I become the official leader of the Families.”


“Tell Ash, tell everyone,” I say. “They have one choice, and I need every single part of the Campisi power to understand what’s been going on. Make an announcement, you’re either with me or against me. Make the ceremony tonight.”

Maksim nods slowly. “Okay. Okay.”

He doesn’t move though.

I wait for him to argue, but he simply walks toward me and pulls me against his chest. “I’m proud of you.”

“You trying to make me cry again, you bitch?”

He shoves me away. “And there he is. I was worried for a minute.”

I laugh and slap him on the back. “I’m always here; I just needed a reminder of why and what I’m fighting for.”

“Him,” Maksim says. “And our future.”

“Nobody ever said ruling was easy,” I say under my breath.

“It’s why he chose you,” Maksim says. “Never forget that.”

He opens the door.

Del, as promised, is sitting in front of it and nearly falls onto our feet, she looks exhausted, so I help her up and tilt her chin toward me while Maksim walks away.