I wanted to enjoy my life, and I had a feeling, if she was in it permanently, then I would. No matter what happened.

But one thing was stopping me.

Well, two.

“Are you sure?” I asked, my voice rough and low. “Are you sure you want this? Once I start…”

Once I started, I wouldn’t be able to stop.

I didn’t want to give her an out.

But I knew better than to ever force anything on anyone.

If they wanted me in their life, I’d be there. But I wouldn’t be fit into it like Trista tried to do with me.

Sophia didn’t waste timing saying, “I’ve wanted you in my life, in this way, since I was a stupid teenager, Haggard Crow. Yes, I’m sure I want this.”

I didn’t bother to argue with her.

Instead, I pushed myself fully off the bed and started to slide my underwear down the length of my thighs.

When my cock finally popped free of the confines, her eyes widened.

I knew she wasn’t a virgin.

The night I’d learned, after overhearing it between Clem and her as they discussed her losing it, I’d nearly killed someone.

And not even intentionally.

The second time I’d heard them discussing it, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that she’d done it in my hearing range on purpose.

She wanted me to know that she wasn’t going to wait for me.

But she was there for the taking if I only reached for her.

I didn’t reach for her.

But I was reaching for her now.

Bending myself over the bed, I planted two fists on either side of her knees, then crawled up between her thighs.

My cock drug along the comforter, and I winced, knowing the hot swell of her pussy would feel a hell of a lot better than that.

I didn’t stop to allow my cock to drag through her pussy, though, knowing my limits.

If I allowed that, then I’d allow other things.

And other things would turn into bareback sex, and I knew once I had her bare, there really would be no turning back.

I’d never be able to stop myself from gorging myself on her.

From taking her without a rubber ever again.

I’d never had that with anyone, not even my ex-wife. Funny enough, both times Trista had gotten pregnant had been an accident. Condom failure the first time with Clem, and just a straight-up accident the next—no condom failure. At least not visibly anyway.

“What are you thinking so hard on?” she asked, her hands going to my ribcage as I crawled up the length of her body.

I leaned over her, reaching for the side of the bed where I kept the condoms in a box.

I’d not used this particular box of condoms.

Not in my house, and not in my bed.

Trista moved out, and I allowed her to have the bed.

So the only woman that’d been in this bed, was currently looking at me with such need that I had trouble getting a simple cardboard box open.

Clumsy fingers pulled at the box, and eventually I got flustered enough that I just ripped the entire box in half, causing condoms to fly everywhere.

I chose one strip, tossed the rest off the side of the bed, and then ripped a foil packet free, tossing the rest of the strip to the side with the rest of them.

Once I had the foil open, I handed it to her with almost trembling fingers.

She looked at the foil packet, then glanced up at me, before reaching for the condom with shaking fingers.

I sat back on my heels in the bed, my cock so hard and thick that I knew this wasn’t going to last very long.

Her delicate fingers wrapped around my shaft, and I had to close my eyes as sensations started to bombard me.

I closed my eyes and felt as her cool hands smoothed the condom down the length of my cock, hesitating at the thick part in the middle before getting it into place.

We were both panting by the time she was finished.

I opened my eyes in time to watch her flop backward and lift her arms up high over her head. “How do you want me?”

How did I want her? In every single position created, multiple times, until both of us were unable to move.

But tonight, I’d start with the position I’d wanted from her most.

“Turn over and lose the t-shirt the rest of the way,” I ordered.

She licked her lips and started to pull the shirt up her torso, pulling her legs out from between mine before twisting in the bed to get on her hands and knees. Only when she was where she wanted did she lean upward and shuck the t-shirt the rest of the way before going back down onto her hands and looking at me over her shoulder.

I felt my cock twitch at the sight, pulling her backward by the hips until my cock barely kissed her entrance.