I wish I knew whether my heart was racing out of excitement or apprehension.



I can hear them fighting from the sidewalk, Kyla’s voice ringing the loudest. She’s angry. Today Siân moves in with me, and by the high-pitched screams, I’d say Kyla isn’t on board with this plan. But fuck her. Siân is mine, and she belongs with me.

The door is wide open, and a stack of boxes line the left side of the creaky porch. I shake my head, slightly repulsed by the condition of this house. On the inside, the girls did a decent job to make it as liveable as possible, but someone has clearly neglected the exterior over the years. I wonder if it’s the owners who have failed to take care of the property or the lack of homemaking skills possessed by Kyla and Siân. I never noticed it before, not from this side of the house, anyway. When I snuck in through the back, it was obvious no one cared for the property, but the other times I was here, I guess I looked past just how run-down it is. This is even more reason to get her the hell out of this place. Any woman of mine deserves to live in the lap of luxury.

I take the stairs two at a time and broach the doorway. Just when I’m about to knock on the frame to alert them of my arrival, Kyla, who’s standing at the entrance of the kitchen, turns in my direction. She lets out a huff, a grimace plastered to her face as she looks me up and down. Her nostrils are flared, and it’s no secret she doesn’t like me. I noticed that fun fact the night the cops were here, and from the moment I met her, I knew I’d hate her guts. But it was learning about her betrayal of Siân that drove the nail in the coffin.

I haven’t quite figured out what to do with that tidbit of information yet, so I’ve been holding on to the details, waiting for the perfect time to blow this shit up. It’s my secret weapon of sorts, a card tucked snugly up my sleeve until the perfect time.

Kyla inches forward, stopping directly in front of the entrance. “She’s not going with you,” she snips and widens her stance with her arms folded across her chest.

It’s funny, and I force the laughter that threatens to spill past my lips back down. Does she really think she can stop me from leaving here with what’s mine? She can try, and I’ll snap her fucking neck right where she stands. If I want in, I’ll get in. If I want Siân with me, she will be with me. And no barely one-hundred-sixty-pound bitch will stop me.

Siân peeks her head out around the corner, her face lighting up at the sight of me. Something happens in my chest in reaction to her response to seeing me. A warmth, an entity so foreign, creeps through my veins and sends my heart racing. What is she doing to me?

“Seriously, Kyla. Let him in,” Siân yells, then finally comes into view, carrying a small box.

I twist past Kyla and rush to Siân’s aid, taking that box from her grasp. “Let me handle that for you. Did you want me to load this and what’s on the porch on the bed of the rental truck?”

Siân smiles and rubs a hand over my bicep. “Yes, please. I have some things to bring down from my room, but most of my kitchen items and clothing are already boxed and outside.”

I nod. “I told you we didn’t need any of that. We can buy all new things.”

She lets out a breath as her eyes lock with mine. “I know, and I told you I’m not going to let you buy me all new things.”

I inch forward, the box bridging a gap between us. “And what have I told you about questioning how I spend my money?”

Her chest heaves, her eyes glossing over with appreciation. “That I’m worth every penny.”

“Exactly. So, what do you say we leave all this shit here and start over—just me and you?”

Siân is quiet for a beat to contemplate my words. The truth is, we won’t be staying in this piece of shit town. We both belong in Italy, so I’m taking her back the first chance I get. I hate this fucking country and have been here way longer than I intended.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?” Kyla blurts out behind me, her voice laced in vehemence.

Siân nods and licks her dry lips. “Okay. But I at least want to donate my things.”

“Whatever you want,” I concede.

“Siân, you can’t truly be falling for this. Are you so dickmatized that you can’t see he’s playing you?” Kyla bumps me, sending me back a bit to plant herself between us.