But its hair he should be pulling back with as he fills me from behind… Hair I toss back as we both—

But there I go again. Fantasy versus reality, and it’s only me holding us back so far. Not Reeve.

“I gotta go organize this suit for the rehearsal anyway,” he says after a while, reminding me I need to have the dress altered again too.

Flushing with embarrassment, I let Reeve know. Still ashamed I can’t ever seem to fit into the damned thing.

Reeve looks confused. Genuinely not understanding why the dress won’t fit me.

“I’ll have a word to them,” he says with authority, sending a wave of mild panic through me.

“It’s just the bodice thing this time,” I explain quickly. “I think the lacing just needs to be longer.”

Reeve nods, but it’s clear he’s still thinking.

All the wedding party outfits are from the same place, so it’s a no-brainer to get it all done together.

“Maybe we can grab some lunch too? I’m starved,” he suggests, but I have to ask about the rest of his day.

He’s as busy as Rhys from what I gather, and Rhys works at least twelve hours a day, every day.

But Reeve only smiles, pulling me closer.

“Don’t worry about me, Piper. I’ve got the situation well in hand,” he says, smiling at his own comment and making me shiver with desire again as I look up at him.

“I’ll change. Take all this off.” I motion to my face, but he only shrugs. Telling me I’m perfect just the way I am, I don’t need any makeup.

“You always say the nicest things.” Still not used to compliments.

“I always tell the truth,” he retorts, snatching another quick kiss from me. Like he needs something to tide him over until the next one.

“Maybe after the rehearsal… we can go someplace. Just the two of us?” I suggest shyly.

His deep growl and sly smile let me know it’s exactly what he’s been thinking too.

A mild panic rises in me, but it’s dwarfed by my need for him.

One step at a time, Piper. Like he said… Just be yourself. It’s Reeve, remember? He’s not like other guys.

He’s a real man for starters. Most boys my age are just that. Little boys.

“You drive stick?” he asks, suddenly looking serious as he breaks my train of thought.

“Uh… I guess. I only have a learner’s permit though,” I almost choke, not sure what he means exactly.

But the feeling of the thick leather key fob he presses into my hand explains everything.

“Then you can drive,” he says with a smile, making me gulp loudly.

“I couldn’t… I mean… It’s huge,” I tell him. Meaning his truck.

“Only one way to learn,” he tells me, not even trying to hide the mischievous wink he gives me.

Letting me know it’s not just his huge truck I’ll need to learn to handle if I’m gonna be his.

Letting me know with a gentle squeeze of his hand on mine that I won’t be a learner for much longer either.

Not if Reeve has anything to do with it.

“I guess you’re right,” I say aloud, feeling nothing but confident whenever Reeve is right by my side.

A thrill of excitement and just enough terror runs through me to push me into action.

Mom never lets me drive her car, and reminds me every chance she gets just how expensive the lessons are on her salary. Especially now that she’s taken a break from work because of the wedding.

“Rhys offered to teach me once,” I say, grabbing my things before we leave, noting Reeve’s instant dark look.

“Oh he did, did he?” he asks gravely. Instantly protective of me.

“But it never happened,” I’m quick to explain. “He’s always too busy.”

Reeve seems satisfied again, and after running me through the basics of what looks like the cockpit of a stealth jet, I’m bunny-hopping then stalling and re-starting his huge truck down our street in no time.

Reeve gives me clear and patient directions the whole time, telling me to circle the block until I get a feel for it.

An hour and a half later, we’re on our way to the bridal store with Reeve promising lunch once we’re done.

Reeve is right. He does tell the truth, and after a quiet word with the owner of the bridal store, I’m re-fitted and so is he.

“I dunno what you said, but they did a lightning-fast job on these,” I comment. Glancing back at the pile of garments swinging from the rear seat grab bars of his truck.

He only shrugs, and I can tell that although a Marine is always truthful, it doesn’t always mean they tell all every time either.

After our fitting and the best lunch ever at a diner that stretches near enough to dinner time, we both need to get changed and get to the church.

Both of us are fully aware of my idea to go someplace after the rehearsal, with Reeve, only shooting me intense looks as I drive us.