“Okay. I’ll start loading the truck.”

“Thank you,” Siân whispers, then rises on her toes to plant a kiss on my lips.

The asshole in me takes over, and I wrap my arms around her waist, keeping her in place. As I continue to kiss her, I maneuver us so that I can watch Kyla from over Siân’s shoulders. She locks eyes with me, and I’ll give her props for trying to stand her ground and not look away, but in the end, my stare rattles her. Kyla can sense the threat in my gaze. I know because she falters and drops her chin to her chest while awkwardly rubbing at her wrist.

Finally, I release my hold on Siân and watch the sway of her plump ass on the way up the stairs. When she’s out of sight, I step out onto the porch and load the stack of boxes onto the back of the rental. It doesn’t take me long to get through that pile before I move back into the living room. And as I pass Kyla, who has yet to budge from her spot in the center of the room, she sucks her teeth in my direction. My jaw ticks, but for Siân’s sake, I ignore the slut.

“I’m on to you,” she claims.

I chuckle and continue toward the box I set on the coffee table a few seconds ago. The air around me changes, and I know it’s because she’s directly behind me.

“So, you get off on preying on innocent girls? Someone weak you can control?”

I take my time picking up the box, still choosing to keep quiet.

“I know what you’re up to.”

I chuckle, swipe my thumb over my nose, and slowly face her. “And what’s that?”

“I’m not going to let you hurt my friend. I can’t put my finger on it, but you’re not who you’ve been claiming to be, and I’m going to find out what you’re hiding. And when I do, I’m going to the cops.”

“As if you can actually protect her. Tell me, Kyla, what’s really bothering you?” I ask and inch forward, causing her to stumble backward. “Is it really Siân’s safety that concerns you? Or is it that you want to fuck me for yourself?”

“What?” She frowns. “You’re fucking crazy.”

“That is your MO, right? Or was I imagining things when I saw the way you looked at Taj that night? The way your face lit up when he walked into the room, and how your heart broke when he went straight for Siân.”

Kyla takes several steps away from me until her back is pressed into the wall. Trapped with nowhere to go, Kyla glares up at me with a breath caught in her throat. I can see the tightness in her chest as she tries to find words.

I could give it all away, call her bluff right here and now, but then I’d be giving away my position, and Siân will know that I’ve been stalking her all along. Stalking is such an ugly word. I wouldn’t call it that at all, especially when all I’ve been doing is monitoring what’s mine.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” She sidesteps to get out from between me and the wall.

I stare at her for a second. “Then why are you so nervous?”

Kyla pushes me away, putting her hands on me for the second time today. I don’t think, and the next thing I know, the box falls from my grip, something inside shattering the moment it contacts the dingy hardwood floors. My right hand is around her throat in the blink of an eye as I slam her into the wall. Kyla’s lids flutter closed when her head smacks the hard surface. She wants to scream, but her voice is trapped under my vise-like grip.

“Watch your-fucking-self. You don’t want to know the lengths I’ll go. Stay in your place, or next time, fix your whore mouth to threaten me—” I squeeze even harder, my heart racing at the sight of the fear building on her face. Leaning in, I press my mouth to her ear. “I’ll rip your tongue out and suffocate you with it.”

A shudder rips through her body as she tries to get away. Kyla claws at my forearm, fighting to get free. It all happens over a few seconds, and now I’m enjoying watching the color drain from this skank’s face. Serves her right and should teach her to never test my limits.

The sound of Siân’s footsteps descending the stairs snaps me out of my anger-induced haze. “Did something just fall?” Siân asks when she reaches the landing, just as I let go of her friend with a jerk.

“Ah, yeah. Sorry, I lost my grip on the box from the kitchen,” I say while bending down to pick it up. “I’m pretty sure something broke.”