“So where is she?” he speaks up again, and I point to the door of the playroom.

Using my key card to unlock the door, I take a deep breath. What I’m about to do will fill me with jealousy and dark intent. But I have to go through with it - it’s part of Tallulah’s punishment. I know being seen exposed will leave her feeling vulnerable, and that’s exactly what I want. For my angel to be pliable in my hands.

She looks up from her position, which hasn’t changed. Her eyes widen at the sight of the men that are filling the room now. She’s probably imagining the worst right now, and I will not correct her. Let her be scared. She fucking deserves it for her rude behavior.

“Well, gentlemen, meet my newest little toy.” I smirk at her crestfallen face. “But she might as well be a trophy. Heath and Rain’s daughter.”

“She doesn’t look much like her father,” a man remarks, looking me straight in the eyes. “You sure that whore didn’t sleep around?”

“Who knows?” I laugh out loud while Tallulah screams in her restraints.

“Get me out of here!”

“Behave, angel.” I deliver a soft spank against her ass, making her whimper. I know exactly what I’m doing to her. Every move I make is designed to make her more desperate, more willing to eventually obey me. “Why don’t we bring your special friend in here? Your guard. Antonio, get the fuck in here.”

Julio blanches and calls his brother into the room. The younger guy pales as he glances at Tallulah before quickly averting his gaze. I laugh out loud at him, grabbing his shoulder. His arm is still in a sling.

“So what do you think, chico? She’s a pretty piece of meat, isn’t she?”

He shrugs listlessly, avoiding eye contact.

“Oh, come on, Antonio,” I keep going, my darker side coming to play out. Besides, I’m fucking eager to catch the bastard in a lie. He’s handsome, too handsome and young to be hanging around my girl. I’m just looking for a reason to send a bullet through his skull, to be honest.

I catch Julio worriedly staring at us, but it only encourages me. I pull Antonio to stand in front of Tallulah, and he closes his eyes, so he doesn’t have to see her.

“Come on, pendejo,” I smirk. “We’re all friends here. You don’t want to look at my property? That’s fucking rude, chico. I want you to tell me how beautiful my little toy is.”

“Si, cabron,” Antonio mutters.

“Yes, what? You think she’s beautiful?”

He shifts positions, clearly uncomfortable. Tallulah whimpers while Julio steps forward. I know he’s going to try to placate me, but it won’t fucking work. I want his brother’s head on a silver fucking platter, sent to Tallulah’s room along with her lunch, as a sign of my devotion.

My head is spinning with thoughts that feel like I’m losing my goddamn mind. I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with punishing Antonio for something he hasn’t even done. Fuck. Tallulah is getting under my skin.

For a while, when she was still a little girl, I believed she erased the cruelty from my system.

As I stare at her naked body now, I know it just lay dormant while she was a little girl.

And now all my pent-up dark desires are bubbling to the surface... And Tallulah will be the one to pay.

Chapter 8


“Aren’t you going to look at her?” Xavier taunts Antonio, nodding toward me. “You’re supposed to protect her, and you won’t even look at the girl to make sure she’s okay. Shouldn’t you be checking in with her, chico?”

Antonio still refuses to look at me, knowing full well Xavier would punish him for so much as glancing in my direction. But now my guardian is growing impatient. I can tell he’s itching for a punishment, and if it won’t be Antonio he’s after, it will surely be me.

I feel the eyes of all of Xavier’s partners on me. Why is he so focused on the guard? All the others are looking at me. But it seems as if Antonio has piqued Xavier’s interest. He must have something against him. I know the guard’s broken arm didn’t come from nowhere. I shiver at the thought of what Xavier is capable of.

“Useless,” Xavier finally mutters before I speak up, getting everybody’s attention.

“Please, Antonio,” I whisper, my timid voice breaking over the words. “Please help me. He’s hurting me.”

I can tell by the guard’s worried face I’ve gotten his attention. But he does nothing, doesn’t so much as glance at me - he just abruptly walks out of the room.

“Feeling brave today, are you, angel?” Xavier growls, not commenting on Antonio’s premature departure. “I would suggest you stop asking others for help, because it’s useless. The only one who’s able to show you mercy is me... and I have no plans of going easy on you.”