I’m not the type to break down and cry easily, but there are tears in my eyes right now. Hearing the two most important people in my life talk so openly, so sweetly, and in a way that brings the three of us together makes me feel like everything is falling into place. A few weeks back, my life was strictly average. Now, I have everything I’ve ever dreamed of and more. Joshua’s eyes linger on Logan’s face for a minute and he sniffs. I’ve never seen him cry either, but I think right now, he’s close. After all, Logan’s speech was pretty moving. Joshua clears his throat and raises his glass, probably to stop himself from breaking down.
“Wait,” I say, raising my own glass. “I want to say something too.”
I feel a little nervous as they both turn their attention to me. I’ve never been one for speeches. I usually leave those to Joshua. But I’m a new woman now, and I want to share my thoughts with the table. I smile at them both.
“I never thought there would be another moment where we were all together,” I tell them honestly. “I really thought I had broken everything beyond repair. I’ve had moments over the past few weeks where I’ve hurt your feelings,” I nod to Joshua, “or where I’ve neglected to trust you,” I nod to Logan, “and I know now how wrong that was. I appreciate you both more than you can possibly know. You have both shown me sides to myself that I didn’t know existed, both good and bad. Through you both, I’m learning more about myself. But I know most of all that you are both people that I will always love unconditionally. You have made me who I am today…and I’d like to toast to the future I hope we will all have in each other’s company.”
“Hear, hear,” Logan says, raising his own glass. Joshua smiles and clinks his glass against both of ours. In this moment, I know everything has worked out perfectly. I know for sure that everything is going to be okay. And I know I have everything I could ever want.
It’s late when Logan and I get back to his apartment. Although these days, it kind of feels like our apartment. I spend most of my evenings here, and I’ve become so relaxed here, that I treat it like my own place. Of course, it’s a huge step up from the apartment I’m renting, but there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be here. Logan and I are already looking for options of living together. Some might say it’s too early, but I disagree. When you want something with all of your heart, why should you hold back?
Logan’s arms slip around me and he pulls me in close to his body. He kisses my neck gently and I sigh at his touch. I’ve had a few glasses of wine, and it’s safe to say I’m feeling it, but I’m not drunk. Just happy. Just right.
“That was perfect,” Logan says. “I’m really, really glad we could get back on track with Joshua. I know how important it is to you…and to be honest, it means a lot to me as well.”
“I know it does,” I say gently. Logan hasn’t really expressed it much, but I know how much he’s missed Joshua. He’s a social creature with few friends that he can trust. Of course he has me, but nothing can replace the bond of friendship between two men who are close to one another. I know that being back in touch with his best friend will make him even happier than he is now, and for that reason, I’m even happier we had this meet-up.
“I’ll be back in a moment,” Logan informs me, kissing my cheek. “Make yourself comfortable.”
I sit down on the sofa and stare out of the window at the city that I adore. It feels even more magical now that my heart is alive with love. There are so many romantic movies set in the city and it’s moments like this that I realize why. Among the jungle of high-rise buildings, bright lights and thousands of people, it’s easy to feel lost, but since Logan and I got together, I feel as though I’ve found perfection. I see no reason to want for anything now when I have everything I could ever want.
“Close your eyes, baby,” Logan says as he re enters the room. My back is to him, but I can see his reflection in the window. He’s holding something in his hand, and for some reason, it sets my heart ablaze.
“Just trust me, honey. Trust me.”
I do as he asks. I would trust this man with my life, so why wouldn’t I close my eyes when he asks me to? I have a good feeling about this moment. As my eyes shut, I question what he’s going to give me. Logan has bought me several presents since we’ve been together. Nothing lavish, because he knows I care more about emotional gestures than materialistic items, but right now, I’m sensing he might have gotten me some earrings or something. Whatever it is, I know I will love it.