“Well, that’s a bit wild.”

“I’m a baseball-playing nerd. I’ve never admitted that before.”

“That somehow makes you hotter.”

“Does it?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Where have you been all my life?”

“I think I was literally right down the street, but I’m like ten years younger than you.” I giggle.

“There’s that.”

We end up talking most of the night, only interrupted when my stomach growls. We order a pizza, pepperoni, and mushroom, both of our favorites, and continue talking. Between talking and making love, we stay up all night.

In the morning, I pull on his t-shirt, leaving a sleeping Javier, and go out into the kitchen. I intend to make breakfast for my man, but when I get out there, I’m startled by an older woman loading groceries into the fridge.

“Oh crap, you scared me,” I say, clutching my chest.

“Dios mío,” she says. “Who are you?”

“I’m Carnie, uh, Javier’s friend.”

“Friend, huh? I’m his mama.”

“Oh my God, Mrs. Hernández. It’s so nice to meet you,” I say, fiddling with the edge of the t-shirt.

“Please call me Amrita. I’ve never met one of Javi’s girls before. This is weird.”

“Um, yes,” I say, agreeing with her.

“I do his shopping. That’s weird too, isn’t it?”

“No. Of course not. It makes sense. He’s on the road a lot during the season.” She nods, and that seems to be that. She’s really nice and not making a big deal about a half-naked girl in her son’s kitchen.

“Would you like some coffee?” she asks, going over to the coffee pot. He must have it set to brew at a specific time.

“Yes. Please. I was just going to make Javier some breakfast.”

“We can make it together.”

We decide on omelets and bacon. That’s his go-to breakfast. While the bacon is sizzling away in the pan, he comes into the kitchen wearing a pair of shorts.

“Hey, mama,” he says, coming over to me. He kisses me on the cheek. “Good morning, baby,” he says. His accent makes me shiver.

“Hello, son. I was just getting to know your delightful friend.”

“She’s more than a friend, mama. She’s going to be my wife.”

“Wife?” She and I both say at the same time.

“Yes,” he says simply, grabbing a piece of bacon from the pan. He eats it nonchalantly like he didn’t just stop the world from spinning.

I’m totally in love with this man, and I’m gonna marry him one day.



three months later

I’ve been on the road for three weeks straight, and I miss Carnie. City after city, I’ve had to make do with nightly video chats with her. Currently, I’m in a Las Vegas hotel room. I'm exhausted after a win that didn’t take place until after four extra innings. Is it crazy that I don’t like hanging out with my teammates? They are off doing whatever it is that they do when we are on the road. They stopped asking me if I wanted to go with them a long time ago. I could be down in the casino, but gambling my hard-earned money isn’t my idea of fun. My fucking arm is killing me. I threw at least 140 pitches today without relief. I know that I can’t keep doing this. A hot shower helps, but I need Carnie’s magic touch. She doesn’t travel with the team, so I pop some ibuprofen and order some room service. A little while later, there’s a knock at the door. Opening it, I come face to face with Carnie. I wasn’t expecting her but fuck, am I glad to see her. I missed her more than I thought I did.

“Surprise!” she shouts, lunging at me. She clings to me like she hasn’t seen me in years instead of mere weeks. I cling to her as well. I really did miss her.

“I was just thinking about you. I love you so much,” I say.

“You do? That’s the first time you’ve said that” she says, looking confused.

“It is?” Surely, I’ve said that before. Thinking back, I realize that I haven’t.

“Nope. That was the first time.”

“Well, I definitely love you, Carnie. More than I ever thought possible.” Despite not knowing her for very long, I can’t imagine my life without her.

“I love you too,” she says. Leaning down, I kiss her just as the room service gets here. I sign for it and tip the guy, closing the door behind him.

“Want to split my dinner with me?”

“Sure,” she says, setting her purse and overnight bag down on the chair. After eating, we end up in bed. After making love to her, I lean my head on her chest, still buried inside of her.

“Marry me, now,” I demand, flexing my hips. I’m not above using my cock to get what I want from her.

“Yes,” she moans. I grin and fuck her even harder. I’d be surprised if we didn’t get a noise complaint as the headboard slams into the wall on every thrust of my hits. Afterward, we get dressed and go down to the hotel’s wedding chapel. She’s wearing a hot pink knee-length dress and black high heels, and I wear the only suit I brought with me, the one I have to wear when traveling with the team. After a short wedding ceremony, we are married, officiated by a man dressed up as Gandalf.