“Son of a bitch!” The person yells. “How the hell did this happen? Who did this?” It sounds like King. Is it, though? Is it?

I get traded into different arms that feel familiar, and I recognize that they’re Roman’s; at least that’s what they feel like and smell like, his arms.

Why do I want to be somewhere else?

More yelling on King’s part.

And then everything goes dark.

I wake up in a gasp next to King on the bed and Roman on the floor. Both of them are out, and Tiffany, bless her soul, is up and standing at the door looking at her phone and smirking.

“You’re up.” She doesn’t look away from her phone. “Try to go back to sleep; I’ve got this.”

I open my mouth to tell her to rest when she raises her hand for me to stop. “Girl, I have at least ten more minutes of this game left where I’m going to kick ass, don’t piss me off by distracting me. Sleep and enjoy the time between two super-hot guys.”

I look down at Roman then over at King. “It feels weird.”

“Lucky, wish I felt that weird,” she jokes. “Sleep.”

I lie back down and try not to think about what happened or how it did, along with realizing that yeah, I’m sleeping with King by my side and Roman by my feet.

With a deep breath, I close my eyes as King’s arm comes around and pulls me close. I feel safe then, so safe, my eyes flutter closed just as they lock on Roman sleeping on the floor, his filled with concern and jealousy before closing again in sleep.

I don’t move, maybe even all night.

Someone tried to hurt me.

But right now, I know I’m safe.

At least for now.

I let myself succumb and wake up hours later with King pressed up against my ass so hard and ready that I want to warn the room. Everyone’s gone though, it’s just us, me and him, and his super hard dick, and I want to tear the world down. I want to feel him against me, inside me.

I look around again, feeling guilty, then slowly reach behind myself and grab his length.

He groans and pumps into my hand—and I let him. I take control and guide him right where I want him between my legs, inside me right away.

With a curse, he thrusts into me, his arms wrapping around my body, holding me so close I can barely breathe. We start to move in sync. I need this, I need him, I need this.

My head falls back against his chest as he fucks me from behind. I let go of everything and just accept this moment, and it’s everything I needed and wanted.

I demanded it, actually.

My body at least did.

My brain is still at war.

He moves slowly, then fast, increasing his speed as he gets closer and closer to finishing taking me right along with him. My body moves against him like it has no brain of its own, and then we’re both there. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me back. My lips part on a cry as we both come apart.

I open my eyes.

And sitting there, where I hadn’t seen him, awake.

Is Roman.

Chapter Thirty

“Just because you can’t understand something, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong!”—The Sword in the Stone


I had no clue he was still in the room. Maybe it was meant to be this way, but the minute I felt her freeze, I knew.

I pull away from her as quick as I can, ready to remind him that I’m still within my rights in this now, four-day fucking fiasco when he looks away and gets up from his spot on the floor. “I’ll go do a perimeter check with Tiffany.”

Shit. I have no words, so I just say, “Yeah.” Like an idiot.

“Yeah,” I say again.

He walks toward the door then looks over his shoulder. “Maybe don’t do that again when I can hear the screams.”

“Noted.” I smile but feel like shit because, yeah, do I want him to know how much I want her? One hundred percent, but I don’t want to be the dick that does it feet away from him!

The door closes, and I finally pull away from Del. I’m ready for her to yell at me, to tell me how inappropriate it was, blah, blah, blah.

Instead, she turns and clings to me, her hand on my chest, her body crushed against mine. “That was awkward.”

I bark out a laugh. “Yeah well, it’s bound to happen at least once when he’s your bodyguard.”

“Why’d you do it?” she asks.

“Sex?” I guess and freeze at the same time.

She smacks me on the chest. “No, why did you make him mine?”

My smile is sad. I can feel the sadness growing in my chest as I answer because the only thing I can focus on is she said mine.